Will trump be forced to use national emergency to build wall

I would think any logical person would deem the flood of Illegal Aliens who contain criminals, potential terrorists, and those that want to scam the system (steal) IS a National Emergency. Glad Trump has the b*lls to see that.
Of course it's a national emergency and democrats just a few years ago were all for a wall and fixing this problem. However, they lost the Presidency in a major upset and they're angry at the American people so we are being punished. That's how small and treacherous the democrat party has become.
It takes a joint resolution of congress to end an emergency declaration. The Senate would not approve that resolution, so Trump would have his emergency. The courts don't have a legal basis to stop Trump if a remedy exists. That would take an activist court, which would lose on appeal. Trump can also find the money, including using seized drug money.
Donald Trump can fund the border wall without congressional approval

Afraid not, and his declared emergency does not allow the arbitrary confiscation of private property to build anything. which would be taken up by the courts, and with the burden of proof being on Trump, would have to successfully prove the case the property would need to be forfeited.

There is never going to be a Trump wall. Except for the one he will be incarcerated behind.

Eminent domain dumbass! Eminent domain.

each case will hafta go thu the courts. trump has a history with trying to use eminent domain & he lost bigley.
The only thing the court can do (legally) is decide whether he used proper procedure or not. If he does (and I"m sure his team will) they really can't stop Trump because there is no definition of a national emergency--only procedural processes.

You said it, so it MUST be true then :rolleyes:

Seems the courts don't care about "legally" anymore. They only care about Political Agenda.
If they always followed the law, would we really be having all these problems?

I think Ray's biggest problem is that he has not yet realized who Trump really is....A New York DEMOCRAT....working primarily for the Establishment.

And possibly the greatest Reality TV actor of all time. "It's gonna be a beautiful wall....beautiful I tell ya".

It's not what I say that matters.

Does a president have legal authority to declare a national emergency?

Yes. A relevant law is the National Emergencies Act of 1976.

The act itself did not give a legal definition for a national emergency, nor did it set specific criteria for declaring one. Rather, it created procedural requirements.

It requires a president to formally submit to Congress and to the Federal Register a declaration of the national emergency; to specify the statutory authorities he or she is invoking; and to renew the declaration every year, or it will automatically expire.

"Even though the Constitution itself grants the president very little in the way of emergency authority, Congress has ceded broad powers to the president that he can invoke merely by claiming that an emergency exists," said Gene Healy, a vice president at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank.

Could Trump declare a national emergency for a border wall?

& it goes on to say it will go to the federal courts.
You should really take the time to read the article you posted. .. :cool:

It basically backs the President's right to declare a National Emergency and build the Wall, and that congress and the courts can't do jack to stop it. ... :thup:

uh - no it doesn't. what it did say was that historically, courts don't usually go against a president's decision to do it - but it does NOT say what you claim. why do you hafta lie? oh, because you are a basket dweller... that's why.
If you think people are hurting by the shutdown just wait until Trump does not get his wall and caravans after caravans enter the US and how much your taxes are going to go up to support them. Anchor babies, mentally and physically disabled, education and ESL classes, and many who will commit crimes and incarcerated at the cost to American taxpayers. What is $5 billion compared to what illegal immigration is already costing taxpayers and $billions more if the borders are not secured? September 2017 report that the federal, state and local costs of more than 12.5 million people in the United States illegally was around $135 billion a year. (up from $113 billion in 2013). WTF are the Democrats drinking. Just wait until Trump grabs Ms. Prissy by you know what. :19:

what a good little talking point pablum spewing deplorable you are.... no wonder trump loves you long time.

Actually there has been an emergency for several years now, except nobody wanted to acknowledge it. Just ask any Angel family. Trump wanted to get this matter settled last month, it was by force he reopen the government and show restraint.

he had 2 years to do it. that will be taken into account.
Anyone advocating the wall fascade want something other than the political system we have, and something other than a potus to lead it.....~S~
uh - no it doesn't. what it did say was that historically, courts don't usually go against a president's decision to do it - but it does NOT say what you claim. why do you hafta lie? oh, because you are a basket dweller... that's why.
Calling someone a basket dweller is racist. ... :eusa_naughty:

Anyway, take off your liberal loon glasses and read the article you posted.

It doesn't help your argument. .... :cool:
uh - no it doesn't. what it did say was that historically, courts don't usually go against a president's decision to do it - but it does NOT say what you claim. why do you hafta lie? oh, because you are a basket dweller... that's why.
Calling someone a basket dweller is racist. ... :eusa_naughty:

Anyway, take off your liberal loon glasses and read the article you posted.

It doesn't help your argument. .... :cool:

i read it. i always read links b4 i post them. your alternative facts aren't worth the time you took to type them.
YES. It has been a humanitarian crisis and a national security crisis with the caravans here and those on the way. We cannot handle that many people and with this, some that will enter will do us harm. Not prepared to vet and process effectively that many people. Most of those in the caravans that entered were released never to be seen again. Also, create a financial crisis and if nothing is done on the border it will be a nightmare we can never fix and recover from because they will keep coming with nothing to stop them. Democrats are an evil entity and a danger to America

There is no basis for a national emergency. White supremacists like you are a evil entity and a danger to America.
Please explain what makes her a white supremacist...
In 21 days President Donald Trump is moving forward building the wall with or without the Democrats

The only outstanding question is whether the Democrats want something or nothing

In 21 days, if someone with a lick of sense doesn't talk him out of it, he'll try to pull this nonsense, but then the courts will slap him down because this is in no way, shape or form an "emergency".

But he'll tell you knuckle-draggers he tried to keep the scary brown people out and you'll love him for it.
You think 2000 crossings a day is acceptable?

Actually there has been an emergency for several years now, except nobody wanted to acknowledge it. Just ask any Angel family. Trump wanted to get this matter settled last month, it was by force he reopen the government and show restraint.

he had 2 years to do it. that will be taken into account.

Taken into account by whom? One more time, the courts do not have the ability to rule whether something is an emergency or not. They can only rule on the constitutionality of the issue or if if the law was followed properly.
The only thing the court can do (legally) is decide whether he used proper procedure or not. If he does (and I"m sure his team will) they really can't stop Trump because there is no definition of a national emergency--only procedural processes.

You said it, so it MUST be true then :rolleyes:

Seems the courts don't care about "legally" anymore. They only care about Political Agenda.
If they always followed the law, would we really be having all these problems?

I think Ray's biggest problem is that he has not yet realized who Trump really is....A New York DEMOCRAT....working primarily for the Establishment.

And possibly the greatest Reality TV actor of all time. "It's gonna be a beautiful wall....beautiful I tell ya".

It's not what I say that matters.

Does a president have legal authority to declare a national emergency?

Yes. A relevant law is the National Emergencies Act of 1976.

The act itself did not give a legal definition for a national emergency, nor did it set specific criteria for declaring one. Rather, it created procedural requirements.

It requires a president to formally submit to Congress and to the Federal Register a declaration of the national emergency; to specify the statutory authorities he or she is invoking; and to renew the declaration every year, or it will automatically expire.

"Even though the Constitution itself grants the president very little in the way of emergency authority, Congress has ceded broad powers to the president that he can invoke merely by claiming that an emergency exists," said Gene Healy, a vice president at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank.

Could Trump declare a national emergency for a border wall?

& it goes on to say it will go to the federal courts.

What it said about going to the courts is that it will likely fail. You're too used of your activist judges legislating from the bench, and they may try again, but the end result is it would only be a stall tactic. From the article:

"Even if the federal courts hear the matter, they may defer to the president's invocation of emergency power," Massaro said, noting the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of the Trump administration in the travel ban case. "Courts are especially deferential when a president claims something is a matter of ‘national security.'"
trump underestimated the speaker. oh - & he is a business man who had several business' go bankrupt - including casinos, that by their very nature, are designed to be a very easy profit making venue.

Really? Trump is the only one to file bankruptcy for a casino.......especially in a recession?

Donald Trump has owned or operated over 500 businesses in his life. He had five bankruptcies; two of them for one business. That means he filed less than one bankruptcy for every 100 businesses he owned or managed. I would call that a pretty good record, and Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy.
And the Courts will slap him down when he tries it, assuming someone in the Justice Department doesn't talk some sense into him before he tries it.
The President can both Constitutionally and legally declare a National Emergency, and the courts can't stop him from building the Wall. ... :cool:
there is no express wall building power and we have no immigration clause.

when is the right wing going to stop wasting tax money but blaming the Poor.

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