Wingnut logic: Bundy ranch edition

kosh and 2thumbs hate to admit that BHO is the super deporter of illegals.

Weird wacks.

so since you support the law, since following the letter is good for America, you think that sanctuary cities should be raided so that all the illegals can be sent back, and all the politicians that allowed them to hide should be arrested.

or are you a lying hypocrite?
The latter posting the will of his masters.
kosh and 2thumbs hate to admit that BHO is the super deporter of illegals.

Weird wacks.

so since you support the law, since following the letter is good for America, you think that sanctuary cities should be raided so that all the illegals can be sent back, and all the politicians that allowed them to hide should be arrested.

or are you a lying hypocrite?
The latter posting the will of his masters.

none of the leftist scum have had the courage to commit

quell surprise
so since you support the law, since following the letter is good for America, you think that sanctuary cities should be raided so that all the illegals can be sent back, and all the politicians that allowed them to hide should be arrested.

or are you a lying hypocrite?
The latter posting the will of his masters.

none of the leftist scum have had the courage to commit

quell surprise
Indeed. They had better look out...and HIDE.
Illegals don't respect the rule of law; Bundy shouldn't have to obey rulings in a court of law

Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

The IRS is a corrupt govt entity that should be abolished; Bundy is right to stick it to the IRS and burden taxpayers with the bill for his unpaid grazing fees

Liberals support a welfare society and don't practice personal responsibility; Bundy shouldn't have to pay for allowing his cattle to graze on land that doesn't belong to him
But YET YOU support those that support the illegals. :eusa_hand:

Disingenuous much or did you MASTERS put YOU up to this shit?

I really think that the next time we have a situation like this, where a bunch of armed fruitloops show up to agress law enforcement officers, that we should give them one order to disperse, then pull all the officers out.

And fly over and spray the whole lot of the fruitloops with concentrated incense of Skunk. Let them smell like what they are for a few days.
The leftist Brigade had to start their own thread because they couldn't hang in the other threads.

tsk tsk............

The States are getting into this mess. Get the Feds ready for another fight, as Obama looks to take more land, up to 10 million acres using a 1906 law WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL.

Oh, we need the monuments..................States be damned. Congress be damned.

So much for the Constitution again.
The leftist Brigade had to start their own thread because they couldn't hang in the other threads.

tsk tsk............

The States are getting into this mess. Get the Feds ready for another fight, as Obama looks to take more land, up to 10 million acres using a 1906 law WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL.

Oh, we need the monuments..................States be damned. Congress be damned.

So much for the Constitution again.
100 YEARS of usurping the Constitution...and NOW the KING of it is in power...WHY stop now? (Or so they think)...

Keep pushing US Government...:eusa_whistle:
Bundy did a great service to the nation.

As I've looked into the land grabs of the past and present now.

Our reps are now looking.

They opened Pandora's box and will not like what they find there.
Illegals don't respect the rule of law; Bundy shouldn't have to obey rulings in a court of law

Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

The IRS is a corrupt govt entity that should be abolished; Bundy is right to stick it to the IRS and burden taxpayers with the bill for his unpaid grazing fees

Liberals support a welfare society and don't practice personal responsibility; Bundy shouldn't have to pay for allowing his cattle to graze on land that doesn't belong to him

Here's the diff.. Bundy Ranch is no longer about back fees. It's about incoherent, incompetent, and possibly corrupt land management practices.. Why? because the real story is -- you can no longer GET a grazing permit anywhere NEAR the Bundy ranch.. It's shut down to grazing and other uses and Bundy is just the ONLY ONE LEFT to protest that arrogance..

Meanwhile, illegal immigration is an ONGOING issue, and if the border was controlled to future violations, we could then have the media scapegoat the 12 Million lawbreakers that are already here. Think that would happen? Not a chance..

What you're missing is the REAL REASON folks showed up to support Bundy.. Not because he didn't pay his grazing fees, but because the FEDS just shot entire communities bordering those lands thrru the heart ---- all for a false premise about Desert Tortoises.

I LOVE Desert Tortoises, but the truth is the same inept land mgt team in Wash. literally NUKED those tortoises for 25 yrs with atom bomb tests within ear shot of where Bundy and the 15 other ranchers were running their cattle and TODAY are closing the Tortoise Refuge and KILLING 100s of these tortoises..

The ANGER IS BECAUSE these residents with no future KNOW how inept the Fed govt bureaucracy is.. NOT because they support Bundy not paying those fees. It's the OTHER 15 ranchers who DID pay those fees and are now out of biz that feel like asses for complying with the arrogance and incompetence of the Feds..
I do wonder.......

What if Bundy and his family were illegal immigrants? And they were using that land the same way Bundy is now, to graze cows? And the protestors were masses of armed Hispanic men who blocked ICE and BLM?

The right wingers would not only demand the Feds send in a well armed group to take that ranch, but also to deport them, and shoot anyone who dares resist.

But they weren't immigrants. It was a white right winger. So HE has the right to break the law.

Breaks your pea picking, little heart, doesn't it? Didn't get to see blood in the streets.
But back to topic:

If it was "Pedro Bundy" an illegal immigrant, doing exactly what Clive did, and the BLM/ICE backed down from a crowd of 500 armed Hispanic protestors, there would be OUTRAGE that "Obama ordered the retreat" and for them to immediately raid the ranch and arrest or shoot all of them. Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck. They'd all have heart attacks over it.

Kinda like you left wingers are having?
The Fed wouldn't have gone after them, and you know it, you can't admit it, b/c you're a liar, but you do know it's true

interesting given that this admin has deported more illegals than it's predecessor. but why deal in actual reality? :rolleyes:

The teahadists and their brethren the chest thumping gun waving crackerstanies are impervious to facts

Either that, or they know the facts that you loonies cite, are phony. The Obama adminsitration changed the way they count deportations so they could come up with phony facts for you to believe to be true. Obama knows that his base are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
But back to topic:

If it was "Pedro Bundy" an illegal immigrant, doing exactly what Clive did, and the BLM/ICE backed down from a crowd of 500 armed Hispanic protestors, there would be OUTRAGE that "Obama ordered the retreat" and for them to immediately raid the ranch and arrest or shoot all of them. Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck. They'd all have heart attacks over it.

Depends on whether Pedro was a legal citizen doesn't it? Wanna bet that several of the 15 other ranchers, the 100s of towns people -- now all out of biz because of BLM arrogance -- Wanna bet that SEVERAL are named Pedro???

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