Will White Privilege End Affirmative Action?

The black people in America at that time were never slaves either

you along with most black people are glass half empty types

whereas koreans are of the glass half full persuasion

I'm not certain where you obtain your facts from or if you are just making up your own.

When Koreans began arriving in America, in 1903, there absolutely were former slaves that were still living in America.

You don't personally know me, so you are not even remotely qualified to judge how I view life at all, and as far as your generalization about "most black people and Koreans", you don't personally know "MOST" of them either, so your blanket statement like most who make such statements, is strictly your opinion.
Many have. And they never experienced the effects of Jim Crow policies either.
Koreans faced rigid caste systems. African nations have been self-governed for many decades and are nowhere near what Southeast Asia is becoming. The issue is something is amiss. We need to try different tactics. Equity is not going to do it.
The first female millionaire, Madam C.J. Walker became a millionaire by marketing BLACK hair care products to BLACK women.

The BLACK community was responsible for her acquiring the wealth that she did.

The fact that she became a millionaire in a nation whose majority viewed her as less than equal or even human is more of a testament to her.

As far as my "demise", I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, I'm retired and I live quite well.

And that is because of the work that I did, not because of any political party in this country.
This is America no one cares about you, you think because I’m white I’m treated differently? Lol you have no understanding what this country is about.
Blacks did well before welfare. They destroyed them selves welfare was set to return them to slavery. It’s worked.. try to speak out against democrats.

Jim Crow was implemented in AMERICA and it existed to varying degrees in geographical regions all over AMERICA until 1965.

Your slavish political adoration and zealotry is no substitute for facts, especially for someone who actually experienced it.
No it wasn’t, it was implemented only by democrats. And the way you act,, maybe we should go back you seem un grateful
I guess you never heard of the Korean War

Koreans arrived in America without knowing English, many with nothing more than the clothes on their back

to say that blacks had it tougher is a misreading of history

Were they brought over in chains?
Forced to do labor for no compensation?
Could their women be raped on a whim by white people?
Could they have their children sold off as property?
Could they be lynched for merely touching a white woman or looking at her the wrong way (Like Emmet Till was)
This is America no one cares about you, you think because I’m white I’m treated differently? Lol you have no understanding what this country is about.
Blacks did well before welfare. They destroyed them selves welfare was set to return them to slavery. It’s worked.. try to speak out against democrats.

Uh, yeah, you are treated differently because you are white. check your privilege.

Most people on welfare are white, not black.

Blacks have actually progressed because of Democratic policies.
Were they brought over in chains?
Forced to do labor for no compensation?
Could their women be raped on a whim by white people?
Could they have their children sold off as property?
Could they be lynched for merely touching a white woman or looking at her the wrong way (Like Emmet Till was)
I’d like to talk to a slave abs ask them what democrats did to them
When Koreans began arriving in America, in 1903, there absolutely were former slaves that were still living in America.
Significant korean immigration began after the korean war

as for former slaves alive in 1955, being almost 100 years old, they were too old to compete for a better place in society

but the 0-45 year old korean immigrants competed with their black peers at the bottom of society and outpaced them by a wide margin
No it wasn’t, it was implemented only by democrats. And the way you act,, maybe we should go back you seem un grateful

Lol! Grateful for what?
And to whom, exactly?

No one has ever given me anything that I have not worked for, except for my parents as a child.

And that was a very long time ago.

Besides, one cannot “go back” to a place that they are not “from”.

Just because YOU expect me to be “grateful” based your personal views, is the epitome of ignorance.

Are you denying that Jim Crow laws existed in states outside of the south?

If so, you are absolutely misinformed.
First free black army fought for the confederacy. You think poor white guys were fighting so a few white guys could keep slaves? Lol
False. There is no record of any Black fighting unit that fought for the confederacy. Those who aided the confederacy were cooks, and performed menial tasks.

Lol! Grateful for what?
And to whom, exactly?

No one has ever given me anything that I have not worked for, except for my parents as a child.

And that was a very long time ago.

Besides, one cannot “go back” to a place that they are not “from”.

Just because YOU expect me to be “grateful” based your personal views, is the epitome of ignorance.

Are you denying that Jim Crow laws existed in states outside of the south?

If so, you are absolutely misinformed.
They still exist.. be black and be a black republican activist..
False. There is no record of any Black fighting unit that fought for the confederacy. Those who aided the confederacy were cooks, and performed menial tasks.

Frederick Douglass wrote down he saw black men take up arms with the white confederate soldier.
Frederick Douglass wrote down he saw black men take up arms with the white confederate soldier.
Lol! You are hilarious!

Are you actually this misinformed? Frederick Douglass recruited black soldiers to join the UNION Army.

In fact, two of his sons were in the Union army.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
Lol! You are hilarious!

Are you actually this misinformed? Frederick Douglass recruited black soldiers to join the UNION Army.

In fact, two of his sons were in the Union army.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
What’s your point? Are you calling Frederick Douglas a liar?
Lol! You are hilarious!

Are you actually this misinformed? Frederick Douglass recruited black soldiers to join the UNION Army.

In fact, two of his sons were in the Union army.

Google is your friend. Look it up.
Lol! You are hilarious!

Are you actually this misinformed? Frederick Douglass recruited black soldiers to join the UNION Army.

In fact, two of his sons were in the Union army.

Google is your friend. Look it up.

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