Will those who take great pride in casting a vote that doesn't matter vote for nothing again in 2020

I don't know about that...…...if enough people voted Republican in a Blue state (and Democrats voted in a Red state)…..it could possibly turn the tide. It may take several election cycles, but it could happen

And I say that because the county I live in had been Blue, but in 2016 turned purple

If enough people voted for anyone in any state they could win the state.

If enough people voted for Johnson, he could have won the state.

If's do not help all that much

Neither does sitting on your ass and letting others decide your fate.

IF you want change...…...YOU have to make it happen

and whining about being a minority in a majority isn't going to help
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

I won't vote for a socialist. So Trump is out. It depends on who the Democrats settle on. I'm not hopeful.
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Hey dumbfuck, my vote counted for the exact same amount of electoral votes as yours did. Your vote for a Repub while living in Cali is a vote that does not matter.

Easy there bud...stay tolerant.
Your hindsight is amazing...I voted for a candidate that had a chance in California.
Let me break some news to you...your Hulk Hogan never had a chance...EVER.

If Trump has taught us anything, it's that every candidate has a chance. You "wasted" your vote every bit as much as third-party voters.
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Hey dumbfuck, my vote counted for the exact same amount of electoral votes as yours did. Your vote for a Repub while living in Cali is a vote that does not matter.

Easy there bud...stay tolerant.
Your hindsight is amazing...I voted for a candidate that had a chance in California.
Let me break some news to you...your Hulk Hogan never had a chance...EVER.

If Trump has taught us anything, it's that every candidate has a chance. You "wasted" your vote every bit as much as third-party voters.

Yeah, yeah...you fools run with that. All sane folks will believe you when you tell them Hulk Hogan running Indy has the same odds as Trump running Republican.
BrokeLoser, I guess this thread makes it so easy to see how Americans are hanging themselves and giving the middle finger to their middle class lifestyles that have kept them so comfortable for the last 50+ years.

I can clearly see the future for Americans...and it resembles poverty and suffering for all. About like Cuba, maybe even Venezuela. Spoiled shits that don't appreciate what those before them gave them. This seems to be what too many are more than willing to embrace with their sheer stupidity.

Sad epitaph. The young are royally Fu___ed

"A House Divided Against Itself Will Not Stand....."
Abraham Lincoln
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You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Hey dumbfuck, my vote counted for the exact same amount of electoral votes as yours did. Your vote for a Repub while living in Cali is a vote that does not matter.

Easy there bud...stay tolerant.
Your hindsight is amazing...I voted for a candidate that had a chance in California.
Let me break some news to you...your Hulk Hogan never had a chance...EVER.

If Trump has taught us anything, it's that every candidate has a chance. You "wasted" your vote every bit as much as third-party voters.

Yeah, yeah...you fools run with that. All sane folks will believe you when you tell them Hulk Hogan running Indy has the same odds as Trump running Republican.

Sane folks won't be voting for Trump, so be careful what you argue for.
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Hey dumbfuck, my vote counted for the exact same amount of electoral votes as yours did. Your vote for a Repub while living in Cali is a vote that does not matter.

Easy there bud...stay tolerant.
Your hindsight is amazing...I voted for a candidate that had a chance in California.
Let me break some news to you...your Hulk Hogan never had a chance...EVER.

If Trump has taught us anything, it's that every candidate has a chance. You "wasted" your vote every bit as much as third-party voters.

Yeah, yeah...you fools run with that. All sane folks will believe you when you tell them Hulk Hogan running Indy has the same odds as Trump running Republican.

Sane folks won't be voting for Trump, so be careful what you argue for.

We know who/what are “sane folks” in the eyes of you LefTards and trust me, we know wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, men in dresses, lowlife degenerates, criminals and feminazis DEFINITELY will not be voting for Trump.
Hey dumbfuck, my vote counted for the exact same amount of electoral votes as yours did. Your vote for a Repub while living in Cali is a vote that does not matter.

Easy there bud...stay tolerant.
Your hindsight is amazing...I voted for a candidate that had a chance in California.
Let me break some news to you...your Hulk Hogan never had a chance...EVER.

If Trump has taught us anything, it's that every candidate has a chance. You "wasted" your vote every bit as much as third-party voters.

Yeah, yeah...you fools run with that. All sane folks will believe you when you tell them Hulk Hogan running Indy has the same odds as Trump running Republican.

Sane folks won't be voting for Trump, so be careful what you argue for.

We know who/what are “sane folks” in the eyes of you LefTards and trust me, we know wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, men in dresses, lowlife degenerates, criminals and feminazis DEFINITELY will not be voting for Trump.

LOL - thank you. It's easier when you make my points for me.
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Last year as I sat at the table with my mail-in ballot the choice for US Senator was between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema. My old way would have been to randomly pick anybody else listed. Since over the past 38 years that wasn't getting anywhere I finally gave up. Now in races where I simply don't have a preference, I'll go along with the wife's choice. So Kyrsten Sinema it was. Took almost a week to determine the winner for that office, so it did give me a sense that my wife's votes mattered.

In all likelihood next year she'll produce 2 votes for the Democrat but I doubt that it'll matter this time around.

Good on you for having the sense to cast a vote that you believed had a real chance to matter. It’s a no-brainer for most of us to vote for or against something / someone.
Third parties run from the extreme right or the extreme left

If they ran from the middle, they could win

Actually they won't they will weaken the other candidate who they are closest to thus actually letting the candidate they least like a better chance...

Actually, they would draw votes from the center
Moderate Dems, Moderate Republicans and the big pool of independents

If elected to Congress, they could form a small pool of votes that could move legislation from one side to the other
You're dreaming.

Moderate Democratsvaee non existent. Hard Right now is what moderate used to be.
I’m from NY. The Democratic candidate is going to win and it won’t be close. I could vote for howdy doody and it won’t impact my state at all.
We had record employment under the Great Obama

In fact, Every President can claim record employment due to increases in population
Only one POTUS has the highest black employment % ever.
Highest Latino unemployment % ever.
Highest Female employment in about 1/2; Century.

Highest overall employment % in about 1/2 Century.


Nobody else..
You know who you are...you love to puff up about how you don't vote for the "Parties"...you love to refer to those who do vote for shit that matters as "sheep" and "statists"...you love your government conspiracies and chances are you honestly believe you are way too smart to cast a vote for one of the "parties".
So tell us, will you vote for Hulk Hogan or the like again in 2020?

Hey dumbfuck, my vote counted for the exact same amount of electoral votes as yours did. Your vote for a Repub while living in Cali is a vote that does not matter.

If you believed your state had the potential to swing would it change how you vote...or would you still vote for Hulk Hogan?

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