Will We Be Able To End Birthright Citizenship Soon?

Update: Trump Drops Hammer on Congress, Demands End to Anchor Babies! - Conservative Daily

Whether or not we should end birthright citizenship is clear -- we should end it ASAP.

And shouldn't we make it retroactive? As in, those anchor babies that are now in their late teens, early 20's -- shouldn't we strip their citizenship since their non-citizen parents basically stole their citizenship away from those who immigrated here the right way?

The non US citizens who are currently in the military trying to gain citizenship via military service; is that sufficient enough to earn citizenship? After all, we have muslims in our military who later go on to commit terrorist acts against our citizens, so why have non Americans in our military at all? Trump now has the chance to clean up the way we do immigration in this country once and for all -- end anchor babies, end path to citizenship for illegals -- encourage more legal immigration from Eastern European countries or our country will be finished.

Based on on-the-street interviews of American citizens, 90% of them should be denied citizenship.

Good point...See what happens when a culture / society is diluted and displaced...the natives become as ignorant as the migrants. Weird huh?
He's thinking about Trump's father.

Not sure why, Trump's father was born in the US and his Grandfather immigrated legally under the laws at the time.


Legal immigration doesn't confer citizenship, so a non-shithole, Norwegian green-card holder's child - born in the US - would be an anchor baby.

(I didn't see when Grandpa Trump became a citizen, so I don't really know if Trump's dad was an anchor-baby or not. I was facetiously noting that not all anchor babies are who you think.)
For God's sake, let's stop "chain" family immigration. Without it, Trumpf's grandpa wouldn't have come to the US to crash with his sister.

Immigration might still be good for Americans had it not been for the invasion of low iQ, immoral, welfare dependent baby factories known as thirdworlders.
Update: Trump Drops Hammer on Congress, Demands End to Anchor Babies! - Conservative Daily

Whether or not we should end birthright citizenship is clear -- we should end it ASAP.

And shouldn't we make it retroactive? As in, those anchor babies that are now in their late teens, early 20's -- shouldn't we strip their citizenship since their non-citizen parents basically stole their citizenship away from those who immigrated here the right way?

The non US citizens who are currently in the military trying to gain citizenship via military service; is that sufficient enough to earn citizenship? After all, we have muslims in our military who later go on to commit terrorist acts against our citizens, so why have non Americans in our military at all? Trump now has the chance to clean up the way we do immigration in this country once and for all -- end anchor babies, end path to citizenship for illegals -- encourage more legal immigration from Eastern European countries or our country will be finished.
You already are with abortion.


The unborn are unmentioned in the Constitution.
For God's sake, let's stop "chain" family immigration. Without it, Trumpf's grandpa wouldn't have come to the US to crash with his sister.

Immigration might still be good for Americans had it not been for the invasion of low iQ, immoral, welfare dependent baby factories known as thirdworlders.

But enough about the Irish.

Immigration is still good for America. Bashing immigration and immigrants is good for Trump.
Time for a constitutional amendment -- where there is a will, there is a way!

We don't know if we need a constitutional amendment yet. I'm in the camp that Congress has the power to limit birthright citizenship to only those present legally by defining "under the jurisdiction of" for the limited purpose of birthright citizenship. Pass such a law and then let the challenge run it's course. If the law is then found unconstitutional, then an amendment would be needed.

Don't put the cart before the horse.

Imo that's clearly contrary to the text of the 14th “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” I mean we're all originalists here. LOL
For God's sake, let's stop "chain" family immigration. Without it, Trumpf's grandpa wouldn't have come to the US to crash with his sister.

Immigration might still be good for Americans had it not been for the invasion of low iQ, immoral, welfare dependent baby factories known as thirdworlders.

But enough about the Irish.

Immigration is still good for America. Bashing immigration and immigrants is good for Trump.

Haha...only in LibTardia...where good is bad and bad is good.
Link us to the demos regarding the Irish and other ethnicities would you please....you know, the ones that show wetbacks leading or a close second in literally every negative category. We’ll be standing by patiently waiting for your reply.
But enough about the Irish.

Immigration is still good for America. Bashing immigration and immigrants is good for Trump.

Ignoring President Dennison...

Being against illegal aliens entering the country or being able to function once here, is not the same as being against legal immigration.

Imo that's clearly contrary to the text of the 14th “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” I mean we're all originalists here. LOL

Hence the need to define what "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means in terms of modern immigration law.

In the 1860's there was really no such thing as "illegal immigration".

If a woman breaks into your house by climbing through your window in the middle of the night, then pushes out a baby in the middle of your living room floor...

...does that make the baby a member of your family and give it...and the mother...the right to permanently stay in your house?


Then why does some criminal breaking into the United States and pushing out a baby suddenly make that baby a legal American citizen, giving it...and the mother and all of her family...the legal right to stay?

Update: Trump Drops Hammer on Congress, Demands End to Anchor Babies! - Conservative Daily

Whether or not we should end birthright citizenship is clear -- we should end it ASAP.

And shouldn't we make it retroactive? As in, those anchor babies that are now in their late teens, early 20's -- shouldn't we strip their citizenship since their non-citizen parents basically stole their citizenship away from those who immigrated here the right way?

The non US citizens who are currently in the military trying to gain citizenship via military service; is that sufficient enough to earn citizenship? After all, we have muslims in our military who later go on to commit terrorist acts against our citizens, so why have non Americans in our military at all? Trump now has the chance to clean up the way we do immigration in this country once and for all -- end anchor babies, end path to citizenship for illegals -- encourage more legal immigration from Eastern European countries or our country will be finished.

Based on on-the-street interviews of American citizens, 90% of them should be denied citizenship.

Good point...See what happens when a culture / society is diluted and displaced...the natives become as ignorant as the migrants. Weird huh?

Lest you choose to delude yourself to think otherwise, it has happened already.

Weird, huh?
If a woman breaks into your house by climbing through your window in the middle of the night, then pushes out a baby in the middle of your living room floor...

...does that make the baby a member of your family and give it...and the mother...the right to permanently stay in your house?


Then why does some criminal breaking into the United States and pushing out a baby suddenly make that baby a legal American citizen, giving it...and the mother and all of her family...the legal right to stay?


Pesky Constitution, innit?

(Your false construct as to what it confers on family members, notwithstanding.)
Update: Trump Drops Hammer on Congress, Demands End to Anchor Babies! - Conservative Daily

Whether or not we should end birthright citizenship is clear -- we should end it ASAP.

And shouldn't we make it retroactive? As in, those anchor babies that are now in their late teens, early 20's -- shouldn't we strip their citizenship since their non-citizen parents basically stole their citizenship away from those who immigrated here the right way?

The non US citizens who are currently in the military trying to gain citizenship via military service; is that sufficient enough to earn citizenship? After all, we have muslims in our military who later go on to commit terrorist acts against our citizens, so why have non Americans in our military at all? Trump now has the chance to clean up the way we do immigration in this country once and for all -- end anchor babies, end path to citizenship for illegals -- encourage more legal immigration from Eastern European countries or our country will be finished.
You already are with abortion.

I think its wrong that they forced you to have an abortion -- is there anything you could do to stop them next time?
You are either for BIRTH RIGHTS or you are not dumbass. Did I trap you in your own stupid game?
Let me try this again -- I will use small words for xenophobic racists like yourself...

Let's begin

DID THE BAD MAN (Abortion doctor) MAKE YOU DO A BAD THING (Abortion)?

Well they need to put a stop to the anchor baby bullshit.

That amendment was put in there to ensure the children of slaves were recognized as American citizens. Its no longer needed.

No other country in the world recognizes kids born in their countries as citizens. Only America and you can bet your ass every illegal female coming over here knows it.
I didn't go to THEIR country ILLEGALLY pump out babies and then and force them to pay taxes to support me and my family. Yes, I resent it.

Although I feel the OP is a racist smut, I agree with this premise.
If you don't protect what's yours, you lose it. It's not about "White" America....it's about "America" period.

Let's suppose Democrats finally allow enough foreigners into the USA to take over Congress and the White House. It's a reasonable conclusion to say that Socialism would probably be the end result. (Yeah, yay for "Progress" for everyone :rolleyes:)

Now, these foreigners are free to make life for the Democrats that paved their way impossible and even legislatively and Judiciously spay and neuter them.
The USA then becomes a different nation altogether. It already is.
In a way...it's how America was taken from the indigenous American people. Are the Native American Indians HAPPY that it happened? In retrospect did they do everything they could to prevent it?

Democrats are GIVING the nation away with little regard to the consequences. Their laser focus is an elitist controlled Socialist hell hole. With an elitists/Globalists secondary objective of eliminating Christianity.

NOBODY seems to want to admit it...we're already "at war". And America is losing. Worse, the government is aiding and abetting the enemy's takeover. Slightly less under Trump.
But Trump is limited to two terms even if he wins a second tern. Then what?
Diplomacy and peace talks didn't save the American Indian Nation. It won't save modern America. Just look at history folks. FACT: America was taken by force. And it is being taken by force again with a government subsidized invasion. All the "niceness" in the world isn't going to stop it.
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If a woman breaks into your house by climbing through your window in the middle of the night, then pushes out a baby in the middle of your living room floor...

...does that make the baby a member of your family and give it...and the mother...the right to permanently stay in your house?


Then why does some criminal breaking into the United States and pushing out a baby suddenly make that baby a legal American citizen, giving it...and the mother and all of her family...the legal right to stay?


Pesky Constitution, innit?

(Your false construct as to what it confers on family members, notwithstanding.)
How is it a 'false construct'?

There are laws that make it illegal for anyone to break into my house.
There are laws that make it illegal for anyone to cross into the US illegally.

Snowflakes claim the comparison is not valid because 'it would never happen'...yet in the news last week reported a man and his family returned to their home after 2 weeks away on vacation to find a vagrant had broken into their home and set up residence in their home...and a judge (probably a frigging liberal) said the family could NOT have the vagrant be physically booted from the home until certain 'legal' issues were cleared up. WHAT LEGAL ISSUES?

The guy broke in, was there illegally, was an intruder...GTFO!

The Lesson Learned by the Owner: Next time, walk in, grab your gun, and shoot the SOB dead...THEN call the cops, claiming he was threatened and afraid for his life.....
Imo that's clearly contrary to the text of the 14th “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” I mean we're all originalists here. LOL

Hence the need to define what "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means in terms of modern immigration law.

In the 1860's there was really no such thing as "illegal immigration".

Yes, but the 14th's purpose went hand in hand with the 13th. Slavery and involuntary servitude (outside a criminal penalty) were outlawed. The 14th provided that no state could "import" sharecroppers to work at lower wages without their children becoming citizens.

If the 14th does not apply to non-citizens here to work for lesser wages that Americans get, it doesn't fulfill it's purpose.

It's always possible the SC would issue a political decision. But instead of wasting 4 years or so to get an opinion, Trump should just accept that we are a nation of laws and due process and hire the judges to deport people.

ps, it's not the drafters fault that they didn't anticipate America being so fucking stupid as to allow underpaid and illegal workers to be here in contravention of our laws
But enough about the Irish.

Immigration is still good for America. Bashing immigration and immigrants is good for Trump.

Ignoring President Dennison...

Being against illegal aliens entering the country or being able to function once here, is not the same as being against legal immigration.


Right. I agree.

It's an old, old, but valid argument, that America has welcomed illegal immigrants from the South with a wink and a smile, for decades. The easy step to end it - a crackdown on employers, with a little jail time here and there - was always a no-no.

The housing boom rode on the backs on cheap, skilled, illegal immigrant craftsmen. Once the bankers screwed the system, the demon immigrants became the problem. Suddenly, we were real sticklers for the letter of the law.
Update: Trump Drops Hammer on Congress, Demands End to Anchor Babies! - Conservative Daily

Whether or not we should end birthright citizenship is clear -- we should end it ASAP.

And shouldn't we make it retroactive? As in, those anchor babies that are now in their late teens, early 20's -- shouldn't we strip their citizenship since their non-citizen parents basically stole their citizenship away from those who immigrated here the right way?

The non US citizens who are currently in the military trying to gain citizenship via military service; is that sufficient enough to earn citizenship? After all, we have muslims in our military who later go on to commit terrorist acts against our citizens, so why have non Americans in our military at all? Trump now has the chance to clean up the way we do immigration in this country once and for all -- end anchor babies, end path to citizenship for illegals -- encourage more legal immigration from Eastern European countries or our country will be finished.
How else would you suggest citizenship be determined? By blood like the nazis, loser?
If a woman breaks into your house by climbing through your window in the middle of the night, then pushes out a baby in the middle of your living room floor...

...does that make the baby a member of your family and give it...and the mother...the right to permanently stay in your house?


Then why does some criminal breaking into the United States and pushing out a baby suddenly make that baby a legal American citizen, giving it...and the mother and all of her family...the legal right to stay?


Pesky Constitution, innit?

(Your false construct as to what it confers on family members, notwithstanding.)
How is it a 'false construct'?

There are laws that make it illegal for anyone to break into my house.
There are laws that make it illegal for anyone to cross into the US illegally.

Snowflakes claim the comparison is not valid because 'it would never happen'...yet in the news last week reported a man and his family returned to their home after 2 weeks away on vacation to find a vagrant had broken into their home and set up residence in their home...and a judge (probably a frigging liberal) said the family could NOT have the vagrant be physically booted from the home until certain 'legal' issues were cleared up. WHAT LEGAL ISSUES?

The guy broke in, was there illegally, was an intruder...GTFO!

The Lesson Learned by the Owner: Next time, walk in, grab your gun, and shoot the SOB dead...THEN call the cops, claiming he was threatened and afraid for his life.....

It doesn't give the mother and all her family the legal right to stay. That's the false construct.

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