Will we witness our liberation?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Or, is it too late?

Is our future that of death, destruction, poverty, injustice, and suffering? I tend to think it’s too late but I’m skeptical when it comes to our nation’s future, because I don’t think we the people will ever collectively wake up. The power of the elite to deceive and divide, is too great to overcome for many.

FROM THE GREAT CAITLIN JOHNSTONE.....she’s optimistic, so maybe it’s not too late.

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly

The fight to liberate humanity from oppression, exploitation, butchery and madness is really a fight to expand consciousness.

The existential threats our species now faces are ultimately due to the fact that powerful people advance omnicidal, ecocidal, oppressive, violent and exploitative agendas behind veils of secrecy and propaganda distortion. They do evil things while deliberately keeping people unconscious of those evil things, so that the people will not use the power of their numbers to stop them.

The people do not use the power of their numbers to force a change into a healthy paradigm which puts human interests first because their perception of the world is aggressively manipulated by power structures who have a vested interest in keeping that from happening. Wealth and power are kept in the hands of elites and their underlings by propagandizing people into believing the current status quo is the only way things can be. War agendas are consented to because people are propagandized into believing this or that boogie man poses some imminent threat and needs to be eliminated. Surveillance, censorship, government secrecy and police militarization are tolerated because people are manipulated into believing they need these things.

The lights are turning on everywhere, more and more abusive and unwholesome dynamics are being brought into consciousness around the world, and it’s only a matter of time before we collectively cough up the whole disgusting furball and move together into a healthy and harmonious world.

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly
I'm not sure I care what a "bogan" (Aussie for bum) socialist thinks? As a wanna-be rabble rouser her world view is very myopic. The world and class system has been here forever, and keeps adjusting to circumstances. I'm sure that Caitlin's socialist "utopia" is total garbage.
Caitlin Johnstone is a 100 percent crowdfunded rogue journalist, bogan socialist, anarcho-psychonaut, guerilla poet and utopia prepper living in Australia with her American husband and two kids. She writes about politics, economics, media, feminism and the nature of consciousness. She is the author of the illustrated poetry book "Woke: A Field Guide For Utopia Preppers."
It’s the end of the world as we know it
Sorry for my OP. I forgot this board is primarily about hate or love Don, and nothing else matters. So apparently, my OP is much too deep for the shallow partisan members of this board.
It’s the end of the world as we know it
Sorry for my OP. I forgot this board is primarily about hate or love Don, and nothing else matters. So apparently, my OP is much too deep for the shallow partisan members of this board.
Its an election year, an "Armageddon election" for the soul of the US.
This is a political forum to argue US politics, since arguing politics anywhere is generally frowned upon.
Your "deep" OP reeks of socialism, a dogshit system that never works, instead of "US politics", so we'll keep on arguing about Trump & Biden thank you.
Or, is it too late?

Is our future that of death, destruction, poverty, injustice, and suffering? I tend to think it’s too late but I’m skeptical when it comes to our nation’s future, because I don’t think we the people will ever collectively wake up. The power of the elite to deceive and divide, is too great to overcome for many.

FROM THE GREAT CAITLIN JOHNSTONE.....she’s optimistic, so maybe it’s not too late.

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly

The fight to liberate humanity from oppression, exploitation, butchery and madness is really a fight to expand consciousness.

The existential threats our species now faces are ultimately due to the fact that powerful people advance omnicidal, ecocidal, oppressive, violent and exploitative agendas behind veils of secrecy and propaganda distortion. They do evil things while deliberately keeping people unconscious of those evil things, so that the people will not use the power of their numbers to stop them.

The people do not use the power of their numbers to force a change into a healthy paradigm which puts human interests first because their perception of the world is aggressively manipulated by power structures who have a vested interest in keeping that from happening. Wealth and power are kept in the hands of elites and their underlings by propagandizing people into believing the current status quo is the only way things can be. War agendas are consented to because people are propagandized into believing this or that boogie man poses some imminent threat and needs to be eliminated. Surveillance, censorship, government secrecy and police militarization are tolerated because people are manipulated into believing they need these things.

The lights are turning on everywhere, more and more abusive and unwholesome dynamics are being brought into consciousness around the world, and it’s only a matter of time before we collectively cough up the whole disgusting furball and move together into a healthy and harmonious world.

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly
utopia doesn't exist. someone will always need to lead, to provide food, security, money. So the mere mention of utopia is nonexistence, all one does is trade in one form of leaders for another. it isn't all it is said to be. I'm amazed at people like this lady that thinks there is. I laudh.
Or, is it too late?

Is our future that of death, destruction, poverty, injustice, and suffering? I tend to think it’s too late but I’m skeptical when it comes to our nation’s future, because I don’t think we the people will ever collectively wake up. The power of the elite to deceive and divide, is too great to overcome for many.

FROM THE GREAT CAITLIN JOHNSTONE.....she’s optimistic, so maybe it’s not too late.

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly

The fight to liberate humanity from oppression, exploitation, butchery and madness is really a fight to expand consciousness.

The existential threats our species now faces are ultimately due to the fact that powerful people advance omnicidal, ecocidal, oppressive, violent and exploitative agendas behind veils of secrecy and propaganda distortion. They do evil things while deliberately keeping people unconscious of those evil things, so that the people will not use the power of their numbers to stop them.

The people do not use the power of their numbers to force a change into a healthy paradigm which puts human interests first because their perception of the world is aggressively manipulated by power structures who have a vested interest in keeping that from happening. Wealth and power are kept in the hands of elites and their underlings by propagandizing people into believing the current status quo is the only way things can be. War agendas are consented to because people are propagandized into believing this or that boogie man poses some imminent threat and needs to be eliminated. Surveillance, censorship, government secrecy and police militarization are tolerated because people are manipulated into believing they need these things.

The lights are turning on everywhere, more and more abusive and unwholesome dynamics are being brought into consciousness around the world, and it’s only a matter of time before we collectively cough up the whole disgusting furball and move together into a healthy and harmonious world.

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly
That may be how she is. There are many that talk that way but really are not.
It’s probably not too late, but I fear it will be worse before better.
Everything will be destroyed sooner than later. She's one of those woke emotional feely new age people who think you can just think positive and everything will turn to unicorns and fairy dust.
Wise Words from Caitlin Johnstone:

Only Idiots Believe The CIA, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

An assertion made by spooks is as far from evidence as you can possibly get. Really dumb that this needs to be said.

Mainstream media outlets which publish anonymous intelligence claims with no proof are just publishing CIA press releases disguised as news.

The most influential news outlets in the western world uncritically parrot whatever they’re told to say by the most powerful and depraved intelligence agencies on the planet, then tell you that Russia and China are bad because they have state media.

Imagine if a compulsive liar who you know for a fact constantly deceives people in order to hurt and exploit them told you your neighbor is going to kill you if you don’t kill him first, and you go and kill your neighbor immediately. That’s how dumb believing the CIA is....

Gonna quit this gig and become one of those experts they bring on MSNBC to look at the camera and solemnly say that whatever’s in the news today is “right out of Putin’s playbook”....

Wanting Biden because he’s not Trump is the same as wanting cancer because it’s not heart disease.
Wise Words from Caitlin Johnstone:

Only Idiots Believe The CIA, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

An assertion made by spooks is as far from evidence as you can possibly get. Really dumb that this needs to be said.

That one made me chuckle.

Yes, the CIA will usually tell the truth. That way you establish credibility. Unless, of course, they are being told to pursue an agenda, usually by the rulers of the day, or have an institutional interest, and the truth isn't furthering it. Wisdom is having the ability, and putting in the work, to tell the two apart at least with some degree of certainty. Believing everything the CIA is saying is as dumb as believing nothing the CIA is saying, and Caitlin is a stupid person with an agenda (careful, that's what motivates lies), who vastly, vastly overestimates her insight.
Every apex empire in all of human history has fallen to ruin. Why should the USA be any different with its corrupt leaders, corrupt government, corruption at every level local, state, and federal. Borrowing and spending like theres no tomorrow with no end in sight to a debt so huge nobody on earth can bail us out.
Wise Words from Caitlin Johnstone:

Only Idiots Believe The CIA, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

An assertion made by spooks is as far from evidence as you can possibly get. Really dumb that this needs to be said.

That one made me chuckle.

Yes, the CIA will usually tell the truth. That way you establish credibility. Unless, of course, they are being told to pursue an agenda, usually by the rulers of the day, or have an institutional interest, and the truth isn't furthering it. Wisdom is having the ability, and putting in the work, to tell the two apart at least with some degree of certainty. Believing everything the CIA is saying is as dumb as believing nothing the CIA is saying, and Caitlin is a stupid person with an agenda (careful, that's what motivates lies), who vastly, vastly overestimates her insight.
That’s terribly dumb.

First, the CIA always lies. Pompeo admitted it, the fat fuck.

Second, Caitlin is a genius. Open your fucking mind and dump all that stupid political narrative you’ve accepted as truth.
Every apex empire in all of human history has fallen to ruin. Why should the USA be any different with its corrupt leaders, corrupt government, corruption at every level local, state, and federal. Borrowing and spending like theres no tomorrow with no end in sight to a debt so huge nobody on earth can bail us out.
Agreed but since many of us know this, why are we allowing the elite to repeat history?
Everything will be destroyed sooner than later. She's one of those woke emotional feely new age people who think you can just think positive and everything will turn to unicorns and fairy dust.
No she’s not. You need to read more of her stuff, before making a conclusion.
Or, is it too late?

Is our future that of death, destruction, poverty, injustice, and suffering? I tend to think it’s too late but I’m skeptical when it comes to our nation’s future, because I don’t think we the people will ever collectively wake up. The power of the elite to deceive and divide, is too great to overcome for many.

FROM THE GREAT CAITLIN JOHNSTONE.....she’s optimistic, so maybe it’s not too late.

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly

The fight to liberate humanity from oppression, exploitation, butchery and madness is really a fight to expand consciousness.

The existential threats our species now faces are ultimately due to the fact that powerful people advance omnicidal, ecocidal, oppressive, violent and exploitative agendas behind veils of secrecy and propaganda distortion. They do evil things while deliberately keeping people unconscious of those evil things, so that the people will not use the power of their numbers to stop them.

The people do not use the power of their numbers to force a change into a healthy paradigm which puts human interests first because their perception of the world is aggressively manipulated by power structures who have a vested interest in keeping that from happening. Wealth and power are kept in the hands of elites and their underlings by propagandizing people into believing the current status quo is the only way things can be. War agendas are consented to because people are propagandized into believing this or that boogie man poses some imminent threat and needs to be eliminated. Surveillance, censorship, government secrecy and police militarization are tolerated because people are manipulated into believing they need these things.

The lights are turning on everywhere, more and more abusive and unwholesome dynamics are being brought into consciousness around the world, and it’s only a matter of time before we collectively cough up the whole disgusting furball and move together into a healthy and harmonious world.

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly
utopia doesn't exist. someone will always need to lead, to provide food, security, money. So the mere mention of utopia is nonexistence, all one does is trade in one form of leaders for another. it isn't all it is said to be. I'm amazed at people like this lady that thinks there is. I laudh.
Who said anything about utopia?
Believing everything the CIA is saying is as dumb as believing nothing the CIA is saying
I agree with only this much of your comment, Olde Europe.
However, I think the CIA always has an agenda, or agendas.

First, and perhaps least significant, the CIA has its own institutional bureaucratic agenda, which every great bureaucracy has, much worsened in the case of the CIA because of the nature of its work. Secret security agencies always have skeletons in their closets that other departments of government do not have.

Then there is its real agenda, its purpose, to serve the U.S./Wall Street empire, to serve U.S. imperialist interests. Perhaps you do not distinguish between legitimate national interests and imperialist interests, but I do. This is, in my opinion, a “deep state” agenda that generally the CIA carries out regardless of party administration or who occupies the Presidency. Turning around this underwater part of “the ship of state” is an immense challenge for any President, as both Obama and Trump found out (in very different ways).
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Believing everything the CIA is saying is as dumb as believing nothing the CIA is saying
I agree with only this much of your comment, Olde Europe.

Interesting. So, you would disagree with this?

"Wisdom is having the ability, and putting in the work, to tell the two [truth and lies] apart at least with some degree of certainty."

However, I think the CIA always has an agenda, or agendas.

First, and perhaps least significant, the CIA has its own institutional bureaucratic agenda, which every great bureaucracy has, much worsened in the case of the CIA because of the nature of its work. Secret security agencies always have skeletons in their closets that other departments of government do not have.

Then there is its real agenda, its purpose, to serve the U.S./Wall Street empire, to serve U.S. imperialist interests. Perhaps you do not distinguish between legitimate national interests and imperialist interests, but I do. This is, in my opinion, a “deep state” agenda that generally the CIA carries out regardless of party administration or who occupies the Presidency. Turning around this underwater part of “the ship of state” is an immense challenge for any President, as both Obama and Trump found out (in very different ways).

If you distrust the CIA because of "skeletons", you should be as distrustful of the departments of, say, agriculture or housing because of institutional racism, the department of defense, or the State Department, for their imperial criminality easily matches or exceeds the CIA's. As far as I understand your not very specific difference between national and imperial interest, I agree (I guess). Care to elaborate how, in your view, and on what occasion, President Obama found out about the difficulty to turn around the CIA?

I tend to reject the "deep state" narrative. It's mostly nonsense. The so-called deep state is the institutional backbone of the U.S., holding the house together and ensuring that the whole shebang works, for the most part. The paranoid notion there's a shadow state counter-acting the good intentions of virtuous, well-intentioned elected officials, is by and large ludicrous.

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