Will you join with me in praying for Hillary Clintons Health?

Will you join me in praying for Hillary Clinton to have her health restored to her soon?

  • Yes, I want Americans to be healthy

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No, I think Hillary's death would be better for America

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • I dunno; when is the game on?

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
Dear God...

With regards to Hillary, PLEASE do the right thing.

Then when she appears at the Pearly Gate use your best judgment.

Thank you.
All based on the rejection of God and the inability to appreciate and recognize the limits and scope of Science.

As the Bible says, "Only Fools say in their hearts that there is no God."

And you are inadvertently demonstrating why that statement is true.

I have hundreds of books that say all kinds of things. That does not mean all those thongs are true now does it?
It looks like the shelf-life on Hillarys' pact with the devil has run out...........so I'm staying outta this thread from here on in.
I don't care what happens with her.
That does nothing for or against Hillary.

It only harms you with neglect for your soul, but that is your business.

I will pray for you too, for wisdom.
I never did care about people like her. IMO, she's a dishonest and hateful person who is only interested in herself.

Have you ever met her?

Because having the attitude you have just looks like the product of the information you are fed...
I've seen and read enough to know she isn't worthy of my respect. The woman has been lying and deceiving people for years.
IMO, she's a despicable person.
I pray she repents of all her evil and comes to GOD before she dies.
I have hundreds of books that say all kinds of things. That does not mean all those thongs are true now does it?

Of course not.

But how many of those books are actually collections of different books written by dozens of different people in three different languages over 1200 years of history and all have a consistent moral system to them?

I've seen and read enough to know she isn't worthy of my respect. The woman has been lying and deceiving people for years.
IMO, she's a despicable person.

One does not have to personally respect someone to still respect them as a human being made in the image of God.

And you have a nicer life as a result of it.
Dear God...

With regards to Hillary, PLEASE do the right thing.

Then when she appears at the Pearly Gate use your best judgment.

Thank you.
OK, now consider this; is that how you want God to judge you when you get to the Pearly Gates, or would you rather have mercy?

Personally, I heavily banking on lots and lots of mercy, or I am toast.
generally I only bring out prayer for big things. Bacterial infections that respond to anti-biotics .. not so much

I think that the current bout of pneumonia is only the latest symptom of larger health issues, that I can only surmise.

This is not her first health "event".
I've seen and read enough to know she isn't worthy of my respect. The woman has been lying and deceiving people for years.
IMO, she's a despicable person.

One does not have to personally respect someone to still respect them as a human being made in the image of God.

And you have a nicer life as a result of it.
It's why I'm not here wishing her harm. I'm simply being honest by saying I don't care what happens to her.
It's why I'm not here wishing her harm. I'm simply being honest by saying I don't care what happens to her.
Improving your heart and mind by grafting respect for human dignity onto your deplorable soul is a step up for you Repugnicans I hear. /sarc

I pray that God sees fit to strike her, Obama, and the rest of the current admin dead.

And all their cretinous butt buddies and families as well.
I wouldnt put Hillary's evil at the same level of impact as that of ISIS.

While she defends abortion, while claiming to shun and dislike it, she feels it must be available legally, and her bad ideology I think does lead to suffering on a huge scale.


That is a huge difference to me.

Where do you think she's draw a line and stop in her quest for power?
Two weeks after they bury here.

Actually, I'm surprised the dems haven't blamed Putin for poisoning her. Yet...

Looks like Putin always has been responsible for all Dems' faults before.

Hey asshole, how about you tell that to the thousands of people Putin has killed or disappeared..

Putin has poisoned foreign leaders, so making a joke about tells us nothing about Hillary but a lot about you....
What leaders has Putin poisoned?

The Ukraine
I pray that God sees fit to strike her, Obama, and the rest of the current admin dead.

And all their cretinous butt buddies and families as well.
Harsh, I have not been a fan of the hildabeast or Barry. But I see no point in wishing them physical harm. Karma is taking care of them and will take care of them...

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