Win, win, win, Trump on a roll

Compare GDP also

Sure - let's compare EVERYTHING shall we? :smile:

Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’

Obungle's economy was anemic. Today's is becoming a juggernaut.

Sorry - Nyet
Get back to us when Trump moves the DJIA to 150% of what it was when he took over.

Hey nit wit, learn something:

0bama flooded the stock market will billions of our tax dollars. It was artificially inflated by 0bama, yet he still couldn’t get it to the level Trump has.

No charge for the education. You’re welcome.
Liberals don’t understand the first thing about capitalism and free market economics. That’s why they hate it and say stupid shit that isn’t true.

Anyone who is active in the stock market knows how susceptible businesses are to the “business climate”. Under 0bama, we had a chief executive who made no bones about being an enemy of business, capitalism, and the free market. Now we have a chief executive who is known by everyone, even the left, as being business friendly. Trump wouldn’t have had to do anything else other than win the election to turn the economy around. However, eliminating most of the ruinous regulation that 0bama-the-Asshole placed on businesses also helped a great deal.

This is in fact the Trump economy and it is light years better than 0bama ever had it or Hillary ever would have allowed it to be.

Of course the left is going to lie about it. The truth is too much for their butthurt asses to accept.
No shit? Sourced? Yeah, they aren’t going to use any sources that don’t say what they want them too. How come everyone knows this except you?
So the US Bureau of Economic Analysis is not good enough for you?
Bite me PenguinBoy :)

Keep your perversions to yourself. Yeah, it’s bull shit just like the WaPo is bull shit and you are bull shit. This is why America rejected you lying idiots and threw you out of power.
Yes, the economy is continuing on the same track that it was under Obama. Trump hasn't managed to F up the trend as yet.

And well ... THIS
FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign
obama had the worst recovery of all time.


It took 0bama 8 years to get the anemic economy he got. If McCain had won or Romney, it would have corrected in a matter of days. Simply put, businesses knew they had an enemy in the White House, that’s going to hamper them severely.

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