Will you join with me in praying for Hillary Clintons Health?

Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

  • Yes, I want Americans to be healthy

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No, I think Hillary's death would be better for America

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • I dunno; when is the game on?

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
Giving money and praying for an outcome are not even analogous.
Giving money is not analogous to prayer, but giving a needed thing, as perceived by the person requesting it, is the analogy to prayer.

Since we have an individual will making that decision and it is not the result of a naturalistic process that is absent sentience and will, you cannot test the effectiveness of prayer.

In fact, doing such a test demonstrates an abject ignorance about the nature of prayer and the limits to the scope of science.
That the Earth orbits the sun is not the greatest of Truths of our individual lives.
That Galileo proved the Bible was completely FULL OF SHIT on that issue is...

The Bible is written from the perspective of a person on the planet Earth, and as it would appear that the sun goes around the Earth, so the text describes it most of the time.

The Bible is not a modern scientific text to convey scientific concepts, therefore it has NEVER been disproven about any science fact. If the author says the sun stopped moving across the sky, he clearly means it as a perceived event that we would also assert, given that all motion is Relative anyway, according to Einstein.

When doing land navigation no one says, "Well the Earth would spin so that the Sun would appear at 4 o'clock on your watch dial." No, we say that the sun moved to that position. That is not a case of anyone being scientifically wrong, that is simply a case of people communicating about perceived events from their individual perspective.

But before we can even grasp that there are Laws of Nature, we have to first grasp that there is a LAW GIVER.

To even discuss said laws from an atheistic stand point is self contradictory.
All based on the rejection of God and the inability to appreciate and recognize the limits and scope of Science.

As the Bible says, "Only Fools say in their hearts that there is no God."

And you are inadvertently demonstrating why that statement is true.
The Bible is supposed to be the word of God.

If "God" doesn't understand Earth orbiting Sun, then "God" ain't infallible, and nobody should take the Bible seriously.
The Bible is supposed to be the word of God.

If "God" doesn't understand Earth orbiting Sun, then "God" ain't infallible, and nobody should take the Bible seriously.

Of course God understands why the Earth orbits the Sun and its affects.

A shepherd from 1200 BC is not to be assumed to know this however.

The authors of the Bible's books were limited to using the concepts of the world as they knew them to try to communicate MORAL TRUTHS, not scientific thesis.

To nitpick at what you think are science foibles in regard to a collection of books written across 1200 years of time by dozens of different men and women using several different languages from many different backgrounds and eras of time about moral Truths that transcend all those eras and locales is to entirely miss the point of what the Bible is about, dude.
therefore it has NEVER been disproven about any science fact
... especially since the church EDITED OUT the part that was DISPROVEN....

Lol, you are full of shit.

The methods and hermeneutical processes that TRANSLATORS use to translate a text from one or several languages into other languages changes that text produced without the need of some asinine conspiracy.

But if you would present the specific text, perhaps I can help you to grasp the process more clearly?
A shepherd from 1200 BC is not to be assumed to know this however.

That "shepherd" should not be writing under the guise that he is writing the words of God, and what is in the Bible is hence NOT the "word of God" since it is INACCURATE.

"And the stars fell from the sky like fig leaves" - the author of Revelations doesn't understand that the stars are larger than fig leaves... a bit larger... because he is FOS and NOT the "word of God."
That "shepherd" should not be writing under the guise that he is writing the words of God, and what is in the Bible is hence NOT the "word of God" since it is INACCURATE.

The shepherd has enough knowledge of his world to convey MORAL truths, which is the SOLE PURPOSE of the Bible.

And in the matter of these moral truths it is entirely accurate.

"And the stars fell from the sky like fig leaves" - the author of Revelations doesn't understand that the stars are larger than fig leaves... a bit larger... because he is FOS and NOT the "word of God."

And yet people in the modern era have made similar descriptions of meteor showers all over the world, WHILE KNOWING that those were not actually stars.

Dude, again, you are demonstrating why those that deny God are FOOLS, as you are making a very basic error in your interpretation of these ancient texts that any fair minded person can see by imposing a modern mindset as a requirement for the authors of ancient texts thousands of years ago.

You dont give a rats ass about the truth of this matter, you merely want to console yourself by pretending that there is no God and so you contort the evidence and Reason itself into absurdity to do so..
I'm not praying for her to put a couple of liberal justices in the SCOTUS so they can vote to take my guns next year.
Even if she lives another ten years, I dont think she is going to be making any SCOTUS appointments, dude.
I am praying for her quick recovery. God bless you Hillary.
You had better 'pray' a lot harder.
The old bull dycke criminal has one foot in the grave already. I bet she beats Bill to the 'Pearly Gates'.
I'm praying she'll stay alive. Justice should be served.

Justice will be served on all the Neo-Conservatives and their Puppets like Hillary and Obama and Kerry and McCain etc, Justice will be served on them when they die, Our Lord will Judge them and their punishment will be to be in Hell for Eternity, most of them are nearer to their Day of Judgement than I am, most of them are pushing 70 or are already well into their 70s and 80s.
"Our Lord"?
Hey pal. I've actually lived in 'hell' for two front line tours in VN.
No one can bullshit me into believing any 'God' who reportedly 'created us' would do that to his own creation.
Unless he's a fucking psychopath.
I'm glad my God is not like yours.

People who have been responsible for so much destruction will not enter The Kingdom of Heaven, unless they repent of their sins, and I can't see any of the Neo-Conservatives and their Puppets repenting about anything.
So to be crystal clear. If a Neo Con repents for 'ALL' their sins he/she is a lock to go to heaven?
No worries. I just now 'repented 'ALL' my sins so I'm good to go right?
You're such a fucking dumbass bullshit hypocrite!

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