Will we ever close the gap between white and blacks???

Here it is Rosie, your quote, your link (48th post this thread):



Descendants of Ancient Africans in Recent America

In many parts of the Americas today, there are still people of African Negritic racial backgrounds who continue to exist either blended into the larger African-Americas population or are parts of separate, indigenous groups living on their own lands with their own unique culture and languages.

One such example is the Washitaw Nation who owned about one million square miles of the former Louisiana Territories, (see www.Hotep.org), but who now own only about 70,000 acres of all their former territory. The regaining of their lands from the U.S. was a long process which concluded partially in 1991, when they won the right to their lands in a U.S. court.

The Black Californian broke up as a nation during the late 1800's after many years of war with the Spanish invaders of the South West, with Mexico and with the U.S. The blended into the Black population of California and their descendants still exist among the millions of Black Californians of today.


The above mentioned Blacks of precolumbian origins are not Blacks wo mixed with the Mongoloid Indian population as occurred during the time of slavery. They were Blacks who were in some cases on their lands before the southward migrations of the Mongoloid Native Americans. In many cases, these Blacks had established civilizations in the Americas thousands of years ago.

I couldn't make this stuff up.

Rosie, I really doubt you have a master's at anything. I refuse to believe that any accredited educational institution would confer any kind of recognition to someone that
dingy. I mean including even Urban Education.

You can quote it but can't refute it....so who cares what you think about it? Dunno what is so threatening to you about pre-Columbian black populations in the Americas; but I suggest that you get over it.

Again...you would think you could cut and paste a refutation, but no.

Oh, wait! Stormfront called and they want your dumbsss back there! Hurry, hurry!

Regards from Rosie
One does not need to be a nazi to deride such nonsense. One does need to be a moron to believe it though. Finally, one must be an even more moronic to bother refuting it.

You're a full on ditz there Rosie,
Here it is Rosie, your quote, your link (48th post this thread):



Descendants of Ancient Africans in Recent America

In many parts of the Americas today, there are still people of African Negritic racial backgrounds who continue to exist either blended into the larger African-Americas population or are parts of separate, indigenous groups living on their own lands with their own unique culture and languages.

One such example is the Washitaw Nation who owned about one million square miles of the former Louisiana Territories, (see www.Hotep.org), but who now own only about 70,000 acres of all their former territory. The regaining of their lands from the U.S. was a long process which concluded partially in 1991, when they won the right to their lands in a U.S. court.

The Black Californian broke up as a nation during the late 1800's after many years of war with the Spanish invaders of the South West, with Mexico and with the U.S. The blended into the Black population of California and their descendants still exist among the millions of Black Californians of today.


The above mentioned Blacks of precolumbian origins are not Blacks wo mixed with the Mongoloid Indian population as occurred during the time of slavery. They were Blacks who were in some cases on their lands before the southward migrations of the Mongoloid Native Americans. In many cases, these Blacks had established civilizations in the Americas thousands of years ago.

I couldn't make this stuff up.

Rosie, I really doubt you have a master's at anything. I refuse to believe that any accredited educational institution would confer any kind of recognition to someone that
dingy. I mean including even Urban Education.

You can quote it but can't refute it....so who cares what you think about it? Dunno what is so threatening to you about pre-Columbian black populations in the Americas; but I suggest that you get over it.

Again...you would think you could cut and paste a refutation, but no.

Oh, wait! Stormfront called and they want your dumbsss back there! Hurry, hurry!

Regards from Rosie
One does not need to be a nazi to deride such nonsense. One does need to be a moron to believe it though. Finally, one must be an even more moronic to bother refuting it.

You're a full on ditz there Rosie,

right you are! you can't change someone's opinion with logic and evidence when they came to the opinion by emotion in the first place. rosie obviously really, really wants to believe subsaharan blacks had thriving civilizations at some time, and if she can't have that, then egyptians must be black because they live in africa.
This is what apparently those with a Master's in Urban Education (Rosie) feed to urban "educated" children in the United States.

As opposed to those with a super-practical Master's Degree in International Relations?
Rosie, I really doubt you have a master's at anything. I refuse to believe that any accredited educational institution would confer any kind of recognition to someone that dingy. I mean including even Urban Education.

But you expect people to believe you do?
A professor at the University of Texas has sparked controversy following remarks that black students are failing academically because so many are raised in single parent households.

The average black student’s score on the SAT was 200 points less than that of an average white student.


Agree or disagree?
A professor at the University of Texas has sparked controversy following remarks that black students are failing academically because so many are raised in single parent households.

The average black student’s score on the SAT was 200 points less than that of an average white student.


Agree or disagree?

Why is pointing out reality=controversy? Seems like a real problem that needs solving.
A professor at the University of Texas has sparked controversy following remarks that black students are failing academically because so many are raised in single parent households.

The average black student’s score on the SAT was 200 points less than that of an average white student.


Agree or disagree?

Why is pointing out reality=controversy? Seems like a real problem that needs solving.

Ask the idiot that penned it.
Closing the gap is easy. The normal method is to give easier questions to the dumber ones. The real challenge would be how to make the dumber ones smarter.

Black culture is opposed to education. An educated black person is accused of "going white." Accepted paths of success in black culture are limited to professional sports or Rap. Until the culture changes, we will continue to see this kind of disparity.
One does not need to be a nazi to deride such nonsense. One does need to be a moron to believe it though. Finally, one must be an even more moronic to bother refuting it.

You're a full on ditz there Rosie,

The problem Rosie has is with embellishment. There was/is a black aborigine (there are some left in the Amazon) that predates the Siberian invasion by the Mongoloid Amerindians. BUT they were not African, rather they were aborigine similar to the native people or Australia and Samoa.

The Amerindians engaged in a near complete genocide of these peoples. Only in the deep Amazon do the descendants still live.
Maybe this could be an interesting subject for discussion instead of another excuse to wallow in racism and defensiveness.

The Olmecs
Maybe this could be an interesting subject for discussion instead of another excuse to wallow in racism and defensiveness.

The Olmecs

Recognizing the fact that blacks score poorly on standardized tests isn't "racism," but a matter of fact.

The reasons may be based on racism, though that is silly in my view. Culture is clearly the variable at play.

Asians do better in school because Asian parents demand academic performance from their children. This really isn't a mystery.
Rosie, I really doubt you have a master's at anything. I refuse to believe that any accredited educational institution would confer any kind of recognition to someone that dingy. I mean including even Urban Education.

But you expect people to believe you do?
I do not expect people to believe me who think that west Africans voyaged across the ocean to found a more significant civilization than ever existed in West Africa. I do not expect that of anyone who believes goofy sites like the ones you and Rosie provided.

Finally, it is more than a bit insulting to suggest that the indigenous people of the new world could not have developed a civilization interdependent of diffusion, especially from West Africa for Christ's sake.
Paul Allen Barton is a buffoon. Barton has spent years peddling sophomoric idiocy that feeds the self-esteem of a race baiters and poverty pimps, but there is virtually no evidence to support the conclusions Barton presents. The fact of negroid features on Olmec art means little, the aborigine inhabitants of per-Amerindian America interbred with the Mongoloid invaders in much of central and south America. There is virtually NO anthropological support for the nonsense Barton puts forth. The Olmecs became the Mayans and were the same ethnic makeup.
One does not need to be a nazi to deride such nonsense. One does need to be a moron to believe it though. Finally, one must be an even more moronic to bother refuting it.

You're a full on ditz there Rosie,

The problem Rosie has is with embellishment. There was/is a black aborigine (there are some left in the Amazon) that predates the Siberian invasion by the Mongoloid Amerindians. BUT they were not African, rather they were aborigine similar to the native people or Australia and Samoa.

The Amerindians engaged in a near complete genocide of these peoples. Only in the deep Amazon do the descendants still live.
I would be interested. Do you have a link, and by that I mean not a bat shit crazy Rosie/Unka? type link?
Rosie, I really doubt you have a master's at anything. I refuse to believe that any accredited educational institution would confer any kind of recognition to someone that dingy. I mean including even Urban Education.

But you expect people to believe you do?
I do not expect people to believe me who think that west Africans voyaged across the ocean to found a more significant civilization than ever existed in West Africa. I do not expect that of anyone who believes goofy sites like the ones you and Rosie provided.

Finally, it is more than a bit insulting to suggest that the indigenous people of the new world could not have developed a civilization interdependent of diffusion, especially from West Africa for Christ's sake.

You're avoiding the question. Do you expect people to believe that you have a Master's Degree?
But you expect people to believe you do?
I do not expect people to believe me who think that west Africans voyaged across the ocean to found a more significant civilization than ever existed in West Africa. I do not expect that of anyone who believes goofy sites like the ones you and Rosie provided.

Finally, it is more than a bit insulting to suggest that the indigenous people of the new world could not have developed a civilization interdependent of diffusion, especially from West Africa for Christ's sake.

You're avoiding the question. Do you expect people to believe that you have a Master's Degree?

I expect people would believe him as much as they believe you.

Personally, I haven't seen Meathead start making shit up out of thin air with no way in hell to prove it.

Can't say the same about you however.
Paul Allen Barton is a buffoon. Barton has spent years peddling sophomoric idiocy that feeds the self-esteem of a race baiters and poverty pimps, but there is virtually no evidence to support the conclusions Barton presents. The fact of negroid features on Olmec art means little, the aborigine inhabitants of per-Amerindian America interbred with the Mongoloid invaders in much of central and south America. There is virtually NO anthropological support for the nonsense Barton puts forth. The Olmecs became the Mayans and were the same ethnic makeup.

Did you read the section on Linguistic similarities? Do you have contrary evidence or a source that refutes this? I'd be interested in reading it.

I don't see why anyone would take this topic personally other than the racists who are very insecure about their own irrational positions and BS stormfronty 'science.'
I do not expect people to believe me who think that west Africans voyaged across the ocean to found a more significant civilization than ever existed in West Africa. I do not expect that of anyone who believes goofy sites like the ones you and Rosie provided.

Finally, it is more than a bit insulting to suggest that the indigenous people of the new world could not have developed a civilization interdependent of diffusion, especially from West Africa for Christ's sake.

You're avoiding the question. Do you expect people to believe that you have a Master's Degree?

I expect people would believe him as much as they believe you.

Personally, I haven't seen Meathead start making shit up out of thin air with no way in hell to prove it.

Can't say the same about you however.

You like to answer questions that were NOT put to you, don't you boy? You're kind of slutty, huh?

Well, I guess you want me to ask you what "making shit up out of thin air" you are talking about, so go ahead and explain. Ah, but you knew I would say that because you can read people's thoughts!

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