Will you join with me in praying for Hillary Clintons Health?

Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

  • Yes, I want Americans to be healthy

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No, I think Hillary's death would be better for America

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • I dunno; when is the game on?

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
I don't pray for lies...
In general as an atheist I don't usually pray at all though.

It is good then that you dont pray for her; you need to be praying for yourself.

Only a fool says in his heart that there is no God.
Really if I wanted you to pray for me I'd ask you
Praying for someone's health has been scientifically proven not to work

The effect of prayer is not a quantifiable event, nor is it the result of a natural causal event process, therefore science can neither prove it nor disprove it.

It would be like saying that you can scientifically disprove that a specific father will not give his kid in college any money, because you have run a thousand tests and he failed to help in all of them.

But the first time the kid has a real need that the father realizes is a serious need, the support comes.

That is not a repeatable event. And you certainly cannot prove or disprove it by science.
We are also far from certain this really is pneumonia as it has gone on for months... and our only evidence is "the Hillary campaign said so..."
Really if I wanted you to pray for me I'd ask you
Praying for someone's health has been scientifically proven not to work

The effect of prayer is not a quantifiable event, nor is it the result of a natural causal event process, therefore science can neither prove it nor disprove it.

It would be like saying that you can scientifically disprove that a specific father will not give his kid in college any money, because you have run a thousand tests and he failed to help in all of them.

But the first time the kid has a real need that the father realizes is a serious need, the support comes.

That is not a repeatable event. And you certainly cannot prove or disprove it by science.

The people who were prayed for in those experiments had no better outcome than those who weren't prayed for the results have been repeated many times

That is a fact.

Giving money and praying for an outcome are not even analogous.
Tell you what have someone drop a rock on you and while it is falling pray it doesn't crush your skull and let's see what happens
I don't pray for lies...
In general as an atheist I don't usually pray at all though.

It is good then that you dont pray for her; you need to be praying for yourself.

Only a fool says in his heart that there is no God.

I thought only a fool would believe in things he can't prove exist

Lol, well then

1) you are wrong, God can be proven, and

2) we have to work on faith and hope that things beyond our control, the rain, the continuance of various social programs, the continued availability of a growing economy, etc, these are things beyond our individual control and to plan on them (without depending on them) with growing crops, or planning ones retirement is not foolish though you cannot prove that they will be there for you.
I don't pray for lies...
In general as an atheist I don't usually pray at all though.

It is good then that you dont pray for her; you need to be praying for yourself.

Only a fool says in his heart that there is no God.

I thought only a fool would believe in things he can't prove exist

Lol, well then

1) you are wrong, God can be proven, and

2) we have to work on faith and hope that things beyond our control, the rain, the continuance of various social programs, the continued availability of a growing economy, etc, these are things beyond our individual control and to plan on them (without depending on them) with growing crops, or planning ones retirement is not foolish though you cannot prove that they will be there for you.
Please post the scientific proof that there is a supreme being and that he she or it is the same god on the bible

And people grew their own crops and took care of themselves far longer than any of the modern versions of society existed
The people who were prayed for in those experiments had no better outcome than those who weren't prayed for the results have been repeated many times

That is a fact.

LOL, you did not read what I posted to you, or failed to comprehend it.

You cannot prove or disprove the results of prayer through science because it is not the affect of a natural repeatable process.

Its results are the result of the decision of an individual will. That is not a testable process by science.

Now tell me again how prayer doesnt work, roflmao.
The people who were prayed for in those experiments had no better outcome than those who weren't prayed for the results have been repeated many times

That is a fact.

LOL, you did not read what I posted to you, or failed to comprehend it.

You cannot prove or disprove the results of prayer through science because it is not the affect of a natural repeatable process.

Its results are the result of the decision of an individual will. That is not a testable process by science.

Now tell me again how prayer doesnt work, roflmao.

It doesn't

I'll drop a rock from a cliff, you stand there and pray it doesn't hit you and let's see what happens
Please post the scientific proof that there is a supreme being and that he she or it is the same god on the bible
I did not say one can prove it with science, but that would be an inappropriate use of science. Science is designed for naturalistic repeatable processes, and the existance of God does not fall into that category, though we can prove God's existence by the accumulation of evidence other means.

Prove to me scientifically that Julius Ceasar lived.

Prove to me by science that you can catch a bus near your house tomorrow.

Prove to me that you love anyone via the Scientific Method.

Prove to me that 2 + 2 = 4 with scientific experiment.

Our greatest Truths we live by are not based on science but on faith, intuition, mathematics, law, and convention. Not by science.
Please post the scientific proof that there is a supreme being and that he she or it is the same god on the bible
I did not say one can prove it with science, but that would be an inappropriate use of science. Science is designed for naturalistic repeatable processes, and the existance of God does not fall into that category, though we can prove God's existence by the accumulation of evidence other means.

Prove to me scientifically that Julius Ceasar lived.

Prove to me by science that you can catch a bus near your house tomorrow.

Prove to me that you love anyone via the Scientific Method.

Prove to me that 2 + 2 = 4 with scientific experiment.

Our greatest Truths we live by are not based on science but on faith, intuition, mathematics, law, and convention. Not by science.
So you say you have proof god exists yet you can't post it

got it
It doesn't

Yes, it does.

I'll drop a rock from a cliff, you stand there and pray it doesn't hit you and let's see what happens

Prayer is not a process that can be predictably able to negate natural processes, because it is not a natural process.

You are asking for a test of something that is not akin to the nature of the thing you demand be tested.

You are saying something absurd, like "Here, lets put you in a drunk tank at 3 am and call your wife and see if she will come bail you out and test if these phones actually work."

No, my wife would not come bail me out and it would have nothing to do with whether the phones work, but because she has decided a long time ago that if I get arrested for PI I get to spend the night in jail, lol.

The funny thing about all this is that I know you still do not grasp the thing I am trying to convey to you as you have no knowledge of the scope and limit of what science can test.

Whats more, you dont care if you do or do not.
So you say you have proof god exists yet you can't post it
got it

Sure I can post it, but it is a complex question.

I can easily prove that something must exist outside of the flow of time-space because we know our universe has not always existed.

In fact the nature of the flow of time itself demands a starting point mathematically, via the Infinite Regression Fallacy.

We cannot be here in the present as a result of an infinite chain of events that brought us here because there is no first event to initiate that chain of events if we have an infinitely regressed chain of events.

So something MUST have started time. That thing is Eternal since it is outside the flow of time.

Since it is eternal other things naturally suggest themselves as being true about this Eternal thing.

Etc, but I dont have time to regurgitate Thomas Aquinas for you though.
Our greatest Truths we live by are not based on science
Galileo - the Earth orbits the Sun
JimBowie - off with your head, blasphemer!!!!
That the Earth orbits the sun is not the greatest of Truths of our individual lives.

No one wakes up in the morning and says to himself, "I am going to go to work and fight the traffic, avoid those self destructive urges I may encounter, and be an honest and courageous person of integrity today because THE EARTH ORBITS THE SUN!"

And yet it is precisely those things that give us the courage for integrity, faith in our loved ones and hope in our future that are our greatest Truths.

Not some factoid about astronomy.

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