Windmills Are Chopping Up California's Golden Eagles

It's so nice to see conservatives care about wildlife.

I am sure that the idea might escape you, but conservatives number among those who do the most to preserve wildlife. Sportsmen are responsible for more actual effort into preserving wildlife than liberals by any measure you care to name.
Posted by Dave Blount

Wind turbines aren't much use for generating electricity, but they are good at chopping up eagles:

California's attempts to switch to green energy have inadvertently put the survival of the state's golden eagles at risk.

Scores of the protected birds have been dying each year after colliding with the blades of about 5,000 wind turbines.

Now the drive for renewable power sources, such as wind and the sun, being promoted by President Obama and state Governor Jerry Brown has raised fears that the number of newborn golden eagles may not be able to keep pace with the number of turbine fatalities.

Any constructive activity would be closed down immediately for threatening the eagle population. But since windmills exist solely to allow liberals to wallow in their sanctimonious idiocy, the blades will keep chopping away.

The death count along the ridgelines of the Bay Area's Altamount Pass Wind Resource Area has averaged 67 a year for three decades. …

Nationwide, about 440,000 birds are said to be accidentally killed at wind farms each year, as well as thousands more bats. With the government pushing for more wind energy farms, that statistic is likely to rise.

Another recovering species, the California Condor, is also said to be at risk from the giant blades.

Meanwhile, oil drilling in Texas is suppressed lest the sight of derricks somehow affect the lizards that overpopulate the area.

This is a post on some unnamed website? :lol:
Has anyone watched these windmills in motion? You have to look close to see if they're moving. I highly doubt that any bird is getting shredded from the blades. just sayin....
Look how little faith these people have that they can be retrofitted to change this. Some only see problems and no solutions
Retrofitted? RETROFITTED? How the fuck do you "retrofit" a giant spinning propeller to not chop up birds? :confused:

I have a solution: Get RID of them and the subsidies that go along with them!
Has anyone watched these windmills in motion? You have to look close to see if they're moving. I highly doubt that any bird is getting shredded from the blades. just sayin....
I used to live near the Palm Springs Wind Farm. On some days those fans would really be spinning. But what they don't tell you is that on some days, when the wind is really strong, they have to shut them all down! The fans can't take all the wind supplied to them! :lol:

Posted by Dave Blount

Wind turbines aren't much use for generating electricity, but they are good at chopping up eagles:

California's attempts to switch to green energy have inadvertently put the survival of the state's golden eagles at risk.

Scores of the protected birds have been dying each year after colliding with the blades of about 5,000 wind turbines.

Now the drive for renewable power sources, such as wind and the sun, being promoted by President Obama and state Governor Jerry Brown has raised fears that the number of newborn golden eagles may not be able to keep pace with the number of turbine fatalities.

Any constructive activity would be closed down immediately for threatening the eagle population. But since windmills exist solely to allow liberals to wallow in their sanctimonious idiocy, the blades will keep chopping away.

The death count along the ridgelines of the Bay Area's Altamount Pass Wind Resource Area has averaged 67 a year for three decades. …

Nationwide, about 440,000 birds are said to be accidentally killed at wind farms each year, as well as thousands more bats. With the government pushing for more wind energy farms, that statistic is likely to rise.

Another recovering species, the California Condor, is also said to be at risk from the giant blades.

Meanwhile, oil drilling in Texas is suppressed lest the sight of derricks somehow affect the lizards that overpopulate the area.

This is a post on some unnamed website? :lol:
Has anyone watched these windmills in motion? You have to look close to see if they're moving. I highly doubt that any bird is getting shredded from the blades. just sayin....

Go to west Texas and watch those babies spin. They'd chop Godzilla.

Posted by Dave Blount

Wind turbines aren't much use for generating electricity, but they are good at chopping up eagles:

California's attempts to switch to green energy have inadvertently put the survival of the state's golden eagles at risk.

Scores of the protected birds have been dying each year after colliding with the blades of about 5,000 wind turbines.

Now the drive for renewable power sources, such as wind and the sun, being promoted by President Obama and state Governor Jerry Brown has raised fears that the number of newborn golden eagles may not be able to keep pace with the number of turbine fatalities.

Any constructive activity would be closed down immediately for threatening the eagle population. But since windmills exist solely to allow liberals to wallow in their sanctimonious idiocy, the blades will keep chopping away.

The death count along the ridgelines of the Bay Area's Altamount Pass Wind Resource Area has averaged 67 a year for three decades. …

Nationwide, about 440,000 birds are said to be accidentally killed at wind farms each year, as well as thousands more bats. With the government pushing for more wind energy farms, that statistic is likely to rise.

Another recovering species, the California Condor, is also said to be at risk from the giant blades.

Meanwhile, oil drilling in Texas is suppressed lest the sight of derricks somehow affect the lizards that overpopulate the area.

This is a post on some unnamed website? :lol:

You sure it wasn't
Has anyone watched these windmills in motion? You have to look close to see if they're moving. I highly doubt that any bird is getting shredded from the blades. just sayin....

Barely moving? Are you kidding? They are so large they don't appear to be moving but the blade tips can be moving at over 100 miles per hour.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bird killed by green energy‬‏[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Vulture accident‬‏[/ame]
Physics quiz!
Which part of the blade moves faster, the outer tip or the section near the hub?
Has anyone watched these windmills in motion? You have to look close to see if they're moving. I highly doubt that any bird is getting shredded from the blades. just sayin....
Barely moving? Are you kidding? They are so large they don't appear to be moving but the blade tips can be moving at over 100 miles per hour.
But apparently they can be "retrofitted". :rolleyes:
Look how little faith these people have that they can be retrofitted to change this.

Some only see problems and no solutions

Where, oh where, were you when they shut down the timber industry for the sake of the spotted owl?

The only difference is that the timber industry was good for the economy...while the windmills are a drain.
Sometimes it's necessary to feather the windmill blades.
But, with eagle feathers?
You guys aren't up on Edward Demmings..are ya?

Left to conservatives..human beings would still be living in caves.
Left without strawmen, liberoidals would still be limited to rocks, pointed sticks and monosyllabic grunts.

Not really..

But heck..left up to you..

[ame=]YouTube - ‪This Life - Sons of Anarchy Theme Song‬‏[/ame]

Make ya feel good?
Look how little faith these people have that they can be retrofitted to change this. Some only see problems and no solutions
Retrofitted? RETROFITTED? How the fuck do you "retrofit" a giant spinning propeller to not chop up birds? :confused:

I have a solution: Get RID of them and the subsidies that go along with them!

Like I said.

You guys have no fucking clue about innovation.
Politics trumps environmental concerns. They closed down water supply to Ca. farmers for some obscure toad or minnow but they allow eagles to be killed. The left needs the windmill even though it only produces about a high maintenance 2% of energy. If they dump windmills the whole radical environmantal facade comes crashing down and they can't do it under any circumstance.
I'd be more inclined to listen to posts like this, if I believed the poster was actually concerned about Golden Eagles rather than just making a political point. Isn't this coming from the same place as those who complain everytime some project is hampered by environmental concerns? The concern rings hollow, IMO.

There you have it folks; if a liberal complained, he might care. Thank you, konrad, for exposing just how completely ideological your REAL motives are! Never mind the wildlife, never mind the environment, never mind the other guy; liberals are ALWAYS right, and conservatives are ALWAYS wrong. Care about the environment: nope, all you REALLY care about is the liberal agenda. Well, thanks for being honest, however inadvertently. It really IS all about politics, with you people; first, last, and always. So what if your ideas fail-your intentions were so noble, we should just let it slide. God, you libbies wreck everything you touch; leave it to you, and I swear I think you'll kill the planet in the name of saving it from conservatism!:cuckoo:
Look how little faith these people have that they can be retrofitted to change this. Some only see problems and no solutions
Retrofitted? RETROFITTED? How the fuck do you "retrofit" a giant spinning propeller to not chop up birds? :confused:

I have a solution: Get RID of them and the subsidies that go along with them!

Like I said.

You guys have no fucking clue about innovation.
Clue #1: Innovation doesn't come from gov't subsidies.

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