Will Trump's response to Iran be more severe, less sever, or muted? (Poll)

Will Trump's response to Iran's missile attack be more severe, less sever, or muted?

  • Trump will raise the stakes and attack Iran's military and infrastructure disproportionately hard

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Trump will direct a "proportional" attack based on damage to US bases

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Trump will provide an ultimatum, stop all nuke development, or the US will, by force

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • (if no US injuries) No harm,no foul, Trump will "count to 10" and let diplomacy work.

    Votes: 22 57.9%

  • Total voters
Only evil Leftists would see killing a terrorist who killed or planned killings of 600+ Americans as a bad thing. This is like the damn Twilight Zone.
Trump's a winner here (AGAIN)

He'll back off and invite the Iranians to get sane, talk about a real nuclear ban....and while they are thinking about that...will try to get the Pussies in France and Germany to cooperate on more economic sanctions.

The "street" in Iran will see this pussy response as weakness by the Ayatollahs and Mullahs---they missed on purpose, didn't dare kill Americans---and the Religious Zealot Regime will be hanging by a thread.

The Trump Doctrine is to fight wars with Economic Power.

Very Sane Genius.
Only evil Leftists would see killing a terrorist who killed or planned killings of 600+ Americans as a bad thing. This is like the damn Twilight Zone.

It’s the western democracies women voters as the cause

And that’s insane to promote their worst nightmare

The voting system must be changed NOW to save America from stoopid voters
Trump has the opportunity to show real presidential leadership now that Iran fired their dueling pistol into the air. If he can get Iran, aka the "head of the snake", to stop developing nukes for sanctions relief under a new agreement, including a ban on terrorism, that would contrast nicely with Obama's giving Iran about $150b in cash and sanctions relief for a 10-year pause on nuke development.
Trump has the opportunity to show real presidential leadership now that Iran fired their dueling pistol into the air. If he can get Iran, aka the "head of the snake", to stop developing nukes for sanctions relief under a new agreement, including a ban on terrorism, that would contrast nicely with Obama's giving Iran about $150b in cash and sanctions relief for a 10-year pause on nuke development.

You cannot stop a big problem unless you stop the cause

Which is
Western democracies foolish women voters !!
Trump has the opportunity to show real presidential leadership now that Iran fired their dueling pistol into the air. If he can get Iran, aka the "head of the snake", to stop developing nukes for sanctions relief under a new agreement, including a ban on terrorism, that would contrast nicely with Obama's giving Iran about $150b in cash and sanctions relief for a 10-year pause on nuke development.

You cannot stop a big problem unless you stop the cause

Which is
Western democracies foolish women voters !!

LOL!! How many members of your "women haters club" do you have now?
Trump has the opportunity to show real presidential leadership now that Iran fired their dueling pistol into the air. If he can get Iran, aka the "head of the snake", to stop developing nukes for sanctions relief under a new agreement, including a ban on terrorism, that would contrast nicely with Obama's giving Iran about $150b in cash and sanctions relief for a 10-year pause on nuke development.

You cannot stop a big problem unless you stop the cause

Which is
Western democracies foolish women voters !!

LOL!! How many members of your "women haters club" do you have now?

America’s founders were not women haters

They protected them from their own selves

And now we have proof they are right with the falling of western democracies because of their vote

Check chinas GDP scores and liberal Europe GDP scores

It’s all very clear
Will Trump's response to Iran be more severe, less severe, or muted?

Assuming that there are US casualties.

I hope that the US anti-missile defenses worked and no one was hurt.

I'll call that a "no harm no foul" call.

Trump plays the long game but if those idiots attack he will retaliate.

Why would I care what a fascist anti-American fucktard like you thinks?

You elected an oligarch who can't formulate a policy more than 24 hours in advance. You and your Republican Russian allies will likely rejoice in another Middle East War.

I didn't elect Nancy Pelosi.

Oh, are you spewing the Collusion Conspiracy Theory? :rofl:

What an idiot, even as Hezbollah-democrats go.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.

The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232}

Did you have more lies and conspiracy bullshit you wanted to vomit out?

Ok so you're admitting you're just another Trump apologist.

Thanks for the clarification.
We all know what you are.
Iraq should respond also.

They have responded, by telling us to get the hell out of their country.

We should listen to them.
Has Trump ever done the right thing ? Where he goes evil has always followed him ,an accident waiting to happen


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