Will we ever close the gap between white and blacks???

That is my point, dickwad! Polynesians could obviously populate the Pacific.....but even with currents in their favor Africans couldn't make a shorter crossing than Columbus.

So, you had a lobotomy after being dropped on your head?

That is what is meant by White Execptionalism....despite all evidence only whites could do an Atlantic crossing.



Then show us ANY evidence of sub-Sahara Africans in the open ocean.

Sorry that you have an inferiority complex, but you don't get to make shit up to salve your bruised ego.

Now how about the not Barton archaeological references? Nothing? Ya got nothing Uncredible?

Regards from Rosie

You're a fucking moron, a clown.
You have any evidence to the contrary, boy?

Contrary to what? The lies you you told?

Hey Mr. Well-educated, the onus is on you to prove the bullshit you spew.

Anyone with half a brain including yourself should know you can't prove a negative.

You claimed to know what those people did and didn't do so the onus is on you to back up your claims or admit you lied.

But you won't admit it because you're a dishonest coward that's only here to hurl insults and make snide remarks. In other words.... you're a typical troll.
Ya got nothing. What a surprise. Not. Would be nice if you men saying I'm so wrong had anyl ead in your pencil dicks but that is obviously too much to ask.

Limp dicked fools. I am done wasting any more time on this here.

Regards from Rosie
Ya got nothing. What a surprise. Not. Would be nice if you men saying I'm so wrong had anyl ead in your pencil dicks but that is obviously too much to ask.

Limp dicked fools. I am done wasting any more time on this here.

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, what you post is unmitigated and idiotic bullshit.

When you wander off into space aliens, Elvis is alive, and Olmecs from Africa, we ARE going to laugh at you.

You're an idiot making up nonsense to build your ego. Sub-Saharan Africans were and are a primitive people, sorry if that makes you cry.
You have any evidence to the contrary, boy?

Contrary to what? The lies you you told?

Hey Mr. Well-educated, the onus is on you to prove the bullshit you spew.

Anyone with half a brain including yourself should know you can't prove a negative.

LOL! You've got it ass-backwards, Jethro. Do you want me to link to every public statement any of them has ever made? :lol: They are all public figures and none known, despite all that public scrutiny, for the racist nonsense idiots like you wallow in here. Now, if YOU want to make a CLAIM to the contrary, go ahead and show where any or all of them have made statements along the lines of what you racist idiots spew here everyday.
I wish this gap would go away.

Followed by the ability to learn the things you want us whites to do. I'm watching you on how you treat the whites in south Africa.
The cohort with the fastest growing incomes over the past 40 years have been educated black females.
Awwww... Twinky, you're crying!

What's worse is that you're rationalizing, and doing so pathetically and transparently.

"IN THE AREA" as you put it in your bumblefuck manner, is irrelevant to the fact that they were, indeed, 'Great Civilizations'.

The Romans had similar neighbors. So did the Greeks. Etc....

Please be less fucking stupid.

Great? Your idea of great must be like Linus' idea of the "Great" Pumpkin. There where no "Great" negroid african civilizations plain and simple.

And, yet again, you rationalize like a child, desperately trying to parse words to run away from facts that contradict you.

Yes, there were great civilizations if sub-saharan blacks, and no amount of moaning and bitching from you will change that.

Must suck to live in fear like a little bitch like you do.

"IN THE AREA"! Classic!

Lol, come on slick, you measure a great civilization by the mark it made on history and on mankind, "Great Zimbabwe" did neither. Forget about any written records, they don't even have any oral histories of this "Great Civilization", so realy how "Great" was it? Your mistake is in thinking some rubble buried in the dirt constitutes a "Great Civilization". Sorry slick, that won't fly.
You have any evidence to the contrary, boy?

Contrary to what? The lies you you told?

Hey Mr. Well-educated, the onus is on you to prove the bullshit you spew.

Anyone with half a brain including yourself should know you can't prove a negative.

LOL! You've got it ass-backwards, Jethro. Do you want me to link to every public statement any of them has ever made? :lol: They are all public figures and none known, despite all that public scrutiny, for the racist nonsense idiots like you wallow in here. Now, if YOU want to make a CLAIM to the contrary, go ahead and show where any or all of them have made statements along the lines of what you racist idiots spew here everyday.

Yes and not only public statements but private statements as well. Prove your claims. It's that simple.
If you keep on demonstrating how amazingly stupid you are, what else am I to call you?

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