Wingnut logic: Bundy ranch edition

Al Sharpton owes over $2 million in back taxes and not arrests or even a warrent.

do you see the hypocrassy?

Do you think a lone family needed so many armed men to surround them over grass being eaten?

A lone family? No. But when intell says that there was a high chance of a mass protest of armed people showing up? Yes.

Its why we sent a massive, huge military in to topple a government of cavemen in Afghanistan. Total overkill.......EXCEPT that we KNEW what would likely happen once we were there, and it was true.

Or why we needed 4 Navy warships to "fight" 3 Somali fisherman on a lifeboat who kidnapped 1 man in the Indian Ocean.

You bring equipment for what COULD be the environment once you arrive; Not just what it is at the time you are planning.


what a lying bag of shit you are, you seriously hate freedom don't you.
But back to topic:

If it was "Pedro Bundy" an illegal immigrant, doing exactly what Clive did, and the BLM/ICE backed down from a crowd of 500 armed Hispanic protestors, there would be OUTRAGE that "Obama ordered the retreat" and for them to immediately raid the ranch and arrest or shoot all of them. Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck. They'd all have heart attacks over it.

only a fucking moron would think freedom loving patriots would show up to defend a known criminal.

not everything was clear with Bundy now was it?
so since you support the law, since following the letter is good for America, you think that sanctuary cities should be raided so that all the illegals can be sent back, and all the politicians that allowed them to hide should be arrested.

or are you a lying hypocrite?

guess that made it impossible to face your hyprassy.

shame, I wanted to hear the spin
Illegals don't respect the rule of law; Bundy shouldn't have to obey rulings in a court of law

Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

The IRS is a corrupt govt entity that should be abolished; Bundy is right to stick it to the IRS and burden taxpayers with the bill for his unpaid grazing fees

Liberals support a welfare society and don't practice personal responsibility; Bundy shouldn't have to pay for allowing his cattle to graze on land that doesn't belong to him

Riddle me this bat man, where does the feds get the authority to have that land in the first place? I'll even make it easy for you, read Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the US Constitution.
Illegals don't respect the rule of law; Bundy shouldn't have to obey rulings in a court of law

Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

The IRS is a corrupt govt entity that should be abolished; Bundy is right to stick it to the IRS and burden taxpayers with the bill for his unpaid grazing fees

Liberals support a welfare society and don't practice personal responsibility; Bundy shouldn't have to pay for allowing his cattle to graze on land that doesn't belong to him

True, there really is no law any longer. Obie doesn't obey the law look no further than obiecare it's nothing more than a bunch of suggestions at this point. Suggestions BTW the majority are ignoring.

When you have a president who is an employee of the people that decides to rule by decree and announcements why should his employers obey these laws?

We have pens and phones just like he does so what's to keep us from using them to change laws we don't like? He's just a simple employee that was sent there to enforce laws we approve of made by congress people we sent to make laws we approve of. If they aren't going to do that then there is no law. We didn't send these assholes to DC so they could use parliamentary tricks to pass sweeping laws into place against our will. We sure as hell didn't send them there to inform us that it's the law of the land so shut up while continually changing the law with executive orders to fit their political goals.

The law is breaking down because the people that are hired to execute them don't want to obey laws THEY made. But they know this so the only options they have left are to enforce laws and live under them like the rest of us which will only result in them losing their cushy jobs or, they send all of the guns they can to make people examples for not following their lawlessness to keep the rest of the sheep in line.

Unfortunately for them the sheep tend to reside on the coasts and it's a big fucking country inbetween. That and most of the guns they are counting on enforcing this shit come from those inbetween states.

People want this to work out. The question is if the feds are going to let it work out or continue thinking they will use brute force. That will result in some seriously ugly shit happening.
I do wonder.......

What if Bundy and his family were illegal immigrants? And they were using that land the same way Bundy is now, to graze cows? And the protestors were masses of armed Hispanic men who blocked ICE and BLM?

The right wingers would not only demand the Feds send in a well armed group to take that ranch, but also to deport them, and shoot anyone who dares resist.

But they weren't immigrants. It was a white right winger. So HE has the right to break the law.

The Fed wouldn't have gone after them, and you know it, you can't admit it, b/c you're a liar, but you do know it's true

interesting given that this admin has deported more illegals than it's predecessor. but why deal in actual reality? :rolleyes:

The teahadists and their brethren the chest thumping gun waving crackerstanies are impervious to facts
The Fed wouldn't have gone after them, and you know it, you can't admit it, b/c you're a liar, but you do know it's true

interesting given that this admin has deported more illegals than it's predecessor. but why deal in actual reality? :rolleyes:

The teahadists and their brethren the chest thumping gun waving crackerstanies are impervious to facts

so since you support the law, since following the letter is good for America, you think that sanctuary cities should be raided so that all the illegals can be sent back, and all the politicians that allowed them to hide should be arrested.

or are you a lying hypocrite?
Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

Silly comment. BHO is the super stud illegal deporter of the last ten presidents.
Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

Silly comment. BHO is the super stud illegal deporter of the last ten presidents.

Amazing what happens when the far left gets out of the way and stops using the ACLU for everything under the sun.

More proof that the far left is the problem and not the solution.
Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

Silly comment. BHO is the super stud illegal deporter of the last ten presidents.

so since you support the law, since following the letter is good for America, you think that sanctuary cities should be raided so that all the illegals can be sent back, and all the politicians that allowed them to hide should be arrested.

or are you a lying hypocrite?
kosh and 2thumbs hate to admit that BHO is the super deporter of illegals.

Weird wacks.
kosh and 2thumbs hate to admit that BHO is the super deporter of illegals.

Weird wacks.

so since you support the law, since following the letter is good for America, you think that sanctuary cities should be raided so that all the illegals can be sent back, and all the politicians that allowed them to hide should be arrested.

or are you a lying hypocrite?
Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

Silly comment. BHO is the super stud illegal deporter of the last ten presidents.

Yep, easy to do when you fudge the numbers, which has been proven.
Obama should do more to enforce border security, thus enforce the rule of law; the US govt should allow Bundy to continue to break the law

Silly comment. BHO is the super stud illegal deporter of the last ten presidents.

Yep, easy to do when you fudge the numbers, which has been proven.

That's all the obie admin is good at doing, fake numbers. How do you boost the number of illegals deported while not deporting anyone? You count the ones turned away at the border.

How do you make obiecare look like a success? You change the census questions, you ignore those that lost insurance and suddenly the number you used of previously uninsured isn't in the conversation.

How do you make non-existant job growth look good? You inflate the initiial numbers then revise down later when nobody is looking. You then claim your goal wasn't to get new people jobs just to replace the ones you claim your predecessor lost and call that a victory.

How do you make the debt drop? You don't. You still add to the debt but bring the deficit down slightly and claim victory.

No wonder we need common core in schools. Only complete retards will cheer for this kind of math.
Al Sharpton owes over $2 million in back taxes and not arrests or even a warrent.

do you see the hypocrassy?

Do you think a lone family needed so many armed men to surround them over grass being eaten?

LOL the other part of that? He refused to pay for workers compensation insurance and unemployment insurance! :eek: His company did not even bother filing their tax return for years.

But no armed feds at his door, just excuses that he did not know the laws...

The 53-year-old minister has been assailed over his career for running up big tax debts and failing to abide by rules governing his charities and election committees. He is perpetually being sued for failing to pay his bills.

Sharpton owes $1.5 million in back taxes - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News

CaféAuLait;8962503 said:
Al Sharpton owes over $2 million in back taxes and not arrests or even a warrent.

do you see the hypocrassy?

Do you think a lone family needed so many armed men to surround them over grass being eaten?

LOL the other part of that? He refused to pay for workers compensation insurance and unemployment insurance! :eek: His company did not even bother filing their tax return for years.

But no armed feds at his door, just excuses that he did not know the laws...

The 53-year-old minister has been assailed over his career for running up big tax debts and failing to abide by rules governing his charities and election committees. He is perpetually being sued for failing to pay his bills.

Sharpton owes $1.5 million in back taxes - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News


They tend to treat informants a little better than the average guy.
CaféAuLait;8962503 said:
Al Sharpton owes over $2 million in back taxes and not arrests or even a warrent.

do you see the hypocrassy?

Do you think a lone family needed so many armed men to surround them over grass being eaten?

LOL the other part of that? He refused to pay for workers compensation insurance and unemployment insurance! :eek: His company did not even bother filing their tax return for years.

But no armed feds at his door, just excuses that he did not know the laws...

The 53-year-old minister has been assailed over his career for running up big tax debts and failing to abide by rules governing his charities and election committees. He is perpetually being sued for failing to pay his bills.

Sharpton owes $1.5 million in back taxes - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News


msn should be surrounded by snipers and raided by a fully armed and armored SWAT team.

I'm certain the libs will demand that the government do this any moment now.

In the name of fairness, of course, not racism

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