Will Trump lose support among veterans due to Bountygate?

You're boy Fingers is so pathetic they have to bring back the Russian thingy. Hahaha. Enjoy the debates with your dementia candidate.

Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?

"No corroborating evidence" seems to have become a logo of the Democrats.

Pentagon says ‘no corroborating’ evidence to stand up NYT report on Russian bounties
The story has been debunked, but please stake the future of the American Taliban Party on it
The story has not been debunked.

Hey Frank stop being a Putin stooge and stick up for America and American lives.

From the American Taliban Ministry of Propaganda

"the source said there was some other information that did not corroborate this view..."

Intelligence on Russian bounty plot was included in the President's Daily Brief earlier this year, source says
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Cant wait for Nov 2020 when this is going to happen again.

Trump values his friendship with Putin over American lives. Yes, Veterans need to see through the hollow words of the Manchurian Candidate.
Why is it the desperation of the liberals rely so much on the Lame Stream Media's constant push for lying about the President, when Joe the Creepy, Sleepy, Groper Biden who hides in his basement is up by 14% points. Are those polls inaccurate?
So, the excuse now being used by tea bagger trumpoholics is there is no proof he read his written security briefing, meaning of which is actually an admission of dereliction of duty and less serious than complete betrayal.
If it turns out that Rump had no knowledge of this, then he need only concern himself with getting to the bottom of this, and acting accordingly...

If it turns out that Rump knew about it, and took no action (public denouncement, sanctions, etc.), then he has definitely lost the Veteran Vote...

And there are one helluva lot of us to deal with...

A Commander-in-Chief who betrays the Armed Forces of the Republic would be voted out of office by a huge majority of loyal Americans - with Veterans leading the way.

If that's what happened...

If it turns out he knew about this or not, he will not lose a single veteran vote.
You are saying that veterans will continue to back Rump even if he knew about the so-called Russian Bounties and did nothing? You are delusional.
If it turns out that Rump had no knowledge of this, then he need only concern himself with getting to the bottom of this, and acting accordingly...

If it turns out that Rump knew about it, and took no action (public denouncement, sanctions, etc.), then he has definitely lost the Veteran Vote...

And there are one helluva lot of us to deal with...

A Commander-in-Chief who betrays the Armed Forces of the Republic would be voted out of office by a huge majority of loyal Americans - with Veterans leading the way.

If that's what happened...

If it turns out he knew about this or not, he will not lose a single veteran vote.
You are saying that veterans will continue to back Rump even if he knew about the so-called Russian Bounties and did nothing? You are delusional.
Says the guys who think a man poking another mans ass is normal and men with tits are women.
So, the excuse now being used by tea bagger trumpoholics is there is no proof he read his written security briefing, meaning of which is actually an admission of dereliction of duty and less serious than complete betrayal.
Yep... the ever-shrinking pool of Orange Baboon worshipers are not - as a collective, anyway - the brightest crayons in the box, especially at damage-control. :cool:
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
I see the problem. It was a WRITTEN briefing. Trump doesn't do reading. He watches his favorite news hacks and only writes what can fit in a Tweet.
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Cant wait for Nov 2020 when this is going to happen again.

Who the fuck is leaking this?
...Says the guys who think a man poking another mans ass is normal and men with tits are women.
1. please stop projecting your sexual aberrations on your fellow posters, my little Internet fruit-loop

2. your ad hominem attack does not detract from the idea that your Orange Baboon-God is in trouble over this and other critical failures of leadership - bigly
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Cant wait for Nov 2020 when this is going to happen again.

Who the fuck is leaking this?

Who says it is leaking, all it takes now a days, is some moron in the NY slimes to get an idea then put it in print, and the lefty lunatics believe it..
...Says the guys who think a man poking another mans ass is normal and men with tits are women.
1. please stop projecting your sexual aberrations on your fellow posters, my little Internet fruit-loop

2. your ad hominem attack does not detract from the idea that your Orange Baboon-God is in trouble over this and other critical failures of leadership - bigly
When you "science experts" start realizing that normal people dont agree with you shitstains, then i will stop posting how you insane people think. One of these people actually has a vagina, can you tell who it is.
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Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Cant wait for Nov 2020 when this is going to happen again.

Who the fuck is leaking this?

Patriotic and duty-bound American officials and or military personnel. Folks who think Americans wearing military uniforms deserve priority status and protection. Individuals who place duty and honor before trivial Trump blind loyalty.
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