Will you join with me in praying for Hillary Clintons Health?

Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

  • Yes, I want Americans to be healthy

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No, I think Hillary's death would be better for America

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • I dunno; when is the game on?

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
Hill-Beast needs very, very strong praying; as that was a seizure she suffered yesterday and not pneumonia.
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?
I may be a bad Christian, but I am not going to pray for her.

However every day I'm praying for RIP of thousands of victims of regime changing, organised and sponsored by her bosses (Soros and Co): thousands innocent civilians killed in SE Ukraine, 6 Russian journalists killed in Donbass in 2014, murdered Ukrainian journalists and those who dared to criticize the current Ukrainian regime, controlled from Washington.

Also I'm praying for RIP of over 15 Russian best officers, who were killed this year while fighting ISIS in Syria.

Pray for Hillary's health is the same like to pray for ISIS supporting/financing and for more wars on our planet.

Sorry, Jim....
I wouldnt put Hillary's evil at the same level of impact as that of ISIS.

While she defends abortion, while claiming to shun and dislike it, she feels it must be available legally, and her bad ideology I think does lead to suffering on a huge scale.


That is a huge difference to me.
I wonder what Hillary would say if Web Hubble's daughter choose to have an abortion?
"She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule.":rolleyes:

So now her Trump allergy that she spoke of in Cleveland has become a very convenient excuse for Crooked Hillary to avoid a debate with Trump.
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?
I may be a bad Christian, but I am not going to pray for her.

However every day I'm praying for RIP of thousands of victims of regime changing, organised and sponsored by her bosses (Soros and Co): thousands innocent civilians killed in SE Ukraine, 6 Russian journalists killed in Donbass in 2014, murdered Ukrainian journalists and those who dared to criticize the current Ukrainian regime, controlled from Washington.

Also I'm praying for RIP of over 15 Russian best officers, who were killed this year while fighting ISIS in Syria.

Pray for Hillary's health is the same like to pray for ISIS supporting/financing and for more wars on our planet.

Sorry, Jim....
I wouldnt put Hillary's evil at the same level of impact as that of ISIS.

While she defends abortion, while claiming to shun and dislike it, she feels it must be available legally, and her bad ideology I think does lead to suffering on a huge scale.


That is a huge difference to me.

Where do you think she's draw a line and stop in her quest for power?
Two weeks after they bury here.

Actually, I'm surprised the dems haven't blamed Putin for poisoning her. Yet...

Looks like Putin always has been responsible for all Dems' faults before.

Hey asshole, how about you tell that to the thousands of people Putin has killed or disappeared..

Putin has poisoned foreign leaders, so making a joke about tells us nothing about Hillary but a lot about you....
"Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia," her doctor, Lisa Bardack, said. "She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule. While at this morning's event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely."

What a load of crap.

Dr. Lisa Bardack was holding her hand while leaving 9/11 memorial this morning. If she had pneumonia since Friday, how for fuck sake, her doctor allowed her to walk around so ill.

I repeated this till the cows come home... I had pneumonia and I was still at work, felt like crap but it can take weeks to get rid off...

Pneumonia is very serious in healthy people... It usually is the thing that kills people who have been weakened by another disease...

But on its own, not a chance really.. I would be much more worried about Trump's Heart...
Well let's see who kicks off first.
Trump has never touched a drop of alcohol in his life.
Hillary 'works' on a bottle of Bombay gin every day for decades.
I know SS who have had to hide Hillary's alcoholism.
Now the old bull dycke murderer has to face the music.
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

Ok, here it goes.

Dear Lord, please help Hillary get b.....b.....be......bett.....bett...............be Ok.

I've never prayed such a hard prayer, but I know it's good for the soul.

Thanks for that.
God bless Hillary............and all the pygmies in New Guinea. (B. Kidd crosses himself.....)
What happens when you pray for someone?

Well, honestly, I feel a lot better for certain, but I think that the subject of the prayers has some help.

It is not Gods Will that every prayer be granted, but there is some affect in asking Him.

He is omniscient and He is 100% Good and loves us, but sometimes the best thing for most people that He is concerned about is for things to happen that we do not understand. He also wants us to ask because it is good for us to focus our minds on what is needed.

The act of praying or meditating is itself a healthy and calming thing to do.

Hillary's health and the chaos of replacing a candidate for POTUS only a month or so before an election is unprecedented and could cause untold chaos. I would prefer to avoid the chaos and let Hillary have her chance at what she has worked so hard for the past thirty years or more.
Ya God is really good at 'making things happen' that cause millions of his 'creations' to be killed.
I'm SURE he must have a good reason.
I don't care what happens with her.
That does nothing for or against Hillary.

It only harms you with neglect for your soul, but that is your business.

I will pray for you too, for wisdom.
I never did care about people like her. IMO, she's a dishonest and hateful person who is only interested in herself.

Have you ever met her?

Because having the attitude you have just looks like the product of the information you are fed...
I may be a bad Christian, but I am not going to pray for her.

However every day I'm praying for RIP of thousands of victims of regime changing, organised and sponsored by her bosses (Soros and Co): thousands innocent civilians killed in SE Ukraine, 6 Russian journalists killed in Donbass in 2014, murdered Ukrainian journalists and those who dared to criticize the current Ukrainian regime, controlled from Washington.

Also I'm praying for RIP of over 15 Russian best officers, who were killed this year while fighting ISIS in Syria.

Pray for Hillary's health is the same like to pray for ISIS supporting/financing and for more wars on our planet.

Sorry, Jim....
I wouldnt put Hillary's evil at the same level of impact as that of ISIS.

While she defends abortion, while claiming to shun and dislike it, she feels it must be available legally, and her bad ideology I think does lead to suffering on a huge scale.


That is a huge difference to me.

Where do you think she's draw a line and stop in her quest for power?
Two weeks after they bury here.

Actually, I'm surprised the dems haven't blamed Putin for poisoning her. Yet...

Looks like Putin always has been responsible for all Dems' faults before.

Hey asshole, how about you tell that to the thousands of people Putin has killed or disappeared..

Putin has poisoned foreign leaders, so making a joke about tells us nothing about Hillary but a lot about you....

I know what I'm talking about: I'm an ethnic Russian from Ukraine.

You are just another victim of your brainwashing anti-Russian (and actually anti-American as well) propagandist Media.

Clinton, Obama, Biden, Soros, Nuland should be judged by an independent International Military Tribunal for their war crimes. May be after that you'll learn a lot more truth about Putin, so carefully hidden by your Media.
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I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?
generally I only bring out prayer for big things. Bacterial infections that respond to anti-biotics .. not so much
I may be a bad Christian, but I am not going to pray for her.

However every day I'm praying for RIP of thousands of victims of regime changing, organised and sponsored by her bosses (Soros and Co): thousands innocent civilians killed in SE Ukraine, 6 Russian journalists killed in Donbass in 2014, murdered Ukrainian journalists and those who dared to criticize the current Ukrainian regime, controlled from Washington.

Also I'm praying for RIP of over 15 Russian best officers, who were killed this year while fighting ISIS in Syria.

Pray for Hillary's health is the same like to pray for ISIS supporting/financing and for more wars on our planet.

Sorry, Jim....
I wouldnt put Hillary's evil at the same level of impact as that of ISIS.

While she defends abortion, while claiming to shun and dislike it, she feels it must be available legally, and her bad ideology I think does lead to suffering on a huge scale.


That is a huge difference to me.

Where do you think she's draw a line and stop in her quest for power?
Two weeks after they bury here.

Actually, I'm surprised the dems haven't blamed Putin for poisoning her. Yet...

Looks like Putin always has been responsible for all Dems' faults before.

Hey asshole, how about you tell that to the thousands of people Putin has killed or disappeared..

Putin has poisoned foreign leaders, so making a joke about tells us nothing about Hillary but a lot about you....

Where was your indignation when Obama was praising Castro, agreeing to a deal with Imanutjob he's not going to follow, helping al Qaeda topple the Libyan government or trying to help ISIS topple the Syrian government?

Seems your standard constantly shifts. I wonder what the common denominator to what would cause that. Hmm ...
The people who were prayed for in those experiments had no better outcome than those who weren't prayed for the results have been repeated many times

That is a fact.

LOL, you did not read what I posted to you, or failed to comprehend it.

You cannot prove or disprove the results of prayer through science because it is not the affect of a natural repeatable process.

Its results are the result of the decision of an individual will. That is not a testable process by science.

Now tell me again how prayer doesnt work, roflmao.
How many people 'prayed to God' moments before the fucking Nazis gassed them?
You're an idiot!
That the Earth orbits the sun is not the greatest of Truths of our individual lives.
That Galileo proved the Bible was completely FULL OF SHIT on that issue is...

The Bible is written from the perspective of a person on the planet Earth, and as it would appear that the sun goes around the Earth, so the text describes it most of the time.

The Bible is not a modern scientific text to convey scientific concepts, therefore it has NEVER been disproven about any science fact. If the author says the sun stopped moving across the sky, he clearly means it as a perceived event that we would also assert, given that all motion is Relative anyway, according to Einstein.

When doing land navigation no one says, "Well the Earth would spin so that the Sun would appear at 4 o'clock on your watch dial." No, we say that the sun moved to that position. That is not a case of anyone being scientifically wrong, that is simply a case of people communicating about perceived events from their individual perspective.

But before we can even grasp that there are Laws of Nature, we have to first grasp that there is a LAW GIVER.

To even discuss said laws from an atheistic stand point is self contradictory.
You know what Jim?
I'm done with you.
No more time for 'fantasy' people in the sky who determine everything humans get up to for 'undisclosed reasons'.
Permanent Ignore.
I may be a bad Christian, but I am not going to pray for her.

However every day I'm praying for RIP of thousands of victims of regime changing, organised and sponsored by her bosses (Soros and Co): thousands innocent civilians killed in SE Ukraine, 6 Russian journalists killed in Donbass in 2014, murdered Ukrainian journalists and those who dared to criticize the current Ukrainian regime, controlled from Washington.

Also I'm praying for RIP of over 15 Russian best officers, who were killed this year while fighting ISIS in Syria.

Pray for Hillary's health is the same like to pray for ISIS supporting/financing and for more wars on our planet.

Sorry, Jim....
I wouldnt put Hillary's evil at the same level of impact as that of ISIS.

While she defends abortion, while claiming to shun and dislike it, she feels it must be available legally, and her bad ideology I think does lead to suffering on a huge scale.


That is a huge difference to me.

Where do you think she's draw a line and stop in her quest for power?
Two weeks after they bury here.

Actually, I'm surprised the dems haven't blamed Putin for poisoning her. Yet...

Looks like Putin always has been responsible for all Dems' faults before.

Hey asshole, how about you tell that to the thousands of people Putin has killed or disappeared..

Putin has poisoned foreign leaders, so making a joke about tells us nothing about Hillary but a lot about you....
What leaders has Putin poisoned?
Please post the scientific proof that there is a supreme being and that he she or it is the same god on the bible
I did not say one can prove it with science, but that would be an inappropriate use of science. Science is designed for naturalistic repeatable processes, and the existance of God does not fall into that category, though we can prove God's existence by the accumulation of evidence other means.

Prove to me scientifically that Julius Ceasar lived.

Prove to me by science that you can catch a bus near your house tomorrow.

Prove to me that you love anyone via the Scientific Method.

Prove to me that 2 + 2 = 4 with scientific experiment.

Our greatest Truths we live by are not based on science but on faith, intuition, mathematics, law, and convention. Not by science.

So where is your evidence fir I have seen no evidence that proves god exists without resorting to faith
If he truly does exist one should not have to rely on faith.

And remember just because we may not understand something is not proof that a supernatural being is responsible for it

I don't have to prove I love anyone I never said love exists. I can however prove that I am faithful to my wife. That I put her well being above all others etc.

Prove to me that 2 pairs of the same physical things does not yield 4 of that same physical thing assuming of course we do not change the accepted definitions and number values arbitrarily. See Peano's Postulates

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