Wilson: Cheney and Libby Traitors

Why are you beating a dead horse?

The central question, whether or not Ms. Plame was covert, is who leaked her name...

and the answer: Joe Wilson.

After that, we can make fun of all the dolts who believed the Democrat spin.
Why am I beating a dead horse? Because I was told I was wrong about Plame being covert and I wasn't:eusa_whistle::

Why are you avoiding the central question?

Who leaked the name?
Am I avoiding the central question? My central question (for me) was to whether Plame was covert. I saw all of these partisan assumptions stated as fact that I suspected were wrong. I hate it when people let thier ideology dictate their thinking on everything, it warps truth and reality. Whatever happened to independent objective thinking. This super partisanship isn't healthy at all and I'm referring to the right and left.
To just clear up one major neocon talking point.

Armitage READ the information he blabbed about in a MEMO circulated by LIBBY.

Armitage cannot be held accountable for TOP Secret information made public by the Vice President's aide.
And how did Libby get a hold of information that was marked FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY?
Traitors and criminals. They broke a plethora of laws and basically walked.

To just clear up one major neocon talking point.

Armitage READ the information he blabbed about in a MEMO circulated by LIBBY.

Armitage cannot be held accountable for TOP Secret information made public by the Vice President's aide.
And how did Libby get a hold of information that was marked FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY?

To clear it up even further for you deliberately obtuse liberoidal idiots:

Armitage gave it up.

But it's ok.

The bitch wasn't a covert agent anyway.
-stupid cheney picture removed-

OJ walked too.

And uber-idiot libbies cheered.

Why do you guys cheer when the guilty, like OJ, walk but whine like bitches when the clearly innocent, like Vice President Cheney, don't get accused?

Insults and hyperbole aside. OJ was at least brought to trial.

Cheney was not. There wasn't even an investigation. And by even the crudest of tallys, he is responsible for over 200,000 deaths. Directly responsible. Not to mention how much money was spent.

And he wasn't even charged.
OJ walked too.

And uber-idiot libbies cheered.

Why do you guys cheer when the guilty, like OJ, walk but whine like bitches when the clearly innocent, like Vice President Cheney, don't get accused?

Insults and hyperbole aside. OJ was at least brought to trial.

Cheney was not. There wasn't even an investigation. And by even the crudest of tallys, he is responsible for over 200,000 deaths. Directly responsible. Not to mention how much money was spent.

And he wasn't even charged.

OJ actually committed a crime and thus SHOULD have been brought to trial.

Vice President Cheney committed no crime and thus it would be improper and ridiculous to "bring him to trial."

And no. By no VALID tally (or logic) is he responsible for the loss of life in war. Assigning blame validly is a whole lot easier. We got attacked by al qaeda. We went to war. Logic dictates that we hold al qaeda responsible. But logic has never been your forte.
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To just clear up one major neocon talking point.

Armitage READ the information he blabbed about in a MEMO circulated by LIBBY.

Armitage cannot be held accountable for TOP Secret information made public by the Vice President's aide.
And how did Libby get a hold of information that was marked FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY?

To clear it up even further for you deliberately obtuse liberoidal idiots:

Armitage gave it up.

But it's ok.

The bitch wasn't a covert agent anyway.
My Post 76 factually proves that Plame was covert.
You say otherwise, refute my post.
Thank you
To just clear up one major neocon talking point.

Armitage READ the information he blabbed about in a MEMO circulated by LIBBY.

Armitage cannot be held accountable for TOP Secret information made public by the Vice President's aide.
And how did Libby get a hold of information that was marked FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY?

To clear it up even further for you deliberately obtuse liberoidal idiots:

Armitage gave it up.

But it's ok.

The bitch wasn't a covert agent anyway.
My Post 76 factually proves that Plame was covert.
You say otherwise, refute my post.
Thank you

Wrong. Post 76 "proves" nothing except that some people (like you) are more than willing to "buy" whatever a liberoidal partisan hack like Valerie Mrs. Ambassador Joey Wilson Plame has to peddle.

She was never subjected to critical cross examination and guys like you lap up any unproved contention that she was covert. Such silliness on your part.

You're welcome.
To just clear up one major neocon talking point.

Armitage READ the information he blabbed about in a MEMO circulated by LIBBY.

Armitage cannot be held accountable for TOP Secret information made public by the Vice President's aide.
And how did Libby get a hold of information that was marked FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY?

To clear it up even further for you deliberately obtuse liberoidal idiots:

Armitage gave it up.

But it's ok.

The bitch wasn't a covert agent anyway.

Okay, one more time for the cheap seats:

Armitage spoke of information that was circulated in a MEMO that was NOT "for your eyes" only, and NOT deemed "confidential" or "classified". Armitage NEVER STATED THAT HE WAS THE SOLE RECIPIENT OF THE MEMO.....this was why he and other neocon defenders ran around saying it was "common knowledge" that Plame was a covert agent. Of course, only the willfully ignorant ignore the FACT that this knowledge became "common" AFTER the memo was put out by Libby. Why Armitage decided to lay claim to being the culprit is anyone's guess.

Now the question remains as to how and why Libby would put in a non-classified memo for various senators and Capitol Hill folk to read information that was ORIGINALLY DEEMED FOR ONLY THE EYES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT? Rmember, the CIA official himself (Fitzgerald, I believe) testified that Plame was covert and neither she or her mission and it's operatives were "common knowledge" on the Hill....since it's not common practice to publish such information in memos to folk without specific security clearance.

Those are facts....if you can disprove them, then have at it.
As I recall, she had her CIA service on her resume.

She was not covert, she was not overseas, and the whole point of the exercise was she and joe were lying 15 ways from sunday.

The article that made the whole thing blow up was something Joe wrote for the new york times, and the first sentence was an outright lie. and then it got worse
As I recall, she had her CIA service on her resume.

She was not covert, she was not overseas, and the whole point of the exercise was she and joe were lying 15 ways from sunday.

The article that made the whole thing blow up was something Joe wrote for the new york times, and the first sentence was an outright lie. and then it got worse

FYI: you can work for the CIA and NOT be a covert agent.

FYI: Plame was the coordinator for an on-going overseas operation to track nuke material and terrorist activity.

FYI: The CIA confimed Plame's covert status for the official record...despite what you and any other neocon punditry or blogger state.

FYI: Armitage's "confession" that he blabbed about what he read in a NON-CLASSIFIED memo PRECEDED fmr. Amb. Wilson's article in the NYT.

If you're going to rehash this whole thing, PUH-LEEZE get your facts and timelines straight.
As I recall, she had her CIA service on her resume.

She was not covert, she was not overseas, and the whole point of the exercise was she and joe were lying 15 ways from sunday.

The article that made the whole thing blow up was something Joe wrote for the new york times, and the first sentence was an outright lie. and then it got worse

Please do..go on.

What was the "outright" lie.
To just clear up one major neocon talking point.

Armitage READ the information he blabbed about in a MEMO circulated by LIBBY.

Armitage cannot be held accountable for TOP Secret information made public by the Vice President's aide.
And how did Libby get a hold of information that was marked FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY?

To clear it up even further for you deliberately obtuse liberoidal idiots:

Armitage gave it up.

But it's ok.

The bitch wasn't a covert agent anyway.

Okay, one more time for the cheap seats:

Armitage spoke of information that was circulated in a MEMO that was NOT "for your eyes" only, and NOT deemed "confidential" or "classified". Armitage NEVER STATED THAT HE WAS THE SOLE RECIPIENT OF THE MEMO.....this was why he and other neocon defenders ran around saying it was "common knowledge" that Plame was a covert agent. Of course, only the willfully ignorant ignore the FACT that this knowledge became "common" AFTER the memo was put out by Libby. Why Armitage decided to lay claim to being the culprit is anyone's guess.

Now the question remains as to how and why Libby would put in a non-classified memo for various senators and Capitol Hill folk to read information that was ORIGINALLY DEEMED FOR ONLY THE EYES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT? Rmember, the CIA official himself (Fitzgerald, I believe) testified that Plame was covert and neither she or her mission and it's operatives were "common knowledge" on the Hill....since it's not common practice to publish such information in memos to folk without specific security clearance.

Those are facts....if you can disprove them, then have at it.

One more time, then, to correct the misinformation conveyed from the cheap liberoidal theatrics:

If the MEMO had not been conveyed to the PRESS prior to Armitage opening his yap, then Armitage remains the one who "outed" the non-covert mere analyst of the CIA.

Fitzgerald was the "special" persecutor. His making any claim is subject to being proved-up. He might even fucking believe the stuff he was claiming, but his belief doesn't convert his error into anything factually correct.

Plame HAD (at some point) been a NOC. She herself did not exactly carefully guard it, but she did have it. The fact that she had been given a NOC at some point -- standing alone -- does not confer upon her covert operative or covert agent status forever thereafter.

Under the LAW (as to which you might benefit from referring to the posts regarding Toensing previously offered by the T), very important other specific conditions are required. And Plame answering softball questions from a partisan Congresscritter doesn't qualify as proof if, like me, one believes that Ms. Plame is lying.
No matter what the record says I want to know one thing: Under what scenario is it ok to out a covert CIA agent? Any?

Cause that is what happened. The CIA said she was covert, I believe them when they talk about the CIA more than someone else NOT in the CIA
To clear it up even further for you deliberately obtuse liberoidal idiots:

Armitage gave it up.

But it's ok.

The bitch wasn't a covert agent anyway.
My Post 76 factually proves that Plame was covert.
You say otherwise, refute my post.
Thank you

Wrong. Post 76 "proves" nothing except that some people (like you) are more than willing to "buy" whatever a liberoidal partisan hack like Valerie Mrs. Ambassador Joey Wilson Plame has to peddle.

She was never subjected to critical cross examination and guys like you lap up any unproved contention that she was covert. Such silliness on your part.

You're welcome.
Interesting that Scooter was convicted of something that never happened.

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