Will Titter and Youtube be the death of the GOP?



During the last two presidential elections, but McCain and Romney ran as far right as they could. Then when it was time for the general election, they tried to move to the center. But the damage was done. All their whacky positions had been taped and posted.

Especially Romney with his 47% and his "fewer teachers, police and firefighters". His, "You didn't do that alone, the government and your parents helped you", the famous "I happily tortured my dog video", I like to fire people, and so on.

Can you run to the extreme right and then just suddenly turn all positions around 180 degrees?
The GOP is dead now. The real political entertainment will be watching the Democrats fight amongst themselves for power.

No, the death of the GOP is occurring through a combination of channels: The national media, college campuses, Identity Politics, Political Correctness, a rapid decay of the culture, an increase in dependence on government, and the party's own bad decisions and an abject inability to deal with any of the above in any effective way.

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Will Titter and Youtube be the death of the GOP?

If I'm not mistaken our "everything you've ever said or done in public will be on video" culture is a sword that cuts both ways when it comes to partisan politics, since there are just as many "so and so Democrat ate lunch with Satan when he was 12" videos on YouTube as there are videos of "so and so Republican pushing small children over Niagra Falls".

Our politics have become an out of context sound-byte game and sites like YouTube play right into that. One might guess that this state of affairs is a combination of the epidemic of confirmation bias coupled with the fact that most Americans seem to have the attention span of a gnat.

"I try not to spend too much time on partisan politics. Life's too short for that. I don't really believe that there have been many human problems solved by politics." -- Dean Koontz
Will Titter and Youtube be the death of the GOP?

If I'm not mistaken our "everything you've ever said or done in public will be on video" culture is a sword that cuts both ways when it comes to partisan politics, since there are just as many "so and so Democrat ate lunch with Satan when he was 12" videos on YouTube as there are videos of "so and so Republican pushing small children over Niagra Falls".

Our politics have become an out of context sound-byte game and sites like YouTube play right into that. One might guess that this state of affairs is a combination of the epidemic of confirmation bias coupled with the fact that most Americans seem to have the attention span of a gnat.

"I try not to spend too much time on partisan politics. Life's too short for that. I don't really believe that there have been many human problems solved by politics." -- Dean Koontz

It's one thing to create "false" video and another to post videos of what they really believe:

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Will Titter and Youtube be the death of the GOP?

If I'm not mistaken our "everything you've ever said or done in public will be on video" culture is a sword that cuts both ways when it comes to partisan politics, since there are just as many "so and so Democrat ate lunch with Satan when he was 12" videos on YouTube as there are videos of "so and so Republican pushing small children over Niagra Falls".

Our politics have become an out of context sound-byte game and sites like YouTube play right into that. One might guess that this state of affairs is a combination of the epidemic of confirmation bias coupled with the fact that most Americans seem to have the attention span of a gnat.

"I try not to spend too much time on partisan politics. Life's too short for that. I don't really believe that there have been many human problems solved by politics." -- Dean Koontz

It's one thing to create "false" video and another to post videos of what they really believe:
The problem is, many (most?) people can't tell the difference between the two and/or are too intellectually lazy to even try. So when a spurious or out of context video is presented many people upon viewing it just accept its validity without question and that comes to be the sum total of their opinion on the viewpoints/character/history of the target of said video.

Drive by propaganda in the digital age.
The republican primaries will once again be great show. Imagine all the videos of republicans discussing uteri, rape, contraceptives, gay marriage, evolution, weather, doma, dadt, masturbation, sodomy, etc etc and you wonder if the American right has gone mad. It reminds me of sometime around the 15th century when nuns would bath dressed for the body was somehow impure. America's conservatives want a world that disappeared long ago. Modern society is much too complicated for them.
The republican primaries will once again be great show. Imagine all the videos of republicans discussing uteri, rape, contraceptives, gay marriage, evolution, weather, doma, dadt, masturbation, sodomy, etc etc and you wonder if the American right has gone mad. It reminds me of sometime around the 15th century when nuns would bath dressed for the body was somehow impure. America's conservatives want a world that disappeared long ago. Modern society is much too complicated for them.

good gawd, it is YOU liberals who constantly bring up uterius and vaginas, contraceptive as with the Fluke wanting it to free free free, gay marriage, etc..And we don't have to ask if the left has went crazy, just look at the Democrat party and their base of wonder geniuses...:lol:
Will Titter and Youtube be the death of the GOP?

If I'm not mistaken our "everything you've ever said or done in public will be on video" culture is a sword that cuts both ways when it comes to partisan politics, since there are just as many "so and so Democrat ate lunch with Satan when he was 12" videos on YouTube as there are videos of "so and so Republican pushing small children over Niagra Falls".

Our politics have become an out of context sound-byte game and sites like YouTube play right into that. One might guess that this state of affairs is a combination of the epidemic of confirmation bias coupled with the fact that most Americans seem to have the attention span of a gnat.

"I try not to spend too much time on partisan politics. Life's too short for that. I don't really believe that there have been many human problems solved by politics." -- Dean Koontz

Except that we have Romney making the comments on Youtube, not pushing children over the Falls.

See the dif?
The typical democrat voter.

WATCH: Students sign petition to legalize abortion after childbirth

Several students at George Mason University (GMU) signed a petition on Wednesday demanding lawmakers legalize “fourth trimester” abortions.

The petition, which was circulated on GMU’s flagship campus in Fairfax, VA., just outside Washington D.C., by Media Research Center reporter Dan Joseph said it was aimed at sending “a message to our lawmakers that women have the right to choose what to do with their bodies and babies” even “after their pregnancies.”

The face of the democrat party is Weiner, Spitzer and Filner.

The death of the GOP is greatly exaggerated.
The typical democrat voter.

WATCH: Students sign petition to legalize abortion after childbirth

Several students at George Mason University (GMU) signed a petition on Wednesday demanding lawmakers legalize “fourth trimester” abortions.

The petition, which was circulated on GMU’s flagship campus in Fairfax, VA., just outside Washington D.C., by Media Research Center reporter Dan Joseph said it was aimed at sending “a message to our lawmakers that women have the right to choose what to do with their bodies and babies” even “after their pregnancies.”

The face of the democrat party is Weiner, Spitzer and Filner.

The death of the GOP is greatly exaggerated.

Are they planning to remain in hiding for a couple of years ?
You know, the GOP only starts losing when they listen to people like you rdean. When they actually give the people an alternative from the big government progressives, they win in landslides
Now that the democrats are taking a nosedive, they have to at least pretend they aren't.

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