Winning is not good enough for Donald Trump

Above is a great example of a Trump/MAGA response to criticism.
Insult: with men you challenge their manhood, with women you call them far right, marxist, communist bitches.

You are very predictable.
You are very plodding and eternally unpersuasive, Elmo Dud.
Winning is not good enough for Donald Trump. He won New Hampshire. Haley conceded the loss but vowed to continue on in other states.
Everyone knows, including Trump, that he has the Republican nomination sewed up.
Normal people would take the win in New Hampshire and move on.
Not Donald Trump. Haley did not drop out of the race. Haley did not capitulate to Trump.
That made Donald mad. He wants his opponents to surrender to him. He wants to make sure they are on his band wagon or he will try to destroy them.
Donald said:
"Just a little note to Nikki. She’s not going to win. But if she did, she would be under investigation by those people in 15 minutes, and I could tell you five reasons why already."

He is a very sick person.

He like everyone else knows she's a Democrat spoiler. Get over it. The ruse didn't work. TFB...
Above is a great example of a Trump/MAGA response to criticism.
Insult: with men you challenge their manhood, with women you call them far right, marxist, communist bitches.

You are very predictable.
Do you know what a woman is?
Bullshit. Trump has the nomination sewed up.
It would be advisable to compliment Haley and increase the chance he can get her supporters in November. He knows that.
Making her completely copitulate is more important than votes in November. You kiss his ass or he will try to destroy you.

There are ass kissers like you who eat this stuff up.
Her supporters are are Dem leaning "independents" hoping to spoil a Trump win. Do you fuckers not realize we spotted this before it even left the gate..?
You do know Niki is the chosen one for the democrats
The small minded MAGA minions do not realize they represent 30 million at most. The other 40 million who voted for Trump were nonMAGA Republicans, Independents and Democrats.
You are not very smart if you don't realize you need to get more than MAGA minions.

MAGA and Trump are the Democrats only hope to win.
The reason the Democrats could win is the braindead MAGA minions will not reach out to enough voters for Trump to win.
Her supporters are are Dem leaning "independents" hoping to spoil a Trump win. Do you fuckers not realize we spotted this before it even left the gate..?
Do you actually think everyone who voted for Trump in 2020 was a MAGA minion. No. The estimated MAGA hardcore is 30 million. I cannot all the MAGA lemmings have not figured out they need Republicans they call RINOs, Independents and some Democrats to win in 2024.

MAGA mindset is Biden's only hope to win.
Winning is not good enough for Donald Trump. He won New Hampshire. Haley conceded the loss but vowed to continue on in other states.
Everyone knows, including Trump, that he has the Republican nomination sewed up.
Normal people would take the win in New Hampshire and move on.
Not Donald Trump. Haley did not drop out of the race. Haley did not capitulate to Trump.
That made Donald mad. He wants his opponents to surrender to him. He wants to make sure they are on his band wagon or he will try to destroy them.
Donald said:
"Just a little note to Nikki. She’s not going to win. But if she did, she would be under investigation by those people in 15 minutes, and I could tell you five reasons why already."

He is a very sick person.

A couple months ago she was 50% behind... She was only 12% in New Hampshire....

Maybe Trump should be worried, she is still beating expectations...
Are you using the "challenge his manhood"MAGA strategy. You should come up with something new.
I'm just wondering if you're so far gone that you can't define what a woman is.
Your dodge is answer enough, kid.
Are you using the "challenge his manhood"MAGA strategy.
Questions end with question marks, btw.
Campaigning against her is fine. Differentiate yourself from her, debate her.
But to devolve in child like insults and threats is ridiculous.
You would need policies and some nuance to debate...

Trump is afraid to debate, this is a guy who can't tell the difference between his ex wife and a woman he raped...

Last week he thought Haley was Pelosi last week...

Just listen to them speak for more than a minute and you know Trump doesn't get the details... Biden has a stutter but he knows what he is talking about.
Campaigning against her is fine. Differentiate yourself from her, debate her.
But to devolve in child like insults and threats is ridiculous.
Like when Joey Xiden said he would take trump behind the woodshed?

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