Will Trump piss off the base if he chooses a woman for VP?

He is a huge sexist, he does not even think that women should be allowed to vote, and the saddest part is he has brainwashed his wife and daughter in to agreeing with him.
So he says. I can only hope that those are lies and no woman or child is unlucky enough to have to spend time with a person like him.
A large factor in his 2020 LOSS was is lack of support from women. Political actors will try and convince him that having a female VP will help with this.

I knew you were a migrant bigot… didn’t know you were a sexist as well… can’t say I’m surprised
Not sexist at all… I’m 100% good with the BEST vp….if it happens to be a female so be it.
See how simple this meritocracy shit is…why do you FEELZ-Good people introduce all the other varibles?
Look any genuine Republican woman will be 10x stronger than dipshit Harris. I'm fine with Trump choosing a woman, a woman could hardly be worse than a Pence. Hell choose Sarah Palin, the Dems will fling themselves off the nearest building. :auiqs.jpg:
Sadly, so will lots of republicans.
A large factor in his 2020 LOSS was is lack of support from women. Political actors will try and convince him that having a female VP will help with this.

I knew you were a migrant bigot… didn’t know you were a sexist as well… can’t say I’m surprised
Whether it is today or ten years from now, people who vote Prog including women will find out you cannot get something for nothing for long. Someone else pays the piper or what is the whole, which is our nation, declines. It is slowly happening now. We are slowly moving into regionalism and tribalism within it. And with that primal ways will reassert itself as the modern stupidity removes the gains made from its own excessiveness.
He is a huge sexist, he does not even think that women should be allowed to vote, and the saddest part is he has brainwashed his wife and daughter in to agreeing with him.

It is not silly if you are a sexist that thinks women should not have the right to vote

So he says. I can only hope that those are lies and no woman or child is unlucky enough to have to spend time with a person like him.
Unlike you weird FEELINGS people my wife and daughters are wise enough to know who built this nation and how they built this nation through the Democracy they built…They love their country enough to know they shouldn’t meddle in the workings of something great. Like myself, they’d prefer white Christian heterosexual male Veteran land owners do all the voting in this nation.
Real Veterans Gator….not those anti-American wacko exceptions.
Like myself, they’d prefer white Christian heterosexual male Veteran land owners do all the voting in this nation.

So, you do not even think you should be allowed to vote...yet you keep on doing so.

So, you do not even think you should be allowed to vote...yet you keep on doing so.

Make it law…I’ll happily step aside and let the aforementioned do all the voting and so would my wife and kids.
We would know exactly what kind of America we’d always have.
Make it law…I’ll happily step aside and let the aforementioned do all the voting and so would my wife and kids.
We would know exactly what kind of America we’d always have.

If you do not think your family is worthy of voting, then do not vote, why does it have to be a law?

could you be any more of a hypocrite?
Is he really any different than Democrats if he does?
Everybody sane knows DeSantis or Ramaswamy would make a much better VP than would Stephanik, Haley or Noem….right?
I see establishment pu$$ies working Trump into believing he’ll need to run with who the Left would most approve of…Someone dark with a vagina.
Trump doesn't let ANYBODY work him. The person he chooses will have been thoroughly vetted. I have no preference for gender but agree with you on the three women you referenced. Stephanik is a RINO from what I have heard and based upon some of her former voting records. I have advocated for Kari Lake but it "seems" she is seriously into the Senate race for Arizona and she would make a good senator and we, the America First conservatives, and America NEED her.

I really like Vivek but can't feel safe about his and Trump's egos being a smooth ride after job security would set in should he be chosen as VP. Same with DeSantis really although he does hold some MAGA issues in common with Trump. Still.....there is bad blood there.

I am hoping Trump selects someone who can carry the banner for 8 more years when his term ends. He will select the right one if he already hasn't. I trust his research.
Not sexist at all… I’m 100% good with the BEST vp….if it happens to be a female so be it.
See how simple this meritocracy shit is…why do you FEELZ-Good people introduce all the other varibles?
Don’t bullshit, you’re no good at it. The title of your OP is about Trump picking a woman… not an unqualified woman. There’s no reason why a woman couldn’t be the best option for him.
Unlike you weird FEELINGS people my wife and daughters are wise enough to know who built this nation and how they built this nation through the Democracy they built…They love their country enough to know they shouldn’t meddle in the workings of something great. Like myself, they’d prefer white Christian heterosexual male Veteran land owners do all the voting in this nation.
Real Veterans Gator….not those anti-American wacko exceptions.
The founders were white Christian males because thats all who were permitted to “build” this country back then. Even though much was built on the backs of slaves. But like most other things built in the 1700s if left untouched it would be a rackety old shack on the verge of collapse in today’s world. But that which was built back then that was renovated and improved and reenforced with new technology and materials and design… well that’s what stands strong today

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