Wind Farms Killing Eagles


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
A study by federal biologists in September found that wind farms since 2008 had killed at least 67 bald and golden eagles, a number that the researchers said was likely underestimated.

“The federal government didn’t study the impacts of this rule change even though the (law) requires it,” said Kelly Fuller, who formerly headed up the wind campaign at the American Bird Conservancy. “Instead, the feds have decided to break the law and use eagles as lab rats.”
Wind farms that kill bald eagles are now protected from prosecution | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour
Green Energy Killing Eagles.
The Hussein administration is subsidizing wind farms to kill not only eagles but condors and all sorts of hawks and raptors with a 30 year permit. Where's the outrage by the environmental groups? How many eagles will be left after 30 years of unrestricted killing by windmills?
It's ok, because eagles and other birds are also killed by slamming into buildings and cars.

Liberals set their own threshold for acceptable collateral damage.

They are the science believers, after all.
It's ok, because eagles and other birds are also killed by slamming into buildings and cars.

Liberals set their own threshold for acceptable collateral damage.

They are the science believers, after all.

They are also killed by powerlines and rubes with shotguns.

The latter of which I had to chase out of a fish farm in California when I was a tin horn security guard.

(By the way, I gave up the chase when I was in the tall grass, looked down at my baton and heard shotgun blasts. Baton v. Shotgun? Not good odds.)

In any case..I am glad you folks are noting that birds are getting killed. :doubt:
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It's ok, because eagles and other birds are also killed by slamming into buildings and cars.

Liberals set their own threshold for acceptable collateral damage.

They are the science believers, after all.

They are also killed by powerlines and rubes with shotguns.

The latter of which I had to chase out of a fish farm in California when I was a tin horn security guard.

(By the way, I gave up the chase when I was in the tall grass, looked down at my baton and heard shotgun blasts. Baton v. Shotgun? Not good odds.)

In any case..I am glad you folks are noting that birds are getting killed. :doubt:

Windfarms add MORE powerlines thru their habitat.. You didn't think they connected magically to the grid didya?

Not really a matter of numbers.. It's a matter of habitat denial.. You take a map any raptor species RANGE and start XXXXXXing off the square miles around wind farms and you BEGIN to understand the issue here. Because the kill rate for raptors and bats is high enough to perform a rather quick extermination of species within the vicinity of a wind farm.

We should START with applying the SAME EXACT ENVIRO impact considerations to these power plants as we do with any others and get HONEST appraisals of habitat denial and species cleansing before even ALLOWING them to be placed. NOT -- cover up and permit the slaughter..

A couple yahoos with a shotgun are NOT a perennial hazard in static areas. They will affect the population, but not likely to eventually cleanse entire Ranges of the species..
Hey Wind Mills.............


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