Will Trump defy a Mueller subpoena?? OBAMA DID and the press yawned!!

The TV nets have made a lead story out of the mere possibility that Trump will not honor subpoenas, but when obama did the same, the tv nets said cool.

Obama administration defies congressional subpoena on Fort Hood documents

Tuesday, April 27, 2010; 3:00 PM
The Obama administration said Tuesday it would provide more information to Congress about the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a subpoena request for witness statements and other documents.

After days of negotiations, the Pentagon and Justice Department informed a Senate committee that they would not comply with congressional subpoenas to share investigative records from the Nov. 5 shootings at Fort Hood, Tex., which killed 13 people. The agencies said that divulging the material could jeopardize their prosecution of Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan, the accused gunman.

Trump should tell Muller to go pound sand and stick his subpoena up his ass and say he (trump) did so to protect the public interest.
And trumpanzees would support that.
The last thing Mueller wants is Trump before the Grand Jury.

Trump does not have to answer the Grand Jury's questions.

Mueller needs a lie to proceed against Trump. That's the only
thing he can charge him on. He has no collusion case.

When the SCOTUS gets involved they will want to know the crime.

Mueller putting Trump before a Grand Jury is the absolute last thing
Mueller wants to do.
Trump does not have to answer the Grand Jury's questions.
How's that?

He can plead the 5th and for questions when he was already President
he can claim executive privlidge. I doubt the Grand Jury has Top Secret

The Grand Jury would ask the questions to Trump not any lawyer from
Mueller's team.
The TV nets have made a lead story out of the mere possibility that Trump will not honor subpoenas, but when obama did the same, the tv nets said cool.

Obama administration defies congressional subpoena on Fort Hood documents

Tuesday, April 27, 2010; 3:00 PM
The Obama administration said Tuesday it would provide more information to Congress about the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a subpoena request for witness statements and other documents.

After days of negotiations, the Pentagon and Justice Department informed a Senate committee that they would not comply with congressional subpoenas to share investigative records from the Nov. 5 shootings at Fort Hood, Tex., which killed 13 people. The agencies said that divulging the material could jeopardize their prosecution of Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan, the accused gunman.
Congressional supeonas are toothless. Fbi's are not.
Congress can always to court to get a "real" subpoena too.
But they didn't.
Criminal Procedures | USAO-MN | Department of Justice

What is the CHARGE??? And What is the evidence??

That must be presented.........PERIOD..........Again.........WHAT IS THE CRIME?

Tell Mueller to pound sand and FORCE A GRAND JURY..........No perjury trap......

The President doesn't have to answer a thing......5th Amendment still applies..........

So...........Get off the pot Mueller or take a dump.
The TV nets have made a lead story out of the mere possibility that Trump will not honor subpoenas, but when obama did the same, the tv nets said cool.

Obama floated above their earth - and Constitution and Rule of Law - like an ebony socialist globalist eco-/terrorist-supporting/illegal alien-defending god (small 'g') as they worshipped him on their knees.....

Trump is 'one of the people', so he is complete $hit to them... :p

What bullshit you Russians spout.

Obama didn’t collide with Russia to give Putin a free hand in the Crimea, the Ukraine and Syria. This it reminiscent of Neville Chamberlain allowing Germany to annex Austria because the Austrians are ethically and linguistically Germans. Today that’s referred to as The Appeasement of Hitler. It emboldened Hitler to attack Poland. Putin is now taking control of the Middle East, through Assad, and Iran.

Trump has already ceded southern Iran to Assad and the Russians. Somebody bombed the crap out of Assad’s forces. Russia has been very quiet about it all. ISIS claimed credit but they take credit for everything.

We can do conspiracy theories for days on who bombed Assad and why. Who hated him and wants him gone - everyone. Who wants to keep him - no one, I don’t think the Russians want him either but by keeping the war going and coninuing to make more refugees, it’s having a destabilizing effect on Europe. You can’t drive 5,000,000 people from their homes with nothing but what they could carry and just dump them on neighbouring countries with differing societies and expecting this to end well.

Ideally, most refugees can return home but that can’t hapoen with Assad in power and Putin would definitely like the destabilizing effect of the Syrian refugee crisis to continue.

Trump continues to allow Putin to do as he pleases and keeps talking about getting out of Syria. But who bombed Assad?
Mueller subpoenas Trump
Trump ignores subpoena
Mueller charges Trump with obstruction
Trump pardons himself
Case closed.
The last thing Mueller wants is Trump before the Grand Jury.

When the SCOTUS gets involved they will want to know the crime.

...and Mueller doesn't have one....
gotta have a crime.

There’s those conspiracy crimes that Mueller charged the 13 Russian witches and the three Russian covens with back last Fall.

The people who planted the fake news stories about Clinton, which were targeted by Cambridge Analytica data banks and spread by Russian twitter bots, as advertised on WikiLeaks by “I love WikiLeaks” Donald J. Trump. “Please Russia, if you’re listening, please find Hillarys emails”.

Mueller has a lot questions about your campaign’s coordinating with the Russians. 13 of the 49 questions your staff leaked to the New York Times, were about coordination with the Russians.

The underlying crime is the Trump campaign’s coordination with the Russian government. The meeting between Don Jr. and the Russians is the very definition of collusion.
The last thing Mueller wants is Trump before the Grand Jury.

When the SCOTUS gets involved they will want to know the crime.

...and Mueller doesn't have one....
gotta have a crime.

There’s those conspiracy crimes that Mueller charged the 13 Russian witches and the three Russian covens with back last Fall.

The people who planted the fake news stories about Clinton, which were targeted by Cambridge Analytica data banks and spread by Russian twitter bots, as advertised on WikiLeaks by “I love WikiLeaks” Donald J. Trump. “Please Russia, if you’re listening, please find Hillarys emails”.

Mueller has a lot questions about your campaign’s coordinating with the Russians. 13 of the 49 questions your staff leaked to the New York Times, were about coordination with the Russians.

The underlying crime is the Trump campaign’s coordination with the Russian government. The meeting between Don Jr. and the Russians is the very definition of collusion.

Then it's time for Mueller to proceed with Charges.....Trump has a right to know what he is being charged with..........he has no reason to agree to a Perjury Trap.........

Convene the Dang Grand Jury and get on with it..............Then Mueller has to show the dang charges............and Trump doesn't have to testify to Jack Squat.................It is for Mueller to PROOF A TRIAL IS NEEDED..........To do that he needs substancial evidence.............

Trump needs to tell Mueller to charge him with a crime or shut the hell up.

Get on with it............show the proof .........
The TV nets have made a lead story out of the mere possibility that Trump will not honor subpoenas, but when obama did the same, the tv nets said cool.

Obama administration defies congressional subpoena on Fort Hood documents

Tuesday, April 27, 2010; 3:00 PM
The Obama administration said Tuesday it would provide more information to Congress about the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a subpoena request for witness statements and other documents.

After days of negotiations, the Pentagon and Justice Department informed a Senate committee that they would not comply with congressional subpoenas to share investigative records from the Nov. 5 shootings at Fort Hood, Tex., which killed 13 people. The agencies said that divulging the material could jeopardize their prosecution of Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan, the accused gunman.
By now everyone should realize that Mueller is just a bullshitter and has no legitimate grounds to issue a supoena to the President. If he is stupid enough and desperate enough to do so, he will be humiliated and his whole faux investigation will be shut down by the courts.
The TV nets have made a lead story out of the mere possibility that Trump will not honor subpoenas, but when obama did the same, the tv nets said cool.

Obama administration defies congressional subpoena on Fort Hood documents

Tuesday, April 27, 2010; 3:00 PM
The Obama administration said Tuesday it would provide more information to Congress about the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a subpoena request for witness statements and other documents.

After days of negotiations, the Pentagon and Justice Department informed a Senate committee that they would not comply with congressional subpoenas to share investigative records from the Nov. 5 shootings at Fort Hood, Tex., which killed 13 people. The agencies said that divulging the material could jeopardize their prosecution of Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan, the accused gunman.

Trump should tell Muller to go pound sand and stick his subpoena up his ass and say he (trump) did so to protect the public interest.
And trumpanzees would support that.

Read a history book idiot.
The last thing Mueller wants is Trump before the Grand Jury.

Trump does not have to answer the Grand Jury's questions.

Mueller needs a lie to proceed against Trump. That's the only
thing he can charge him on. He has no collusion case.

When the SCOTUS gets involved they will want to know the crime.

Mueller putting Trump before a Grand Jury is the absolute last thing
Mueller wants to do.
bat shit crazy.... '

the LAST thing Trump should do is go before the grand jury....

he HAS TO ANSWER all questions, unless he pleads the 5th, and refuses because he might be at risk of incriminating himself in a crime....

Also, in the grand jury, he can NOT have his lawyers with him to protect him....

Grand jury is the last thing he should want... I know his lawyers do NOT want him to go before the G/J
The last thing Mueller wants is Trump before the Grand Jury.

Trump does not have to answer the Grand Jury's questions.

Mueller needs a lie to proceed against Trump. That's the only
thing he can charge him on. He has no collusion case.

When the SCOTUS gets involved they will want to know the crime.

Mueller putting Trump before a Grand Jury is the absolute last thing
Mueller wants to do.
bat shit crazy.... '

the LAST thing Trump should do is go before the grand jury....

he HAS TO ANSWER all questions, unless he pleads the 5th, and refuses because he might be at risk of incriminating himself in a crime....

Also, in the grand jury, he can NOT have his lawyers with him to protect him....

Grand jury is the last thing he should want... I know his lawyers do NOT want him to go before the G/J
The President will not respond to a subpoena from Mueller and while Mueller will moan and wail about it, that will be the end of it.
The TV nets have made a lead story out of the mere possibility that Trump will not honor subpoenas, but when obama did the same, the tv nets said cool.

Obama floated above their earth - and Constitution and Rule of Law - like an ebony socialist globalist eco-/terrorist-supporting/illegal alien-defending god (small 'g') as they worshipped him on their knees.....

Trump is 'one of the people', so he is complete $hit to them... :p
When was Former President Obama HIMSELF subpoened to testify in front of a Special Counsel?
In the bizarro world of the right wing who sees Putin as our titular leader...........every day!
The TV nets have made a lead story out of the mere possibility that Trump will not honor subpoenas, but when obama did the same, the tv nets said cool.

Obama floated above their earth - and Constitution and Rule of Law - like an ebony socialist globalist eco-/terrorist-supporting/illegal alien-defending god (small 'g') as they worshipped him on their knees.....

Trump is 'one of the people', so he is complete $hit to them... :p
When was Former President Obama HIMSELF subpoened to testify in front of a Special Counsel?
In the bizarro world of the right wing who sees Putin as our titular leader...........every day!
Actually, it is people on the left, such as yourself, who claim Putin is in fact the leader of the US.
The last thing Mueller wants is Trump before the Grand Jury.

Trump does not have to answer the Grand Jury's questions.

Mueller needs a lie to proceed against Trump. That's the only
thing he can charge him on. He has no collusion case.

When the SCOTUS gets involved they will want to know the crime.

Mueller putting Trump before a Grand Jury is the absolute last thing
Mueller wants to do.
bat shit crazy.... '

the LAST thing Trump should do is go before the grand jury....

he HAS TO ANSWER all questions, unless he pleads the 5th, and refuses because he might be at risk of incriminating himself in a crime....

Also, in the grand jury, he can NOT have his lawyers with him to protect him....

Grand jury is the last thing he should want... I know his lawyers do NOT want him to go before the G/J
The President will not respond to a subpoena from Mueller and while Mueller will moan and wail about it, that will be the end of it.

It'll go to the Supreme court or Trump will be impeached for not honoring his oath of office or the Laws of the Nation, and he's committing obstruction of justice.... a felony!

please, have him just try it! ;)
The last thing Mueller wants is Trump before the Grand Jury.

Trump does not have to answer the Grand Jury's questions.

Mueller needs a lie to proceed against Trump. That's the only
thing he can charge him on. He has no collusion case.

When the SCOTUS gets involved they will want to know the crime.

Mueller putting Trump before a Grand Jury is the absolute last thing
Mueller wants to do.
bat shit crazy.... '

the LAST thing Trump should do is go before the grand jury....

he HAS TO ANSWER all questions, unless he pleads the 5th, and refuses because he might be at risk of incriminating himself in a crime....

Also, in the grand jury, he can NOT have his lawyers with him to protect him....

Grand jury is the last thing he should want... I know his lawyers do NOT want him to go before the G/J
The President will not respond to a subpoena from Mueller and while Mueller will moan and wail about it, that will be the end of it.

It'll go to the Supreme court or Trump will be impeached for not honoring his oath of office or the Laws of the Nation, and he's committing obstruction of justice.... a felony!

please, have him just try it! ;)
lol It would go the the Supreme Court and the Court would demand Mueller state what specific crime he is investigating and what evidence has that such a crime was even committed and then tell him he is a disgrace to the legal profession and send him packing.
The last thing Mueller wants is Trump before the Grand Jury.

Trump does not have to answer the Grand Jury's questions.

Mueller needs a lie to proceed against Trump. That's the only
thing he can charge him on. He has no collusion case.

When the SCOTUS gets involved they will want to know the crime.

Mueller putting Trump before a Grand Jury is the absolute last thing
Mueller wants to do.
bat shit crazy.... '

the LAST thing Trump should do is go before the grand jury....

he HAS TO ANSWER all questions, unless he pleads the 5th, and refuses because he might be at risk of incriminating himself in a crime....

Also, in the grand jury, he can NOT have his lawyers with him to protect him....

Grand jury is the last thing he should want... I know his lawyers do NOT want him to go before the G/J
The President will not respond to a subpoena from Mueller and while Mueller will moan and wail about it, that will be the end of it.

It'll go to the Supreme court or Trump will be impeached for not honoring his oath of office or the Laws of the Nation, and he's committing obstruction of justice.... a felony!

please, have him just try it! ;)
lol It would go the the Supreme Court and the Court would demand Mueller state what specific crime he is investigating and what evidence has that such a crime was even committed and then tell him he is a disgrace to the legal profession and send him packing.
Grand Jury............they have to charge Trump with a Crime and prove enough evidence..............What Crime is Mueller Charging him with.........

Please proceed Mueller.........What crime..........

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