Will We Be Able To End Birthright Citizenship Soon?

If a woman breaks into your house by climbing through your window in the middle of the night, then pushes out a baby in the middle of your living room floor...

...does that make the baby a member of your family and give it...and the mother...the right to permanently stay in your house?

Then why does some criminal breaking into the United States and pushing out a baby suddenly make that baby a legal American citizen, giving it...and the mother and all of her family...the legal right to stay?


1). Ignorance on the part of too many Americans
2). Evil Socialist/Fascist who are manipulating the system and slowly dismantling the Constitutional process
3). A government full of fools and Socialists/Marxists who are protecting the illegals

If there is ever a Convention of The States, the Constitution MUST be EXPLICITLY amended to outlaw ANY attempts to introduce or promote Socialism, Marxism or Communism because those are the beginnings of the end of the Constitution. Ask those who've fled Venezuela.
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state could "import" sharecroppers to work at lower wages without their children becoming citizens.

If the 14th does not apply to non-citizens here to work for lesser wages that Americans get, it doesn't fulfill it's purpose.

It's always possible the SC would issue a political decision. But instead of wasting 4 years or so to get an opinion, Trump should just accept that we are a nation of laws and due process and hire the judges to deport people.

I didn't say that the 14th doesn't apply to non-citizens. I said that Congress should define what "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means in terms of their Constitutional power of Article I Section 8.

My opinion in no part has anything to do with President Dennison. Didn't vote for him (didn't vote for Hillary either) and think his nomination and subsequent election was a huge mistake for the American people.

How much do you think Melania Trump's are going to benefit America, arriving just in time to live and die on Medicare?

Well they need to put a stop to the anchor baby bullshit.

That amendment was put in there to ensure the children of slaves were recognized as American citizens. Its no longer needed.

No other country in the world recognizes kids born in their countries as citizens. Only America and you can bet your ass every illegal female coming over here knows it.

No other country in the world recognizes kids born in their countries as citizens.

Damn but your Trumptards are stupid.

Unrestricted jus soli
state could "import" sharecroppers to work at lower wages without their children becoming citizens.

If the 14th does not apply to non-citizens here to work for lesser wages that Americans get, it doesn't fulfill it's purpose.

It's always possible the SC would issue a political decision. But instead of wasting 4 years or so to get an opinion, Trump should just accept that we are a nation of laws and due process and hire the judges to deport people.

I didn't say that the 14th doesn't apply to non-citizens. I said that Congress should define what "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means in terms of their Constitutional power of Article I Section 8.

My opinion in no part has anything to do with President Dennison. Didn't vote for him (didn't vote for Hillary either) and think his nomination and subsequent election was a huge mistake for the American people.

already been there and done that

"That said Wong Kim Ark has not, either by himself or his parents acting for him, ever renounced his allegiance to the United States, and that he has never done or committed any act or thing to exclude him therefrom."
United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)

So long as the child does not renounce, he's subject to the laws and jurisdiction

But it's always possible the Court would issue a political decision.
"Subject to the laws and jurisdiction" was exclusionary, applying to the diplomatic corps of foreign nations.
state could "import" sharecroppers to work at lower wages without their children becoming citizens.

If the 14th does not apply to non-citizens here to work for lesser wages that Americans get, it doesn't fulfill it's purpose.

It's always possible the SC would issue a political decision. But instead of wasting 4 years or so to get an opinion, Trump should just accept that we are a nation of laws and due process and hire the judges to deport people.

I didn't say that the 14th doesn't apply to non-citizens. I said that Congress should define what "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means in terms of their Constitutional power of Article I Section 8.

My opinion in no part has anything to do with President Dennison. Didn't vote for him (didn't vote for Hillary either) and think his nomination and subsequent election was a huge mistake for the American people.

already been there and done that

"That said Wong Kim Ark has not, either by himself or his parents acting for him, ever renounced his allegiance to the United States, and that he has never done or committed any act or thing to exclude him therefrom."
United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)

So long as the child does not renounce, he's subject to the laws and jurisdiction

But it's always possible the Court would issue a political decision.
btw, Dante and I sort of discussed this issue, and I took "your side." I think a political decision is possible, given the 5 member maj.

However, simply enforcing the laws we have now would be less harmful to the constitution, but Trump has shown time and again that is not a concern for him.
Did anyone responding to the OP read the bloody Title and the accompanying article? Don't you think that might be what this thread is about?

A stupid RWNut Iowa Congress man has written a bill, the Birthright Citizenship Act , which attempts to effectively AMEND Amendment XIV by Congressional fiat. If anyone believes that's Constitutional, go to the back of the class!

Amendment XIV, § 1, Cls. 1 clearly states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside." But the proposed legislation would redefine the first word of that clause to make exceptions to that ALL inclusive statement. There is also SCOTUS precedent establishing those, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" in Amendment XIV in the case of US v. Wong Kim Ark (1896).


(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1401) is amended—

(1) by inserting ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—’’ before ‘‘The following’’;
(2) by redesignating subsections (a) through (h) as paragraphs (1) through (8), respectively; and
(3) by adding at the end the following:

‘‘(b) DEFINITION.—Acknowledging the right of birthright citizenship established by section 1 of the 14th amendment to the Constitution,
a person born in the United States shall be considered ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of the United States for purposes of subsection (a)(1) 15
if the person is born in the United States of parents, one of whom is—

‘‘(1) a citizen or national of the United States;
‘‘(2) an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States whose residence is in the United States; or
‘‘(3) an alien performing active service in the 22 armed forces (as defined in section 101 of title 10, 23 United States Code).’’.

For God's sake, read and understand the topic of the thread and consider what EXACTLY is at stake here for the stake of future generations and to HELL with petty partisanship!
"Subject to the laws and jurisdiction" was exclusionary, applying to the diplomatic corps of foreign nations.

Your agenda is Pre-Communist Marxism via the pre-cursor, Socialism.

Not surprising you would find talk of preserving America and the Constitution "funny"

What I found funny was your invocation of Venezuela. Why do Repubs think the valid comparison to the US is a country that hasn't had a stable government for more than a long weekend, and one in which the US supported a coup fewer than 16 years ago?
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"Subject to the laws and jurisdiction" was exclusionary, applying to the diplomatic corps of foreign nations.
Well yes, but I think that at the time laws prohibited ANY "oriental" from moving here and becoming a citizen through naturalization. So, again there's a logical problem in saying the 14th doesn't apply. The 14th's intent was to prevent states from importing cheap non-citizen contract labor as a back door to a "new slavery."

Ark's parents were here and undoubtedly NOT subject to our laws ... they were agents of a foreign power. Ark's claim was that he was not subject to that power. One could argue that Ark is different from today's situation because he was here legally. But the 14th's purpose was to make it impossible that the South could create a new serf class by importing people from other countries who could never have citizenship status. That is, the 14th applied to people And then the concerns about the South came back to bite the racism against Asians.
What I found funny was your invocation of Venezuela. Why do Repubs think the valid comparison to the US is a country that hasn't had a stable government for more than a long weekend, and one in which the US supported a coup fewer than 16 years ago?

blah blah blah

Socialists, defending Venezuela's ruin. Who would have imagined that?
I find it tragic that you couldn't care less the cost of Socialism in human lives and suffering.
Well they need to put a stop to the anchor baby bullshit.

That amendment was put in there to ensure the children of slaves were recognized as American citizens. Its no longer needed.

No other country in the world recognizes kids born in their countries as citizens. Only America and you can bet your ass every illegal female coming over here knows it.

No other country in the world recognizes kids born in their countries as citizens.

Damn but your Trumptards are stupid.

Unrestricted jus soli

My mistake. You are correct.

Countries that offer birthright citizenship are located almost exclusively in the Western Hemisphere. No country in Europe or East Asia, for example, has a similar citizenship policy.
already been there and done that

"That said Wong Kim Ark has not, either by himself or his parents acting for him, ever renounced his allegiance to the United States, and that he has never done or committed any act or thing to exclude him therefrom."
United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)

So long as the child does not renounce, he's subject to the laws and jurisdiction

But it's always possible the Court would issue a political decision.

Nope, Wong Kim Ark's parents were here legally under the laws at the time.

We are talking about birthright of people that come here illegally and have a child.

I didn't go to THEIR country ILLEGALLY pump out babies and then and force them to pay taxes to support me and my family. Yes, I resent it.

Although I feel the OP is a racist smut, I agree with this premise.
If you don't protect what's yours, you lose it. It's not about "White" America....it's about "America" period.

Let's suppose Democrats finally allow enough foreigners into the USA to take over Congress and the White House. It's a reasonable conclusion to say that Socialism would probably be the end result. (Yeah, yay for "Progress" for everyone :rolleyes:)

Now, these foreigners are free to make life for the Democrats that paved their way impossible and even legislatively and Judiciously spay and neuter them.
The USA then becomes a different nation altogether. It already is.
In a way...it's how America was taken from the indigenous American people. Are the Native American Indians HAPPY that it happened? In retrospect did they do everything they could to prevent it?

Democrats are GIVING the nation away with little regard to the consequences. Their laser focus is an elitist controlled Socialist hell hole. With an elitists/Globalists secondary objective of eliminating Christianity.

NOBODY seems to want to admit it...we're already "at war". And America is losing. Worse, the government is aiding and abetting the enemy's takeover. Slightly less under Trump.
But Trump is limited to two terms even if he wins a second tern. Then what?
Diplomacy and peace talks didn't save the American Indian Nation. It won't save modern America. Just look at history folks. FACT: America was taken by force. And it is being taken by force again with a government subsidized invasion. All the "niceness" in the world isn't going to stop it.
The op is a liberal pretending to be on the right to bait you guys.

Most of you seem to be falling for it sadly
btw, Dante and I sort of discussed this issue, and I took "your side." I think a political decision is possible, given the 5 member maj.

However, simply enforcing the laws we have now would be less harmful to the constitution, but Trump has shown time and again that is not a concern for him.

I agree 100%. The long term solution isn't "build the wall" so a politician can have a "mission accomplished" picture taken in front of it.

The real long term solution is to address the REASONs illegal aliens come to this country. Cut them off from jobs by making tools available to employers and then requiring their use. Cut them off from drivers licenses, social programs, public schools, etc. and the illegal alien problem will be self correcting over time.


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