Will you join with me in praying for Hillary Clintons Health?

Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

  • Yes, I want Americans to be healthy

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No, I think Hillary's death would be better for America

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • I dunno; when is the game on?

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
"Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia," her doctor, Lisa Bardack, said. "She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule. While at this morning's event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely."

What a load of crap.

Dr. Lisa Bardack was holding her hand while leaving 9/11 memorial this morning. If she had pneumonia since Friday, how for fuck sake, her doctor allowed her to walk around so ill.

I repeated this till the cows come home... I had pneumonia and I was still at work, felt like crap but it can take weeks to get rid off...

Pneumonia is very serious in healthy people... It usually is the thing that kills people who have been weakened by another disease...

But on its own, not a chance really.. I would be much more worried about Trump's Heart...
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?
I may be a bad Christian, but I am not going to pray for her.

However every day I'm praying for RIP of thousands of victims of regime changing, organised and sponsored by her bosses (Soros and Co): thousands innocent civilians killed in SE Ukraine, 6 Russian journalists killed in Donbass in 2014, murdered Ukrainian journalists and those who dared to criticize the current Ukrainian regime, controlled from Washington.

Also I'm praying for RIP of over 15 Russian best officers, who were killed this year while fighting ISIS in Syria.

Pray for Hillary's health is the same like to pray for ISIS supporting/financing and for more wars on our planet.

Sorry, Jim....
I wouldnt put Hillary's evil at the same level of impact as that of ISIS.

While she defends abortion, while claiming to shun and dislike it, she feels it must be available legally, and her bad ideology I think does lead to suffering on a huge scale.


That is a huge difference to me.

Where do you think she's draw a line and stop in her quest for power?
Two weeks after they bury here.

Actually, I'm surprised the dems haven't blamed Putin for poisoning her. Yet...

Looks like Putin always has been responsible for all Dems' faults before.
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

What happens when you pray for someone?
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

I don't agree with her Lying and deceptions, but I don't like anyone sick and suffering. Lets hope she gets better and lottsa love!

Should anything happen to her later in Prison, it's out of our hands
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

What happens when you pray for someone?

Praying for your enemies is good for your own heart, it helps you not to hate them and gives you perspective
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

What happens when you pray for someone?

Praying for your enemies is good for your own heart, it helps you not to hate them and gives you perspective

ISIS appreciates your prayers.

Hillary is in league with ISIS now? well thanks for the admission! we'll have to just forgive her
What happens when you pray for someone?

Well, honestly, I feel a lot better for certain, but I think that the subject of the prayers has some help.

It is not Gods Will that every prayer be granted, but there is some affect in asking Him.

He is omniscient and He is 100% Good and loves us, but sometimes the best thing for most people that He is concerned about is for things to happen that we do not understand. He also wants us to ask because it is good for us to focus our minds on what is needed.

The act of praying or meditating is itself a healthy and calming thing to do.

Hillary's health and the chaos of replacing a candidate for POTUS only a month or so before an election is unprecedented and could cause untold chaos. I would prefer to avoid the chaos and let Hillary have her chance at what she has worked so hard for the past thirty years or more.
ISIS appreciates your prayers.
I am praying for ISIS, that God judges them fairly and that if there is something about their perspective on life here and the US that God feels I should learn, then please God let me learn it.

I also pray that they leave their war effort soon and learn to appreciate, if not Judaism and Christianity as most Sunnis do, then appreciate the traditional abrogation of the Quran that they have rejected erroneously, IMO.
I don't agree with her Lying and deceptions, but I don't like anyone sick and suffering. Lets hope she gets better and lottsa love!

Should anything happen to her later in Prison, it's out of our hands
I agree that she should be in prison, but I want the justice process to take its full and unhindered course of action with her, and let the chips fall where they may.

I think the judgement of history will be far worse than any verdict a court will ever render.
Jim, I did not mean she was worse than ISIS. I wanted to say: she’s been one of those who created ISIS and if elected will be only helping ISIS.

It looks to me ISIS was created on purpose: to help Washington with their regime changing in ME. Looks like Globalists and their puppets/presidents have put Iraq, Libya, Syria in chaos on purpose and after that they didn’t stop but instead did the same thing in Ukraine. Looks like links of the same chain. (And let’s not forget Bill, who has been bombing Yugoslavia!) And if their puppet is elected they will never stop: we’ll see more and more countries in chaos, including your own home country! (And we’ll have to pray for more and more victims.)

Trump is a Globalists’ worst nightmare because he’s not going to take orders from them. He’s not part of them, he doesn’t depend on them, he can’t be blackmailed (they can only get rid of him physically), that’s why he’s priceless for those who want peace and prosperity: you and me and millions of other decent people, or “deplorables” from Globalists’ point of view. And that's whom I'll keep praying for as well.
Thank you for the clarification.

I agree that Clinton will help ISIS but not deliberately. She will be like the NY mayors office back with the skating rink fiasco; inept, incompetent, and more concerned about cronyism than getting the job done right. This is why she will aid ISIS; not deliberately but via her sheer incompetence and bureaucratic ineptitude. Our incompetence is ISIS' greatest strength and it will be optimized incompetence if Hillary gets elected.

It is way past time to put someone in charge who is determined to get the job done and not worry with business as usual and making sure all the supporters get their patronage pay offs.. The person who will get ISIS minimized and under control is Donald Trump.
Dear Lord,

Let this completely evil, despicable, unpatriotic, dishonest kleptocrat suffer and die slowly
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

I don't pray for lies...

In general as an atheist I don't usually pray at all though.

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