WINNING ! Senate confirms eight Trump court picks in three days

When you are the president and your greatest achievement is giving McConnell a list of names to put on the court, you’ve been a fucking failure.

The willingness of “conservatives” to openly talk about making our courts partisan is funny.

We will likely spend a few minutes discussing the failed Trump presidency on this evening’s broadcast.

Call in and tell us how much you love him.

Worlds Collide Ep. 6 - How Was Your Bird?
Progs have used the courts for much of their advances. Even nullified the votes of the citizens. You have guys in dresses with their balls hanging out reading stories to children. That is not a good thing.
When you are the president and your greatest achievement is giving McConnell a list of names to put on the court, you’ve been a fucking failure.

The willingness of “conservatives” to openly talk about making our courts partisan is funny.

We will likely spend a few minutes discussing the failed Trump presidency on this evening’s broadcast.

Call in and tell us how much you love him.

Worlds Collide Ep. 6 - How Was Your Bird?
Progs have used the courts for much of their advances. Even nullified the votes of the citizens. You have guys in dresses with their balls hanging out reading stories to children. That is not a good thing.
Trump's Plan: While the media chases their tails and the libs are blinded with hatred.......Trump works behind the lines. He's been dealing with these monsters for 50 yrs
Ninth Circuit Lifts Injunctions Blocking Trump Admin’s ‘Public Charge’ Rule for Immigrants.


A federal appeals court on Thursday lifted several injunctions that were blocking the Trump administration’s very sensible rule restricting immigration eligibility for individuals deemed likely to become public charges.

“Public charge” denotes immigrants who are likely to require government assistance, such as food stamps or Medicaid. The Trump administration had moved to restrict the number of new immigrants who would require such assistance, but several courts blocked the rule in October before it could take effect.​

In its 2-1 decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed preliminary injunctions against the administration’s rule from federal courts in Washington and California.

“The phrase [“public charge”] is subject to multiple interpretations, it in fact has been interpreted differently, and the Executive Branch has been afforded the discretion to interpret it,” wrote Judges Jay Bybee and Sandra Ikuta, both appointed by George W. Bush. “Whether the change in policy results from changing circumstances or a change in administrations, the wisdom of the policy is not a question we can review.”​

“The Department of Justice is pleased with today’s decision to lift the injunction and respect the legal authority vested in the administration by the U.S. Congress,” a spokesman for the DOJ commented.​

Judge Bybee added an additional section to the decision excoriating Do Nuthin' Congress for failing to pass immigration legislation that may have helped avoid a fight in the courts.

“We have seen case after case come through our courts, serious and earnest efforts, even as they are controversial, to address the nation’s immigration challenges. Yet we have seen little engagement and no actual legislation from Congress,” wrote Bybee. “It matters not to me as a judge whether Congress embraces or disapproves of the administration’s actions, but it is time for a feckless Congress to come to the table and grapple with these issues.”​

But they are too busy trying to overturn the 2016 election to actually legislate national issues!
When you are the president and your greatest achievement is giving McConnell a list of names to put on the court, you’ve been a fucking failure.

The willingness of “conservatives” to openly talk about making our courts partisan is funny.

We will likely spend a few minutes discussing the failed Trump presidency on this evening’s broadcast.

Call in and tell us how much you love him.

Worlds Collide Ep. 6 - How Was Your Bird?
Progs have used the courts for much of their advances. Even nullified the votes of the citizens. You have guys in dresses with their balls hanging out reading stories to children. That is not a good thing.
Trump's Plan: While the media chases their tails and the libs are blinded with hatred.......Trump works behind the lines. He's been dealing with these monsters for 50 yrs

He's playing them like a concert pianist.
When you are the president and your greatest achievement is giving McConnell a list of names to put on the court, you’ve been a fucking failure.

The willingness of “conservatives” to openly talk about making our courts partisan is funny.

We will likely spend a few minutes discussing the failed Trump presidency on this evening’s broadcast.

Call in and tell us how much you love him.

Worlds Collide Ep. 6 - How Was Your Bird?
Progs have used the courts for much of their advances. Even nullified the votes of the citizens. You have guys in dresses with their balls hanging out reading stories to children. That is not a good thing.
Trump's Plan: While the media chases their tails and the libs are blinded with hatred.......Trump works behind the lines. He's been dealing with these monsters for 50 yrs

He's playing them like a concert pianist.
When you are the president and your greatest achievement is giving McConnell a list of names to put on the court, you’ve been a fucking failure.

The willingness of “conservatives” to openly talk about making our courts partisan is funny.

We will likely spend a few minutes discussing the failed Trump presidency on this evening’s broadcast.

Call in and tell us how much you love him.

Worlds Collide Ep. 6 - How Was Your Bird?
Progs have used the courts for much of their advances. Even nullified the votes of the citizens. You have guys in dresses with their balls hanging out reading stories to children. That is not a good thing.
Trump's Plan: While the media chases their tails and the libs are blinded with hatred.......Trump works behind the lines. He's been dealing with these monsters for 50 yrs

He's playing them like a concert pianist.
He's like this playing and conducting his minions.....

The House of Representatives is refusing to work on anything except impeachment, and they delaying on finishing that up.

Right now, confirmation of justices is what they can do as it requires no cooperation at all from the Obstructionist House.
Now, if only Ginsburg would expire, a seat in the SCOTUS would open up a seat for Trump to fill. Of course, the left would produce someone that would claim any and all Trump nominees to the SCOTUS had committed some unverifiable sexual assault when a teen.

She died two years ago... :eusa_whistle:
Now, if only Ginsburg would expire, a seat in the SCOTUS would open up a seat for Trump to fill. Of course, the left would produce someone that would claim any and all Trump nominees to the SCOTUS had committed some unverifiable sexual assault when a teen.

Ruth isn't all bad all the time. There is a reason why Scalia considered her a friend. She just put a stay on the demand for Trump's bank records, much to the chagrin of the democrats.

Release of Trump’s Banking Records Delayed by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
When you are the president and your greatest achievement is giving McConnell a list of names to put on the court, you’ve been a fucking failure.

The willingness of “conservatives” to openly talk about making our courts partisan is funny.

We will likely spend a few minutes discussing the failed Trump presidency on this evening’s broadcast.

Call in and tell us how much you love him.

Worlds Collide Ep. 6 - How Was Your Bird?
Progs have used the courts for much of their advances. Even nullified the votes of the citizens. You have guys in dresses with their balls hanging out reading stories to children. That is not a good thing.
Trump's Plan: While the media chases their tails and the libs are blinded with hatred.......Trump works behind the lines. He's been dealing with these monsters for 50 yrs

You mean he has been cheating and beating for 50yrs.
Now, if only Ginsburg would expire, a seat in the SCOTUS would open up a seat for Trump to fill. Of course, the left would produce someone that would claim any and all Trump nominees to the SCOTUS had committed some unverifiable sexual assault when a teen.

Ruth isn't all bad all the time. There is a reason why Scalia considered her a friend. She just put a stay on the demand for Trump's bank records, much to the chagrin of the democrats.

Release of Trump’s Banking Records Delayed by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
When Democrats find out they'll go nuts..
When you are the president and your greatest achievement is giving McConnell a list of names to put on the court, you’ve been a fucking failure.

The willingness of “conservatives” to openly talk about making our courts partisan is funny.

We will likely spend a few minutes discussing the failed Trump presidency on this evening’s broadcast.

Call in and tell us how much you love him.

Worlds Collide Ep. 6 - How Was Your Bird?
Progs have used the courts for much of their advances. Even nullified the votes of the citizens. You have guys in dresses with their balls hanging out reading stories to children. That is not a good thing.
Trump's Plan: While the media chases their tails and the libs are blinded with hatred.......Trump works behind the lines. He's been dealing with these monsters for 50 yrs

He's playing them like a concert pianist.
He's like this playing and conducting his minions.....

Thank you. One of my all time favorite conductors and songs. (Didn't like the movie all that much.)
This is the single best thing (long lasting) about the Trump admin.

The Senate confirmed eight of President Trump's court picks this week, underscoring the rapid pace the GOP-controlled chamber has set on judicial nominations.

The confirmations came in back-to-back days with one district court nominee confirmed on Tuesday, five on Wednesday and two on Thursday.

The votes bring the total number of judicial confirmations for Trump to 170 nominations since taking office in January 2017.

Senate confirms eight Trump court picks in three days


2019 was a banner year for confirming federal judges — an accomplishment that will reverberate long after many of the leading stories of the year, including impeachment, have been largely forgotten. Let’s start with federal district court judges. These positions didn’t used to be considered politically charged. Confirmation of district court nominees once was routine. That’s no longer true. District judges are actively participating in the anti-Trump resistance.

This year the Senate confirmed 80 district court judges nominated by President Trump. This brings the total of Trump-nominated district judges to 133. The Senate confirmed 97 district court judges in President Obama’s first three years.

Well done, Mitch McConnell.

Now let’s turn to the even more crucial position of federal appeals court judge. This year, the Senate confirmed 20 such judges. This brings the total of Trump-nominated appellate judges on the bench to 50, only five fewer than President Obama saw confirmed in eight years.

No president in our history has ever placed this many judges on courts of appeals in his first three years. One-fourth of all circuit court of appeals judges were nominated by Trump.

Three circuit courts of appeals have flipped from majority Democrat appointees to majority Republican appointees. The three circuits are the Second, the Third, and the Eleventh. Moreover, the Ninth Circuit, until recently the playground of hard leftists, might flip soon, according to this report.

If Trump is reelected next year, he will be able completely to transform the federal judiciary. If he isn’t, he won’t be. But even in that scenario, the good work described above will have important consequences for years to come.
This is the single best thing (long lasting) about the Trump admin.

The Senate confirmed eight of President Trump's court picks this week, underscoring the rapid pace the GOP-controlled chamber has set on judicial nominations.

The confirmations came in back-to-back days with one district court nominee confirmed on Tuesday, five on Wednesday and two on Thursday.

The votes bring the total number of judicial confirmations for Trump to 170 nominations since taking office in January 2017.

Senate confirms eight Trump court picks in three days

He's going to town.....there are about fifty scheduled retirements on the Fed Bench before November and another 200 or so expected for his next term.....75% of them appointed by democrats ..... LOL
This is the single best thing (long lasting) about the Trump admin.

The Senate confirmed eight of President Trump's court picks this week, underscoring the rapid pace the GOP-controlled chamber has set on judicial nominations.

The confirmations came in back-to-back days with one district court nominee confirmed on Tuesday, five on Wednesday and two on Thursday.

The votes bring the total number of judicial confirmations for Trump to 170 nominations since taking office in January 2017.

Senate confirms eight Trump court picks in three days

He's going to town.....there are about fifty scheduled retirements on the Fed Bench before November and another 200 or so expected for his next term.....75% of them appointed by democrats ..... LOL
Any wonder they are desperate to remove him and Pence together?

Now, if only Ginsburg would expire, a seat in the SCOTUS would open up a seat for Trump to fill. Of course, the left would produce someone that would claim any and all Trump nominees to the SCOTUS had committed some unverifiable sexual assault when a teen.

Ruth isn't all bad all the time. There is a reason why Scalia considered her a friend. She just put a stay on the demand for Trump's bank records, much to the chagrin of the democrats.

Release of Trump’s Banking Records Delayed by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

UH OH..... She better hire more security.... we know what democrats do the SCOTUS judges that don't play ball.

Now, if only Ginsburg would expire, a seat in the SCOTUS would open up a seat for Trump to fill. Of course, the left would produce someone that would claim any and all Trump nominees to the SCOTUS had committed some unverifiable sexual assault when a teen.
That's why they need to find a Black Conservative Female Judge. I would love to see Democrats try and bitch about that.

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