Will you get what you want or need or will you get what you deserve?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
What are people seeing? Are they seeing what is there or are they seeing what is fed to them through the distorted lens of biased media? I know what I see and it is bizarre. Even before a bioweapon was released onto the world unleashing a global pandemic, things were getting weird. No one anywhere in America was saying black lives do not matter and racism in America had become a historical footnote of the recent past. This was problematic for the massive political/cultural industrial complex that had grown out of the Great Society and the ballooning beaurocracy that had metastisized into the tissues of the country.

America was running out of authentic racism! Then just in time a political outsider got elected to the presidency that rejected expanding government as the cure for too much individual freedom in the United States. He was white, industrious, and successful which made him a perfect physical model for a rabid hood-clad racist and racism came back to the US with a vengeance. The sin he was actually guilty of, questioning the Deep State and its motives, was immediately transformed to the evils of racism, mysogyny, and threats to the very foundations of American democracy.

Suddenly, a Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air. Millionaire black football players were kneeling on the screens of television viewers all over the country and of course, the new president was relentlessy presented as a public-enemy-number-one slavemaster even though there was no evidence that racism was anywhere in his repertoire. It was a masterful media slight-of-hand and a lot of woke pre-soaked gullible people fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The Birth-of-a Nation mentality that had faded away in America like neighborhood Fotomats quickly hit the parched Badlands of mis-educated American minds like a biblical flood wiping out any vestige of national common sense.

There were no sheets and no giant KKK marches to grace US living rooms with dirty pictures so desperate actors resorted to magic shows designed for childlike minds. With barely any institutional racism left, there was even an instance where a famous black celebrity, Jussie Smollet, fabricated a phony racist attack which was picked up by the woke-slutted US legacy media and served as porno for a huge swath of dumbed down Amercan gazers. Even when the hoax was exposed millions of brainwashed liberal voters simply dismissed the incident at the behest of US media as an unimportant quirk. They simply could not fathom that they had been mind controlled.

Then the George Floyd incident took place after black business owners called law enforcement on him for passing counterfeit money. Floyd was loaded with massive amounts of powerful neurological street substances and eventually sucumbed to a heart attack after being subdued by police. The incident was recorded on cell phones and displayed by media as an institutional white on black police murder that happens every day. Like rubes at a snake oil stand it became a shoving match for many Great Society inbred American minds to line up and buy the first bottle of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda was vindicated right there, and Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton's mentor, was no doubt smiling from Hell. The village had succeeded in raising a few generations of village idiots.

Now we come to the inserted State alternative to the recalcitrant former president, Kamala Harris. She is an East Indian/Irish privileged progeny of rich and successful Jamaican slave owners. She has a somewhat dark hue to her skin which allows her to pose as a descendent of former black slaves. Janet Jackson, an actual descendent of former black slaves has bravely stepped forward and spoken out. There are only so many times a government that says it is looking out for you can bend you over before you begin to get hip to what is going on. Washington DC and the US government that incited assassination attempts against the former president by calling him a threat to democracy are counting on Janet Jackson and her black heritage to blindly line up behind Harris and just swallow the stolen valor she parading around.

Harris, the border zar. is flooding the country with foreign motor voters and planning to jam millions of Illegal citizens into black communities straining resources and impoverishing areas where most blacks struggle to make a living. Harris is not black and she does not regard Black America as anything other than a stepping stone to be the first female President.

I believe this coming election is just too big to rig this time and Donald Trump is going to prevail if they they don't kill him first. I also have faith that other parts of the country have people a little smarter that what lives here in the city. I write this stuff because no one else will. If Trump is taken out you are not going to get what you want or need. You will get what you deserve.
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What are people seeing? Are they seeing what is there or are they seeing what is fed to them through the distorted lens of biased media? I know what I see and it is bizarre. Even before a bioweapon was released onto the world unleashing a global pandemic, things were getting weird. No one anywhere in America was saying black lives do not matter and racism in America had become a historical footnote of the recent past. This was problematic for the massive political/cultural industrial complex that had grown out of the Great Society and the ballooning beaurocracy that had metastisized into the tissues of the country.

America was running out of authentic racism! Then just in time a political outsider got elected to the presidency that rejected expanding government as the cure for too much individual freedom in the United States. He was white, industrious, and successful which made him a perfect physical model for a rabid hood-clad racist and racism came back to the US with a vengeance. The sin he was actually guilty of, questioning the Deep State and its motives, was immediately transformed to the evils of racism, mysogyny, and threats to the very foundations of American democracy.

Suddenly, a Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air. Millionaire black football players were kneeling on the screens of television viewers all over the country and of course, the new president was relentlessy presented as a public-enemy-number-one slavemaster even though there was no evidence that racism was anywhere in his repertoire. It was a masterful media slight-of-hand and a lot of woke pre-soaked gullible people fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The Birth-of-a Nation mentality that had faded away in America like neighborhood Fotomats quickly hit the parched Badlands of mis-educated American minds like a biblical flood wiping out any vestige of national common sense.

There were no sheets and no giant KKK marches to grace US living rooms with dirty pictures so desperate actors resorted to magic shows designed for childlike minds. With barely any institutional racism left, there was even an instance where a famous black celebrity, Jussie Smollet, fabricated a phony racist attack which was picked up by the woke-slutted US legacy media and served as porno for a huge swath of dumbed down Amercan gazers. Even when the hoax was exposed millions of brainwashed liberal voters simply dismissed the incident at the behest of US media as an unimportant quirk. They simply could not fathom that they had been mind controlled.

Then the George Floyd incident took place after black business owners called law enforcement on him for passing counterfeit money. Floyd was loaded with massive amounts of powerful neurological street substances and eventually sucumbed to a heart attack after being subdued by police. The incident was recorded on cell phones and displayed by media as an institutional white on black police murder that happens every day. Like rubes at a snake oil stand it became a shoving match for many Great Society inbred American minds to line up and buy the first bottle of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda was vindicated right there, and Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton's mentor, was no doubt smiling from Hell. The village had succeeded in raising a few generations of village idiots.

Now we come to the inserted State alternative to the recalcitrant former president, Kamala Harris. She is an East Indian/Irish privileged progeny of rich and successful Jamaican slave owners. She has a somewhat dark hue to her skin which allows her to pose as a descendent of former black slaves. Janet Jackson, an actual descendent of former black slaves has bravely stepped forward and spoken out. There are only so many times a government that says it is looking out for you can bend you over before you begin to get hip to what is going on. Washington DC and the US government that incited assassination attempts against the former president by calling him a threat to democracy are counting on Janet Jackson and her black heritage to blindly line up behind Harris and just swallow the stolen valor she parading around.

Harris, the border zar. is flooding the country with foreign motor voters and planning to jam millions of Illegal citizens into black communities straining resources and impoverishing areas where most blacks struggle to make a living. Harris is not black and she does not regard Black America as anything other than a stepping stone to be the first female President.

I believe this coming election is just too big to rig this time and Donald Trump is going to prevail if they they don't kill him first. I also have faith that other parts of the country have people a little smarter that what lives here in the city. I write this stuff because no one else will. If Trump is taken out you are not going to get what you want or need. You will get what you deserve.
Hilarous fiction.

Trump got called a racist because on day one he said Mexicans were rapists.
Trump got called a mysoginist because he’s a well known mysoginist.
And registered republicans are the ones trying to kill the blob.
There were no sheets and no giant KKK marches to grace US living rooms with dirty pictures so desperate actors resorted to magic shows designed for childlike minds.
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I like for things to make sense logically. That is probably because I am a concrete thinker like Trump. It makes no sense to me that a government would gin up up division between different groups of people just so it's constituent parts could benefit by never actually getting real jobs and producing anything worthwhile. People who think abstractly fool others into believing they know more than they do. Why would African Americans want to vote for Kamala Harris just because she has dark toned skin? That would be like Jews electing Sammy Davis Jr. Prime Minister of Israel because he converted to Judaeism and he was short and musically talented like a lot of Jews. I don't think American blacks are as dumb as Washington thinks they are.

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What are people seeing? Are they seeing what is there or are they seeing what is fed to them through the distorted lens of biased media? I know what I see and it is bizarre. Even before a bioweapon was released onto the world unleashing a global pandemic, things were getting weird. No one anywhere in America was saying black lives do not matter and racism in America had become a historical footnote of the recent past. This was problematic for the massive political/cultural industrial complex that had grown out of the Great Society and the ballooning beaurocracy that had metastisized into the tissues of the country.

America was running out of authentic racism! Then just in time a political outsider got elected to the presidency that rejected expanding government as the cure for too much individual freedom in the United States. He was white, industrious, and successful which made him a perfect physical model for a rabid hood-clad racist and racism came back to the US with a vengeance. The sin he was actually guilty of, questioning the Deep State and its motives, was immediately transformed to the evils of racism, mysogyny, and threats to the very foundations of American democracy.

Suddenly, a Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air. Millionaire black football players were kneeling on the screens of television viewers all over the country and of course, the new president was relentlessy presented as a public-enemy-number-one slavemaster even though there was no evidence that racism was anywhere in his repertoire. It was a masterful media slight-of-hand and a lot of woke pre-soaked gullible people fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The Birth-of-a Nation mentality that had faded away in America like neighborhood Fotomats quickly hit the parched Badlands of mis-educated American minds like a biblical flood wiping out any vestige of national common sense.

There were no sheets and no giant KKK marches to grace US living rooms with dirty pictures so desperate actors resorted to magic shows designed for childlike minds. With barely any institutional racism left, there was even an instance where a famous black celebrity, Jussie Smollet, fabricated a phony racist attack which was picked up by the woke-slutted US legacy media and served as porno for a huge swath of dumbed down Amercan gazers. Even when the hoax was exposed millions of brainwashed liberal voters simply dismissed the incident at the behest of US media as an unimportant quirk. They simply could not fathom that they had been mind controlled.

Then the George Floyd incident took place after black business owners called law enforcement on him for passing counterfeit money. Floyd was loaded with massive amounts of powerful neurological street substances and eventually sucumbed to a heart attack after being subdued by police. The incident was recorded on cell phones and displayed by media as an institutional white on black police murder that happens every day. Like rubes at a snake oil stand it became a shoving match for many Great Society inbred American minds to line up and buy the first bottle of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda was vindicated right there, and Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton's mentor, was no doubt smiling from Hell. The village had succeeded in raising a few generations of village idiots.

Now we come to the inserted State alternative to the recalcitrant former president, Kamala Harris. She is an East Indian/Irish privileged progeny of rich and successful Jamaican slave owners. She has a somewhat dark hue to her skin which allows her to pose as a descendent of former black slaves. Janet Jackson, an actual descendent of former black slaves has bravely stepped forward and spoken out. There are only so many times a government that says it is looking out for you can bend you over before you begin to get hip to what is going on. Washington DC and the US government that incited assassination attempts against the former president by calling him a threat to democracy are counting on Janet Jackson and her black heritage to blindly line up behind Harris and just swallow the stolen valor she parading around.

Harris, the border zar. is flooding the country with foreign motor voters and planning to jam millions of Illegal citizens into black communities straining resources and impoverishing areas where most blacks struggle to make a living. Harris is not black and she does not regard Black America as anything other than a stepping stone to be the first female President.

I believe this coming election is just too big to rig this time and Donald Trump is going to prevail if they they don't kill him first. I also have faith that other parts of the country have people a little smarter that what lives here in the city. I write this stuff because no one else will. If Trump is taken out you are not going to get what you want or need. You will get what you deserve.
Just like you said there is no racism in America. Most American whites and blacks are good people. But the evil people who hold power want the American people to be against each other so they can distract us from a bad economy, from there decisions during the coronavirus to lock us down and destroy the economy. And also from them sending all of our taxpayer money to foreign countries for their wars that have no effect on America.

Unfortunately, this mainstream media and Hollywood and these millionaire elites have been able to brainwash a few Americans believing that things like white supremacy is actually a problem. Or that Trump is a racist. They’ve been completely brainwashed. The only hope is they can save themselves before it’s not too late.

I also have optimism for the American future. We have the American people black-and-white will stand up to the lies of the radical left.
I like for things to make sense logically. That is probably because I am a concrete thinker like Trump. It makes no sense to me that a government would gin up up division between different groups of people just so its constituent parts could benefit by never actually getting real jobs and producing anything worthwhile. People who think abstractly fool others into believing they know more than they do. Why would African Americans want to vote for Kamala Harris just because she has dark toned skin? That would be like Jews electing Sammy Davis Jr. Prime Minister of Israel because he converted to Judaeism and he was short and musically talented like a lot of Jews. I don't think American blacks are as dumb as Washington thinks they are.
The sad thing is the most racist political group in the past few years has been the radical left. What they will often do is show pictures of obscure random white people maybe 10 or 12 of them holding a torch or a swastika (some of them may be undercover lefties.)

But you won’t see the feminist woke left talk about The violent Black Lives Matter riots that resulted in billions of dollars worth of damage, 25 people killed and the worst destruction of public and private property in recent American history. Nothing even comes close. But don’t worry the radical left doesn’t give a darn about that. They will post some random picture of a white guy holding a swastika and say “look there’s racism.”!

I think that about 5% of the American public supports BLM, DEI and other forms of extremism like that. We see some of them post here on the US message board. And it’s a shame because they are wrong big time. They often talk about slavery in America, but never mentioned slavery in Africa or other parts of the world because they don’t care about it. I’ve heard of them say “who cares about slaves who were living in Africa” that’s the type of backward mindset that these people have.

But again I’m confident for the American future, and that we the American people will kick out the radical left to the dustbin of history where they belong.
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I like for things to make sense logically. That is probably because I am a concrete thinker like Trump. It makes no sense to me that a government would gin up up division between different groups of people just so it's constituent parts could benefit by never actually getting real jobs and producing anything worthwhile. People who think abstractly fool others into believing they know more than they do. Why would African Americans want to vote for Kamala Harris just because she has dark toned skin? That would be like Jews electing Sammy Davis Jr. Prime Minister of Israel because he converted to Judaeism and he was short and musically talented like a lot of Jews. I don't think American blacks are as dumb as Washington thinks they are.

View attachment 1022529
But, could he sing "Mammy" and stir yer emotions?

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