Wind Rights


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Has anyone on here sold their wind rights?

We have been approached by a few companies who want us to sign contracts selling permeant wind rights to the entire farm. The first offer was a joke at $4 per acre per year + percent of electricity sales. Now they are offering $65 per acre per year + % sales. They all want forever wind rights, not adjusted for inflation or re-negotiation.

Sources online show people getting between $50 & $200 per acre.

I feel like they all are trying to sign up permeant wind rights at lowball prices the turn around and sell them at $200 or future market rates. I think a 30 year contract should be sufficient time for them to recoup their investment then index acre payments for inflation.

We have 1,000 windy acres of farm land near large transmission lines. We still get to farm & rent land how we want, but they get to construct giant wind turbines where & when they want. They have to pay full price for the property the turbines sit on and access roads preventing farm production.
A few years ago we turned down offers to rent 100 acres to solar companies. Seems they construct large solar farms, get huge tax credits, then go bankrupt. Leaving land owners without income & huge cost to remove infrastructure to return it to farm land.
Solar farms are deadly. They create extreme massive heat, and the "panels" are made from highly toxic materials, which they have no way of combatting once broken free from damages to the panels. What are you going to do when the ground is made toxic for 50 plus years? Possibly poisoning livestock and water supplies.

Wind turbines are known to disrupt the flight patterns of birds, and kill a lot of birds that nest in the area.
Wind turbines are also known to catch fire easily, and have massive repairs when needed. The blades are made of fiberglass and are easily caught on fire from the engine overheating or lightening strike. And what are you going to do if one collapses or burns down?

The potential for catastrophic damages are higher than you think. Is it worth their pocket change to have potentially deadly sources on your lands? All they are going to do once your land has been made toxic and unusable is try to buy it for cheap, or pull out and move on.......while you are left with a farm you can't do anything with.

$200 an acre is literally 2 pennies to these companies. If you want to protect yourself, you need a ecological lawyer to look over the contract and adjust it in YOUR favor, NOT the companys. You also need to get at least 3 times the highest price they are paying. Because they are going to offer you what they will make off you in 30 minutes of usage. Now, if you want to rent to them for $200 per HOUR..............

Solar farms are deadly. They create extreme massive heat, and the "panels" are made from highly toxic materials, which they have no way of combatting once broken free from damages to the panels. What are you going to do when the ground is made toxic for 50 plus years? Possibly poisoning livestock and water supplies.

Wind turbines are known to disrupt the flight patterns of birds, and kill a lot of birds that nest in the area.
Wind turbines are also known to catch fire easily, and have massive repairs when needed. The blades are made of fiberglass and are easily caught on fire from the engine overheating or lightening strike. And what are you going to do if one collapses or burns down?

The potential for catastrophic damages are higher than you think. Is it worth their pocket change to have potentially deadly sources on your lands? All they are going to do once your land has been made toxic and unusable is try to buy it for cheap, or pull out and move on.......while you are left with a farm you can't do anything with.

$200 an acre is literally 2 pennies to these companies. If you want to protect yourself, you need a ecological lawyer to look over the contract and adjust it in YOUR favor, NOT the companys. You also need to get at least 3 times the highest price they are paying. Because they are going to offer you what they will make off you in 30 minutes of usage. Now, if you want to rent to them for $200 per HOUR..............

What a crock of corporate crapola. Talk about
Seems they construct large solar farms, get huge tax credits, then go bankrupt. Leaving land owners without income & huge cost to remove infrastructure to return it to farm land.
Replace "solar farms" with nuke plants and "land owners" with "electricity bill payers" and there ya go. India has big "plans" to build a gazillion thorium power plants by 2025. Currently operational? Zero. Always big "plans." What are they really building. Same old nukes. Lots of local thorium. No uranium. Go figure. France dove head first into nukes. Now half are offline supposedly being refurbished. They have big "plans" to accomplish that too.
Missouri Republicans have already used eminent domain to acquire easements and take much of our land. They built a Gas & 2 Oil pipelines across it, a railroad, a highway, 2 fiber-optics, taken away & flooded 100's of acres with a Dam Reservoir project that only paid pennies on the dollar for the land they stole. They took a huge swath of land around the lake so we got no benefits of waterfront property or irrigation. They also built 2 large power lines along the highway frontage destroying any possible commercial development value.

Recently 100% of MO Republicans voted for & Republican Gov Parsons signed law granting "Grain Belt Express" rights to build a Giant 5,000 megawatt power line with massive ugly towers across our land along the other side of highway wiping out the only remaining highway frontage we had left. Nothing can be built along these 200'ft wide ROW easements.

Now Big Wind & Solar companies want to take even more land. Hopefully I can get paid decent this time without locking kids & grand kids into a fixed payment that will be pennies after a few years of inflation.
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