Winnin Bob Knight endorses Wonderful Donald!

The most arrogant, abrasive, childish, obnoxious coach in the history of college basketball.

Yeah, makes sense.
Makes alot of sense.........Knight is a winner..........not a wiener! (as in, Democrap pervert Anthony Wiener.........:rock:).
Does it really matter now? This election has been in the bag ever since Tia Tequila's glowing endorsement. lol
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Do I ask politicians what they recommend when coaching a game?
My fav Coach Knight recording. A better example of his temper.

America would still be great if we had had recent leaders like B. Knight! Great post, and thanks! I might be a little bit partisan tho', because my brother-in-law, an ex-IU professor, used to have breakfast with Bobby on a regular basis.
A person with minimal impulse control supports Herr Drumpf? Nothing new there. :rolleyes:

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