Will Trump lose support among veterans due to Bountygate?

Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?

he will lose a little support.

not all military men are conservative christian republicans
Trump's lost his senior advantage. And that could cost him in November.

NBC News
Jun 30th 2020 7:49AM
WASHINGTON — Jay Copan was part of the coalition that made Donald Trump president in 2016. Now he’s had enough and plans to send him into retirement.
The 68-year-old resident of Raleigh, North Carolina, considers himself fiscally and socially conservative. A white male and registered independent in a swing state, he has voted Republican in each of the last nine presidential elections. He supports Trump's tax cuts, energy policy and judges. He’s precisely the type of voter that Republicans should be able to win — and cannot afford to lose.
But Copan says he'll vote for Joe Biden this fall.
"At the end of the day I want this to be a better country for my grandkids growing up. And having a president who's a pathological liar, a sociopath, a narcissist, a misogynist and a bully is not the way I want to leave this country," Copan said. "In spite of my views on the issues, I don't see any way I could support him to be president for another four years because of how he’s behaved."
LMAO @ Fake News NBC ... home of Docugate and the Edited George Zimmerman 9/11 Tapes.

Only the very most Gullible in our society would believe anything published by that Fake News outlet.
Trump's lost his senior advantage. And that could cost him in November.

NBC News
Jun 30th 2020 7:49AM
WASHINGTON — Jay Copan was part of the coalition that made Donald Trump president in 2016. Now he’s had enough and plans to send him into retirement.
The 68-year-old resident of Raleigh, North Carolina, considers himself fiscally and socially conservative. A white male and registered independent in a swing state, he has voted Republican in each of the last nine presidential elections. He supports Trump's tax cuts, energy policy and judges. He’s precisely the type of voter that Republicans should be able to win — and cannot afford to lose.
But Copan says he'll vote for Joe Biden this fall.
"At the end of the day I want this to be a better country for my grandkids growing up. And having a president who's a pathological liar, a sociopath, a narcissist, a misogynist and a bully is not the way I want to leave this country," Copan said. "In spite of my views on the issues, I don't see any way I could support him to be president for another four years because of how he’s behaved."


If that guy is so Republican, why does he speak fluent Democrat-ese?
Billy not all republicans are like you Some,very few I'll admit can see this pig ,this swine of a man you call your president for what he is and want no part of him
Trump's lost his senior advantage. And that could cost him in November.

NBC News
Jun 30th 2020 7:49AM
WASHINGTON — Jay Copan was part of the coalition that made Donald Trump president in 2016. Now he’s had enough and plans to send him into retirement.
The 68-year-old resident of Raleigh, North Carolina, considers himself fiscally and socially conservative. A white male and registered independent in a swing state, he has voted Republican in each of the last nine presidential elections. He supports Trump's tax cuts, energy policy and judges. He’s precisely the type of voter that Republicans should be able to win — and cannot afford to lose.
But Copan says he'll vote for Joe Biden this fall.
"At the end of the day I want this to be a better country for my grandkids growing up. And having a president who's a pathological liar, a sociopath, a narcissist, a misogynist and a bully is not the way I want to leave this country," Copan said. "In spite of my views on the issues, I don't see any way I could support him to be president for another four years because of how he’s behaved."


If that guy is so Republican, why does he speak fluent Democrat-ese?
Billy not all republicans are like you Some,very few I'll admit can see this pig ,this swine of a man you call your president for what he is and want no part of him

Never Trumpers!

the Lincoln Project!

Mitt Romney
How is the President responsible if in fact the intelligence leak is verified?
How is the President responsible if in fact the intelligence leak is verified?
Whitey according to you Trump is responsible for nothing ,,,,Not starting the attack on the virus fast enough ,not answering Russia's bounty on our soldiers ..and so much more
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
Ponder this leftists....if Fingers is so far ahead in the polls why are your masters in the DNC MSM fabricating smears to damage Trump? This reeks of desperation.
No need to fabricate anything. If a report is given, not read and then its existence denied, that's dereliction of duty. I don't see how the military can stand for it. Thank God, we have an "impeachment" trial this November and the electorate can do what Senate Republicans didn't have the balls to do.
Prove it.
You’re all talk no walk
Trump's lost his senior advantage. And that could cost him in November.

NBC News
Jun 30th 2020 7:49AM
WASHINGTON — Jay Copan was part of the coalition that made Donald Trump president in 2016. Now he’s had enough and plans to send him into retirement.
The 68-year-old resident of Raleigh, North Carolina, considers himself fiscally and socially conservative. A white male and registered independent in a swing state, he has voted Republican in each of the last nine presidential elections. He supports Trump's tax cuts, energy policy and judges. He’s precisely the type of voter that Republicans should be able to win — and cannot afford to lose.
But Copan says he'll vote for Joe Biden this fall.
"At the end of the day I want this to be a better country for my grandkids growing up. And having a president who's a pathological liar, a sociopath, a narcissist, a misogynist and a bully is not the way I want to leave this country," Copan said. "In spite of my views on the issues, I don't see any way I could support him to be president for another four years because of how he’s behaved."


If that guy is so Republican, why does he speak fluent Democrat-ese?
Billy not all republicans are like you

No Republican is like me, for I am not a Republican.

I am exclusively on MY side.
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
How many times will a Leftist be duped by the Fake News MSM you ask?

Does this help?

Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?

Today we know this is another democrat party lie.....it didn't happen........the lead Democrat on the intelligence committee who also gets the same briefing as the President didn't get any briefing on this...you doofus......

Multiple top government agencies released statements on Monday pushing back against the credibility of a recent New York Times report that claimed that President Donald Trump was briefed about a secret Russian military group that had allegedly offered bounties to militant fighters in Afghanistan for killing U.S. soldiers.

“Because the allegations in recent press articles have not been verified or substantiated by the Intelligence Community, President Trump had not been briefed on the items. Nevertheless, the Administration, including the National Security Council staff, have been preparing should the situation warrant action.”

“To those government officials who betray the trust of the people of the United States by leaking classified information, your actions endanger our national security. No matter the motivation, there is never a justification for such conduct,” O’Brien concluded. “Let me be clear that there is nothing more important to President Trump than America’s security and the safety of our men and women in uniform. He has demonstrated this commitment time and again.”

The Department of Defense (DOD) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) also put out statements on the matter, with the DOD saying that it has “no corroborating evidence to validate” the allegations in The New York Times’ report and ODNI saying that the leaks are criminal.

“The Department of Defense continues to evaluate intelligence that Russian GRU operatives were engaged in malign activity against United States and coalition forces in Afghanistan,” the DOD said in a statement.
“To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports. Regardless, we always take the safety and security of our forces in Afghanistan — and around the world — most seriously and therefore continuously adopt measures to prevent harm from potential threats.”

If it turns out that Rump had no knowledge of this, then he need only concern himself with getting to the bottom of this, and acting accordingly...

If it turns out that Rump knew about it, and took no action (public denouncement, sanctions, etc.), then he has definitely lost the Veteran Vote...

And there are one helluva lot of us to deal with...

A Commander-in-Chief who betrays the Armed Forces of the Republic would be voted out of office by a huge majority of loyal Americans - with Veterans leading the way.

If that's what happened...

Trump didn't sell out our military, that was obama....who gave 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran....who trained, supplied and aided terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq to kill U.S. soldiers.................
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Trump is not president once the Muller report comes out
Sorry but this is what happens when people are not held accountable for leaking. Barr needed to charge McCabe, Wolfe, Comey and others including those involved in the impeachment whistleblower hoax. Start charging people for leaks will discredit fake leaks from anonymous sources.
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
NY Times the best most legit paper in America
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Cant wait for Nov 2020 when this is going to happen again.

Who the fuck is leaking this?

Patriotic and duty-bound American officials and or military personnel. Folks who rhink Americans wearing military uniforms deserve priority status and protection. Individuals who place dury and honor before trivial Trump blind loyalty.


It's made up of whole cloth in the offices of the NYT, ya nit. Democrats rely heavily on headline propaganda, and they're good at it.

Yelling fake news and calling the New York Times funny names doesn't make Trump unaware of the bounty.

The intel sources NEVER briefed him on it because it was not credible. What part of that are you not getting, libtard?

Ponder this leftists....if Fingers is so far ahead in the polls why are your masters in the DNC MSM fabricating smears to damage Trump? This reeks of desperation.
No need to fabricate anything. If a report is given, not read and then its existence denied, that's dereliction of duty. I don't see how the military can stand for it. Thank God, we have an "impeachment" trial this November and the electorate can do what Senate Republicans didn't have the balls to do.
Prove it. You’re all talk no walk
The proof will have to wait until after the election, I presume. Anything the administration says should be taken a rather large grain of salt, considering the misleading statements, contradictory statements and outright lies that have been all too common. I don't trust anything having to do with Trump. Remember how Hillary sat before a Senate committee for hours and hours, but Bolton was ordered not to testify in the impeachment trial. Why is that? I'm sure the electorate is confused.
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
No one says Trump doesn't care. You said it but you're nobody so you don't count fer shit.
The proof will have to wait until after the election, I presume. Anything the administration says should be taken a rather large grain of salt, considering the misleading statements, contradictory statements and outright lies that have been all too common. I don't trust anything having to do with Trump. Remember how Hillary sat before a Senate committee for hours and hours, but Bolton was ordered not to testify in the impeachment trial. Why is that? I'm sure the electorate is confused
No walk as I stated
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
NY Times the best most legit paper in America
You're saying that to rightards who think sites like gatewaypundit, infowars and/or breitbart are real news.

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