Will VA Scandals Succeed In Destroying The Obama Administration?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
meh, maybe something can bring down the teflon man. We have to climb past our racism and treat him like half the white man he is.

We must remove the glasses of racism and hold Obama accountable and pull the free pass we have given him because he's black



Will VA Scandals Succeed In Destroying The Obama Administration Where Other Scandals Have Failed?

No matter what your feelings about the Administration’s actions when it comes to Benghazi and the IRS targeting of Tea Party affiliated 501(c)(4) groups, the fact remains that neither of these alleged scandals have succeeded in bringing down President Obama nor have they proven to be much more than a political distraction and annoyance to the workings of the Executive branch.

Will the same be the case when it comes to the mushrooming crisis over at Veterans Affairs?

Will VA Scandals Succeed In Destroying The Obama Administration Where Other Scandals Have Failed? - Forbes

Whether or not you believe that the White House was the mastermind behind a calculated effort to mess with Tea Party PACs in order to keep their money on the sidelines during the 2012 presidential race, a large number of Americans who remain open to a more objective review sense that there may have been a darn good reason to take a closer look at these organizations. It is likely that instinct that has kept the IRS ‘scandal’ from blowing up.


No, nothing to see here. Sorry but I think this is getting blown way out of proportion.

Now, if you really want a crime on Obama forget about how everyone seems to like killing brown skinned people and look into the drone program. What we are doing is a crime, in my opinion.
Never happen........nothing is Obama's fault.......always the victim. .. :cool:
Never happen........nothing is Obama's fault.......always the victim. .. :cool:

That is kind of the other point I'm driving here.

How can we as a nation say we are getting past racism when we can't even treat Obama like half the white person he is?

If he was more white we would really be going after him

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Never happen........nothing is Obama's fault.......always the victim. .. :cool:

That is kind of the other point I'm driving here.

How can we as a nation say we are getting past racism when we can't even treat Obama like half the white person he is?

If he was more white we would really be going after him


Two different subjects. One the VA and if Obama is treated differently because he is black. I think that if Hillary or Biden were elected instead of Obama and they did the same thing then they would receive the same critique. So it isn't racism that drives the criticism. Now does Obama get a pass because he is black? I think history shows this isn't true either. Remember who was the first Teflon President? Clinton skated on impeachment charges to which he was actually guilty. So no I think he skates because he is a Democrat.
Never happen........nothing is Obama's fault.......always the victim. .. :cool:

That is kind of the other point I'm driving here.

How can we as a nation say we are getting past racism when we can't even treat Obama like half the white person he is?

If he was more white we would really be going after him


Two different subjects. One the VA and if Obama is treated differently because he is black. I think that if Hillary or Biden were elected instead of Obama and they did the same thing then they would receive the same critique. So it isn't racism that drives the criticism. Now does Obama get a pass because he is black? I think history shows this isn't true either. Remember who was the first Teflon President? Clinton skated on impeachment charges to which he was actually guilty. So no I think he skates because he is a Democrat.

You are correct that he skated due to being a democrat, especially a liberal one. However, he would never have been nominated in the first place if he had not been black. As a white liberal, he would have been vetted better, but was not due to people's fear of being labeled a "racist." It's also true that a black conservative would not have gotten the same treatment due to the bias of the MSM.

Right now the Left is regrouping, trying to find an excuse to call this a "phony scandal".

Sad, but true.
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As long as he has he backing of the mainstream media and a crooked A.G., Hussein will continue to ruin this Country with little opposition.
That is kind of the other point I'm driving here.

How can we as a nation say we are getting past racism when we can't even treat Obama like half the white person he is?

If he was more white we would really be going after him


Two different subjects. One the VA and if Obama is treated differently because he is black. I think that if Hillary or Biden were elected instead of Obama and they did the same thing then they would receive the same critique. So it isn't racism that drives the criticism. Now does Obama get a pass because he is black? I think history shows this isn't true either. Remember who was the first Teflon President? Clinton skated on impeachment charges to which he was actually guilty. So no I think he skates because he is a Democrat.

You are correct that he skated due to being a democrat, especially a liberal one. However, he would never have been nominated in the first place if he had not been black. As a white liberal, he would have been vetted better, but was not due to people's fear of being labeled a "racist." It's also true that a black conservative would not have gotten the same treatment due to the bias of the MSM.

I am not sure I agree. He was losing badly until his Senate opponent was smeared in the press. If you give him little give him his speaking ability. He talked his way into the WH and once their found out talk was not enough. But I am sure that being the first clean articulate black man in the history of the world not only helped it was storybook, man.
no...just like how it didnt bring down anyone else.

That's because there is no accountability in this administration. How many people were fired because of the Obamacare website fizzle?

The only thing that might happen, maybe, is if Democrats get creamed enough at the polls in November the remaining Dems will put pressure on Obama to change or resign. But it would take a lot.
The sheer number of disasters/mistakes by Obama have to make the idiots that voted for him wonder if he really is that stupid and evil. They just can't write off all these scandals.
Nothing will destroy the Obama administration as long as we have a corrupt media and a nation of lemmings.
Oh....did you hear....there was a mass murder in CA.....CNN is all over it. (liberal smoke & mirrors from VA scandal)
Oh....did you hear....there was a mass murder in CA.....CNN is all over it. (liberal smoke & mirrors from VA scandal)

It will pass. Obama's damage to America is far more significant than some rich liberal whack-job kid with a gun

I don't know if it ends his term but, just think of this - how many veterans who, before the information came out about what's going on at the VA - will go to the polls to vote because of it?

And how many Democrats think they can get away from Obama in order to get re-elected?

Just so the GOP doesn't overplay its hand. :eek:

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