Will those who take great pride in casting a vote that doesn't matter vote for nothing again in 2020


Just vote straight Republican no matter who the fuck is running, right snowflake?

You are one of those partisan hack assholes who would vote for Chester the Molester if he had an R after his name. FACT.
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

I voted for Jill Stein which I am sure is the same as Hulk Hogan in your mind. The answer is yes, I will probably vote for Hulk Hogan again if my choices are Trump or any of the more probable DNC nominees.

dont let BL fool you, the candidate he voted for had just as much chance to win his state as the one I voted had to win mine.

I don't know about that...…...if enough people voted Republican in a Blue state (and Democrats voted in a Red state)…..it could possibly turn the tide. It may take several election cycles, but it could happen

And I say that because the county I live in had been Blue, but in 2016 turned purple

In Virginia, the GOP has a bigger problem with Libertarians than the DNC does with the Green Party, ad the problem is a deeper one as the Libertarians are fielding more candidates on down-ballot races. The DNC just has to camp out on the DC suburbs of NOVA and try to turn high turn out to win.
Third Party Platform

Guns...leave them alone
Abortion.....leave it alone
Taxes and Spending....Balance them out to eliminate the deficit
Healthcare....Pre existing conditions, public option and more competition
Immigration..long term path to citizenship, expand the wall
Éducation...free Community College and online courses
I don't know about that...…...if enough people voted Republican in a Blue state (and Democrats voted in a Red state)…..it could possibly turn the tide. It may take several election cycles, but it could happen

And I say that because the county I live in had been Blue, but in 2016 turned purple

If enough people voted for anyone in any state they could win the state.

If enough people voted for Johnson, he could have won the state.

If's do not help all that much
Easy there bud...stay tolerant.
Your hindsight is amazing...I voted for a candidate that had a chance in California.
Let me break some news to you...your Hulk Hogan never had a chance...EVER.

your candidate never had a chance to win California, you are fucking stupid if you think he did.

There are a number of counties that swing in Mexifornia...why isn't your third party represented in the map?


Too many brainwashed morons like you for that.

So, how many EC votes did Trump get from Cali?
Easy there bud...stay tolerant.
Your hindsight is amazing...I voted for a candidate that had a chance in California.
Let me break some news to you...your Hulk Hogan never had a chance...EVER.

your candidate never had a chance to win California, you are fucking stupid if you think he did.

There are a number of counties that swing in Mexifornia...why isn't your third party represented in the map?


Too many brainwashed morons like you for that.

So, how many EC votes did Trump get from Cali?

haha...I love it...."Sheep", "Statist", "Brainwashed morons" all super cool words that you get to use because you pride yourself on casting a vote that has ZERO chance at making a difference. Plain retardation.
haha...I love it...."Sheep", "Statist", "Brainwashed morons" all super cool words that you get to use because you pride yourself on casting a vote that has ZERO chance at making a difference. Plain retardation.

every insult you throw my way is also true of you. The person you voted for had no chance of winning the state, and winning the state is all that matters in our system. You know this is a fact, you voted for Trump knowing he would not win the state, how is that any differnet than me voting for Johnson knowing he would not win the state?
3rd party voter here. Last 3 elections. Tell me why to pick a major party on this troll post. A powerful third party would strengthen this nation.

Change the voting method... First Past the Post is antiquated and easily manipulated...
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

The second time Barry ran I voted for Johnson because I sure as hell wasn't voting for Obama and I didn't care for Romney.

People will vote for who they like and who they think will work for the country.

I voted for Trump in 2016 and will vote for him again in 2020. Best vote I ever cast.

Trump has done a great job for the country and I wouldn't be surprised if people decided to vote for him. The Dems have no one except crazy idiots and Biden. I don't see any of them beating Trump.
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

We only have one party, the $$$ party

One would thing this evident in our offered choices

3rd party voter here. Last 3 elections. Tell me why to pick a major party on this troll post. A powerful third party would strengthen this nation.
Hey dumbfuck, my vote counted for the exact same amount of electoral votes as yours did. Your vote for a Repub while living in Cali is a vote that does not matter.
I voted for Jill Stein which I am sure is the same as Hulk Hogan in your mind. The answer is yes, I will probably vote for Hulk Hogan again if my choices are Trump or any of the more probable DNC nominees.

I don't know how someone can so be proud to obediently follow a party and vote for it no matter what. I guess the draw of belonging to a group is just too strong.

Obviously, the two parties are pulling further and further apart. And for those of us who don't need to belong to a group, they're both becoming uglier & uglier.

They think their vote counts more than yours. They think it's okay to forgive any sins because the other tribe is even worse. They're the problem, because they're enabling this.
Third parties run from the extreme right or the extreme left

If they ran from the middle, they could win

Actually they won't they will weaken the other candidate who they are closest to thus actually letting the candidate they least like a better chance...
Third parties run from the extreme right or the extreme left

If they ran from the middle, they could win

Actually they won't they will weaken the other candidate who they are closest to thus actually letting the candidate they least like a better chance...

Actually, they would draw votes from the center
Moderate Dems, Moderate Republicans and the big pool of independents

If elected to Congress, they could form a small pool of votes that could move legislation from one side to the other
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

all votes are counted , so all votes matter,,,
3rd party voter here. Last 3 elections. Tell me why to pick a major party on this troll post. A powerful third party would strengthen this nation.
Third parties only ensure the party most opposed to your views will win

well both the dems and repubes are most opposed to my views,,,thats because there is no difference between the two except for rate of decay of the constitution

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