Will you miss Donny after November ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I know the frothing posse will probably be topping themselves in grief but how will normal folk feel about it ?

We are one step removed from the worst excesses of his tenure but his idiocy still reaches our shores. Having said that I will miss waking up and seeing what crazy things he has tweeted overnight. He can always be relied on to start my day with a chuckle or two. I will miss that.

Normal folk only need comment.
he's still going to be mouthing off every day.... the bizarre entertainment factor will still linger.... he plans to start a TV channel, I hear.....
It's going to be like GWB. It's hard to find anyone who will admit ever thinking he was the answer to any problem America had.
I know the frothing posse will probably be topping themselves in grief but how will normal folk feel about it ?

We are one step removed from the worst excesses of his tenure but his idiocy still reaches our shores. Having said that I will miss waking up and seeing what crazy things he has tweeted overnight. He can always be relied on to start my day with a chuckle or two. I will miss that.

Normal folk only need comment.
Do you still miss Diana?
He could do fire side chats calling for national unity. Or maybe Ken Burns will ask him to front a history of the Confederacy ?
I know the frothing posse will probably be topping themselves in grief but how will normal folk feel about it ?

We are one step removed from the worst excesses of his tenure but his idiocy still reaches our shores. Having said that I will miss waking up and seeing what crazy things he has tweeted overnight. He can always be relied on to start my day with a chuckle or two. I will miss that.

Normal folk only need comment.
/——-/ You have a better chance of being crowned Queen of England, than Dementia Joe has of winning in November.
Perhaps President Biden could make Donny his special envoy to North Korea. He could build on his special relationship with Kim and bring peace to the world.
Unfortunately, he will not be gone until Jan 2021

He will inflict a lot of damage between November and January
I know the frothing posse will probably be topping themselves in grief but how will normal folk feel about it ?

We are one step removed from the worst excesses of his tenure but his idiocy still reaches our shores. Having said that I will miss waking up and seeing what crazy things he has tweeted overnight. He can always be relied on to start my day with a chuckle or two. I will miss that.

Normal folk only need comment.
You fuckin’ Brits can’t get anything straight except whenever you decide you need saving again. President Trump won’t leave office until January ‘25 following the ‘24 November election. It’s not very complicated so we get why you’re so confused.
You fuckin’ Brits can’t get anything straight except whenever you decide you need saving again. President Trump won’t leave office until January ‘25 following the ‘24 November election. It’s not very complicated so we get why you’re so confused.

Actually, Election Day is November 3, 2020 but they will be holding a special Election Day for Conservatives only on 24 November.
Anybody that really thinks America is going to elect that worthless piece of shit corrupt Biden clown is delusional and suffering from the mental illness known as TDS.

Come November after the Trump landslide we will remind the Moon Bats that Biden was a terrible candidate but they will be too stupid understand what we tell them.
These uneducated low information delusional TDS afflicted Moon Bats think that the anti America/destruction of History/ BLM/ANTFIFA agenda of the loony Left is going to equate to Biden votes. LOL!

They also think that America is too dumb to know that it was Biden's Chicom buddies that causes the virus problems.

They also are too damn stupid to understand that Trump has been the best President of modern times.

Their Liberal tears will be sweet after the Trump landslide in November.

We told them in 2016 that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate but they had their heads so far up their Libtard asses they didn't listen.

We are telling them now that Biden is a turd candidate but they aren't listening now, either.
"Miss?" What does that mean in political terms. Lefties missed Hillary so much that they torched cars and smashed windows on inauguration day. A democrat operative bought a gun and tried to assassinate every conservative congressman. Democrats spent three years in an attempted political coup based on the "dossier" of some idiot Brit former intel agent. That kind of "missed"?
Unfortunately, he will not be gone until Jan 2021

He will inflict a lot of damage between November and January
When Progs are going out of power that is what they do as they usually ram the laws passed before they go. Repubs are azzes for not doing the same.
I know the frothing posse will probably be topping themselves in grief but how will normal folk feel about it ?

We are one step removed from the worst excesses of his tenure but his idiocy still reaches our shores. Having said that I will miss waking up and seeing what crazy things he has tweeted overnight. He can always be relied on to start my day with a chuckle or two. I will miss that.

Normal folk only need comment.
Will you cry on your boyfriend's lap during his second inaugural in January?

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