Will you join with me in praying for Hillary Clintons Health?

Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

  • Yes, I want Americans to be healthy

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No, I think Hillary's death would be better for America

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • I dunno; when is the game on?

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
Trump will win the election, and Hillary will be nothing more than a bad memory.
mmmm, more like a long running recurring monstrous nightmare, but I get what you mean.
Trump' ability to turn things around are questionable , but worth the risks.

Hillary has a long history of f'ing up. Her life has been nothing more than failures and lies that have costed people their lives.

I've never hated anyone more than Hillary.
I pray that God sees fit to strike her, Obama, and the rest of the current admin dead.

And all their cretinous butt buddies and families as well.
Harsh, I have not been a fan of the hildabeast or Barry. But I see no point in wishing them physical harm. Karma is taking care of them and will take care of them...

I don't want them dead and maimed because I want them to suffer. They'll suffer plenty in hell. I want them dead and maimed because they are destroying our nation and killing people, and I want it to end.
I have hundreds of books that say all kinds of things. That does not mean all those thongs are true now does it?

Of course not.

But how many of those books are actually collections of different books written by dozens of different people in three different languages over 1200 years of history and all have a consistent moral system to them?


And none of that makes anything those people wrote true does it?

I have hundreds of books that say all kinds of things. That does not mean all those thongs are true now does it?

Of course not.

But how many of those books are actually collections of different books written by dozens of different people in three different languages over 1200 years of history and all have a consistent moral system to them?


And none of that makes anything those people wrote true does it?


Of course by itself it does not, but it does suggest a common authorship, as if all the authors were really just passing on a meaning that was given to them but had to be expressed through their own experience, vocabulary and cultural concepts.

Others are recorded in history with similar claims for example, Christopher Columbus, Joan of Arc and Srinivasa Ramanujan. Ramanujan claimed that he came to realize what the answer was to a presented mathematical question by the Voice of God (as did Joan and Christopher). They did not explain why they were right and might not have had that ability to explain themselves BUT THEY WERE RIGHT. Most of us think of this as being a kind of intuition, but for them it had more clarity than just intuition. Ramanujan achieved undeniable mathematical Truths, most of which he could prove if given the time and effort, but he filled several notebooks of mathematical conclusions most of which have been proven to be true and none disproven, not to my knowledge anyway.

These Biblical authors did a similar thing. They declared that nature reflected the orderly mind of God, and that gave birth to modern science as Christians and Jews in Europe sought to define the laws that came from the mind of God.

Now you atheists are just pissing all over everything.
I have hundreds of books that say all kinds of things. That does not mean all those thongs are true now does it?

Of course not.

But how many of those books are actually collections of different books written by dozens of different people in three different languages over 1200 years of history and all have a consistent moral system to them?


And none of that makes anything those people wrote true does it?


Of course by itself it does not, but it does suggest a common authorship, as if all the authors were really just passing on a meaning that was given to them but had to be expressed through their own experience, vocabulary and cultural concepts.

Others are recorded in history with similar claims for example, Christopher Columbus, Joan of Arc and Srinivasa Ramanujan. Ramanujan claimed that he came to realize what the answer was to a presented mathematical question by the Voice of God (as did Joan and Christopher). They did not explain why they were right and might not have had that ability to explain themselves BUT THEY WERE RIGHT. Most of us think of this as being a kind of intuition, but for them it had more clarity than just intuition. Ramanujan achieved undeniable mathematical Truths, most of which he could prove if given the time and effort, but he filled several notebooks of mathematical conclusions most of which have been proven to be true and none disproven, not to my knowledge anyway.

These Biblical authors did a similar thing. They declared that nature reflected the orderly mind of God, and that gave birth to modern science as Christians and Jews in Europe sought to define the laws that came from the mind of God.

Now you atheists are just pissing all over everything.

I'm more of am agnostic.

But the Bible as you know has very little to do with any of the original writings and then there is the obvious problem of multiple translations and the bias of the translators and transcriptionists not to mention the people in power in the clergy that said what would and would not be included in the actual text of the bible they peddled as the word of god

and why would an all powerful god have to pick one or two people in a generation to speak to when he she or it could speak to everyone at once and banish all doubt for all time?

The bible is the work of men, many men to be sure but mere men all the same
I have hundreds of books that say all kinds of things. That does not mean all those thongs are true now does it?

Of course not.

But how many of those books are actually collections of different books written by dozens of different people in three different languages over 1200 years of history and all have a consistent moral system to them?


And none of that makes anything those people wrote true does it?


Of course by itself it does not, but it does suggest a common authorship, as if all the authors were really just passing on a meaning that was given to them but had to be expressed through their own experience, vocabulary and cultural concepts.

Others are recorded in history with similar claims for example, Christopher Columbus, Joan of Arc and Srinivasa Ramanujan. Ramanujan claimed that he came to realize what the answer was to a presented mathematical question by the Voice of God (as did Joan and Christopher). They did not explain why they were right and might not have had that ability to explain themselves BUT THEY WERE RIGHT. Most of us think of this as being a kind of intuition, but for them it had more clarity than just intuition. Ramanujan achieved undeniable mathematical Truths, most of which he could prove if given the time and effort, but he filled several notebooks of mathematical conclusions most of which have been proven to be true and none disproven, not to my knowledge anyway.

These Biblical authors did a similar thing. They declared that nature reflected the orderly mind of God, and that gave birth to modern science as Christians and Jews in Europe sought to define the laws that came from the mind of God.

Now you atheists are just pissing all over everything.

I'm more of am agnostic.

But the Bible as you know has very little to do with any of the original writings and then there is the obvious problem of multiple translations and the bias of the translators and transcriptionists not to mention the people in power in the clergy that said what would and would not be included in the actual text of the bible they peddled as the word of god

and why would an all powerful god have to pick one or two people in a generation to speak to when he she or it could speak to everyone at once and banish all doubt for all time?

The bible is the work of men, many men to be sure but mere men all the same

Faith is called "faith" because it's not based on logic. You need to be very familiar with God's Law to be able to find answers to your questions.

However, since you live in God's world you have to observe His Laws no matter you like them or not. Just like when you visit (or live in) any country, you have to observe its laws not to get your bu*t in trouble.
Faith is called "faith" because it's not based on logic.

While that is true, it is too often used as a cop out by Christians to avoid the commission that God gave us through the pen of St Paul to have an answer ready for the faith we have within us. We are to be soldiers of Christ and not just lazy little freeloading pimples on the body of Christ

We also have faith in things not associated with religion at all, like the daily bush schedule, the honesty of the professional person you are engaged with in your labors and the general righteousness of government to not punish those they know to be innocent but only those perceived to be guilty. Though it doesnt always work out that way.

Faith plays the role of the grease of the wheels of society and without it no one could really decide to do anything much at all.
All they had to do from the beginning is tell the truth. They are incapable because she is incompetent.
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

God will SMITE anybody praying for that Satan-worshiping witch. I had a post saying I hope she falls dead during the first debate that was deleted for some reason. This woman has already cost tens of thousands their lives, not to mention those around the Clintons who were murdered. I have nothing but contempt for her and if a volunteer were required to put a noose around her neck after her conviction for treason, I'd be first in line.
Faith is called "faith" because it's not based on logic.

While that is true, it is too often used as a cop out by Christians to avoid the commission that God gave us through the pen of St Paul to have an answer ready for the faith we have within us. We are to be soldiers of Christ and not just lazy little freeloading pimples on the body of Christ

We also have faith in things not associated with religion at all, like the daily bush schedule, the honesty of the professional person you are engaged with in your labors and the general righteousness of government to not punish those they know to be innocent but only those perceived to be guilty. Though it doesnt always work out that way.

Faith plays the role of the grease of the wheels of society and without it no one could really decide to do anything much at all.

That's probably is one of the main reasons why Dems deny God. They want their own rules to be installed for the world, which contradict with God's Law.

Not too many people on USMB know: Soviets denied God too. But they wrote their own "Moral Code of a Communism Builder" on the basis of God's Law: same ten commandments, but the word "God" was replaced with the words "Communist Party", everything else pretty much the same (everybody had to learn it at school). Question: where are those Soviets today? I'm sure Dems will have the same fate soon.
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I didn't read this thread, so sorry if this is a repeat. Hillary's health should be a concern. I thought her funny faces and nervous ticks were a parody. Someone told me she has a history of it. However, a history of falling down means there's something more going on. We've all read about her buckling and having trouble climbing stairs or curbs. These incidents add up.

From last night:
Hillary's drunk the night before the election or it could be health.

Jennifer Epstein on Twitter

One physician's (not Clinton's obviously) analysis:

Incident from Sept 2016. Vid inside. This time Clinton's physician's analysis.
Hillary Clinton’s Doctor Says Pneumonia Led to Abrupt Exit From 9/11 Event
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

I don't believe in god, but if I did I would pray she had a sudden and fatal stroke.

For the good of the country.
I am praying for her. She is an American citizen and a major leader of a major party and I pray she gets better.
Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?
What about the 10 fucking voodoo dolls and the fucking witch doctors I paid? Huh? What about that?

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