Will we torture again?

Jake does not reply to hypotheticals. He only replies to his own fantasies.
I'm interested in learning whether he has the balls to give a straight answer to such a question.
I don't think any of them do.
Perhaps you're right.

But everybody deserves a chance to man-up.

Figured I'd extent the courtesy, before going the Gutless-Nutless-Wonder route.

Deciding on the lesser of two evils in such a scenario requires courage and an inner strength.
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.

"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.

First, waterboarding and sleep deprivation are not torture.
second, we should do whatever is necessary to save american lives from terrorist murderers.
third, negotiation with terrorists is a joke
fourth, beheading is ------------------------------ you fill in the blank.
I already answered, Kondor 3, under circumstances that would make consider.

Total number of detainees who have been held at the Guantanamo Bay facility since September 11, 2001 attacks.
Of the 779 detainees, roughly 600 were released without charges, many after being detained for years.
Total number of detainees remaining at Guantanamo.
Number of the 149 detainees who the US has approved for transfer to home or third countries but remain at Guantanamo.
Number of children under age 18 who have been imprisoned at Guantanamo. [1]
Number of Guantanamo detainees who died while in custody, six by suspected suicide.
Number of those convicted in the military commissions after trial or plea bargain.
Of the 149 detainees that remain at Guantanamo only six, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, and the September 11, 2001 co-defendants face any formal charges.
Number of those convicted in the military commissions after trial or plea bargain.
Of the 149 detainees that remain at Guantanamo only six, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, and the September 11, 2001 co-defendants face any formal charges.
Guantanamo Ten Years On Facts and Figures Human Rights Watch

Total number of detainees who have been held at the Guantanamo Bay facility since September 11, 2001 attacks.
Of the 779 detainees, roughly 600 were released without charges, many after being detained for years.
Total number of detainees remaining at Guantanamo.
Number of the 149 detainees who the US has approved for transfer to home or third countries but remain at Guantanamo.
Number of children under age 18 who have been imprisoned at Guantanamo. [1]
Number of Guantanamo detainees who died while in custody, six by suspected suicide.
Number of those convicted in the military commissions after trial or plea bargain.
Of the 149 detainees that remain at Guantanamo only six, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, and the September 11, 2001 co-defendants face any formal charges.
Number of those convicted in the military commissions after trial or plea bargain.
Of the 149 detainees that remain at Guantanamo only six, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, and the September 11, 2001 co-defendants face any formal charges.
Guantanamo Ten Years On Facts and Figures Human Rights Watch

779 huh? Is this any different from droning innocent folks? I'm not against either as long as we're nailing the bad guys.
Torture is in the mind of the beholder. That's what Psy-Ops and some Military strategy is about. Liberals have managed to include embarrassment and discomfort in the definition of torture. Listening to Barney Frank give a speech used to be torture for some Americans. The real question is whether the media that used to be independent and now has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party will allow the execution of American citizens without due process anytime the president decides to fire up a drone to make a couple of political points.
for you liberals---------a scenario

we know that a nuclear suitcase bomb is somewhere in New York city and will go off in 12 hours. We have captured a terrorist who knows where it is and how to defuse it.

What would you do to him to get him to give up the info?
When did we start torture?

EIT's are NOT torture.

Simply calling it torture does not make it so.

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