Winter Does Not Disprove Global Warming

OK, I guess I would have to agree with you that there is a certain element of choice involved in gullibly falling for moronic bullshit, like the dogmas of the denier cult, because the bullshit is what you prefer to believe for political and/or economic motives, but the underlying deep retardation most of the deniers display still seems to be, in most cases, congenital, and so, essentially choiceless.

It is a very difficult question, whether they are displaying a fundamental retardation, some characteristic of environmental influence, or simply the results of personal choice. It has been one of my long standing questions.

I have known people that were truly mentally retarded. And, the often show none of the attitudes of the intentionally stupid. Often, they understand that they are slow, try really hard not to be, and actually display character that is far more "intelligent" than the intentionally stupid.

How do we account for Donald Trump or Rush Limbaugh? They are not lacking in basic intelligence or education.

What is often true is high levels of adrenaline does cause some sort of targeted mental imparement. And I have noted that there seems to be a connection between an addiction to being hostile and these intentional stupid.

In the last decade, there have been a number of studies that highlight the definitive characteristics of these intentionally stupid, "anti-liberal", self identifying conservative or libertarian republicans.

What I see as the predominate characteristic is a sociopathy. The Republican/conservative-libertarian ideals is most attractive to sociopathic personalities. They choose to be ignorant because it yields them the justifications that they want to justify their sociopathic personality.

What I see, fundamentally, is an asymetery in their ideas and attitudes. They maintain ideas and attitudes for themselves that justifies their sociopathic behavior while expecting others to present behavior that is beneficial them. There is an asymetery in how they judge actions. When they do something, they have a good reason. If you do the exact same thing, it hurts their feeling. It should be fairly apparent in examining the likes of Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh that morality suddenly become all important when it is applied to others behavior and in a way that benefits Trump and Rush. But, for some reason, it is completely ignored when the shoe is on the other foot.

I am sure you are right that that there tends to be a measurable tilt in the direction of stupidity as a group. But, in my best educated examination, this is secondary to the simpler fact of choice to be ignorant. The ignorance, the stupidity, though, seems to always fall on the side of the ideas that is in their favor.

It's almost as if there is a stupid pill and whenever the opportunity arises such that taking it will result in stupidity justifies what they want, they pop a couple of them.

And when it comes to ignorance, and I know you've seen it, somehow they manage to skirt away from stating their dozens of conflicting concepts in the same post. In fact, they often manage to avoid overtly stating the underlying bullshit assumptions that they make doing so would make it apparent exactly how dissingenuous they really are.

I just can't give them the benefit of what little doubt I may have had. The stupidity is to cleverly contrived.

Good point about the sociopathy endemic to the denier cultists and I can see how much that explains, but after your last exchange with the Huffer, wouldn't you agree that severe retardation just has to be part of the mix with many of them?

Of course, there is another aspect of this whole dance of AGW reality denial that we see them doing. There is good hard evidence that certain parts of the fossil fuel industry and certain billionaires in that industry, like the Koch brothers, have been funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into propaganda campaigns to confuse the public about the reality and dangers of global warming and its consequent climate changes, in order to try to protect their immense profit stream from the negative effects of the very necessary restrictions or taxes on carbon emissions. They support a wide variety of very partisan 'think tanks', 'institutions' and other front groups and propaganda outlets. They are also almost certainly paying internet trolls to push their propaganda on every possible Internet forum or message board and in the 'comments' section after online newspaper and magazine articles about AGW/CC. Some online publications have had to resort to banning the denier trolls because the constant spamming of the comments sections with already debunked denier cult myths and wacky pseudo-science was getting so out of hand. So, we have to consider the probability that some of the deniers who post so often, some of them on practically every live thread multiple times a day, are neither retarded nor taking "stupid pills" deliberately, but rather are, in fact, paid agents of disinformation here specifically to push the denier propaganda and waste the time of people like us who try to debunk their lies and pseudo-science. Possibly they are getting paid per post, which would explain the otherwise very strange behavior of the Huffer and the kookster and others, whose posts are so vacuous and yet so frequent. They would still, of course, be part of the sociopathic contingent of the denier cultists, even if they are getting paid (just accepting the job would be proof of that). That's just conjecture, given the anonymous nature of these forums, but something to consider when trying to figure out the very strange behavior of these deniers. So when you're trying to figure out whether they're retarded or just deliberately acting stupid out of sociopathic self interest, also consider the other possibility - paid troll.

[ame=]Billy Madison - Best insult ever! I award you no points - YouTube[/ame]

You've already used this video. All that material to respond to and you can't come up with anything new?

BTW, have I missed any science from you or is it all still insults and excuses?

Have you noticed the number of people with whom I've been 'discussing' the Greenhouse Effect? I think you might need to modify your statement that you'd never met a "Greenhouse skeptic". Or perhaps the problem is that you haven't gotten around to meet the gang. You could start with PredFan/Elektra. He/She/They have a really interesting understanding of the relationship between "how much CO2 the atmosphere can hold" and temperature. They both said I must be ignorant of science to be unaware of it. You should talk to them about it.

You've already used this video. All that material to respond to and you can't come up with anything new?

BTW, have I missed any science from you or is it all still insults and excuses?

Have you noticed the number of people with whom I've been 'discussing' the Greenhouse Effect? I think you might need to modify your statement that you'd never met a "Greenhouse skeptic". Or perhaps the problem is that you haven't gotten around to meet the gang. You could start with PredFan/Elektra. He/She/They have a really interesting understanding of the relationship between "how much CO2 the atmosphere can hold" and temperature. They both said I must be ignorant of science to be unaware of it. You should talk to them about it.

And you continue to show that you are an AGW cultists and don't care anything about science.
Have you ever seen those Despicable Me movies? The one with the "minions; the little yellow capsule shaped things. They're hilarious. Now if only you were that funny...
It is a very difficult question, whether they are displaying a fundamental retardation, some characteristic of environmental influence, or simply the results of personal choice. It has been one of my long standing questions.

I have known people that were truly mentally retarded. And, the often show none of the attitudes of the intentionally stupid. Often, they understand that they are slow, try really hard not to be, and actually display character that is far more "intelligent" than the intentionally stupid.

How do we account for Donald Trump or Rush Limbaugh? They are not lacking in basic intelligence or education.

What is often true is high levels of adrenaline does cause some sort of targeted mental imparement. And I have noted that there seems to be a connection between an addiction to being hostile and these intentional stupid.

In the last decade, there have been a number of studies that highlight the definitive characteristics of these intentionally stupid, "anti-liberal", self identifying conservative or libertarian republicans.

What I see as the predominate characteristic is a sociopathy. The Republican/conservative-libertarian ideals is most attractive to sociopathic personalities. They choose to be ignorant because it yields them the justifications that they want to justify their sociopathic personality.

What I see, fundamentally, is an asymetery in their ideas and attitudes. They maintain ideas and attitudes for themselves that justifies their sociopathic behavior while expecting others to present behavior that is beneficial them. There is an asymetery in how they judge actions. When they do something, they have a good reason. If you do the exact same thing, it hurts their feeling. It should be fairly apparent in examining the likes of Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh that morality suddenly become all important when it is applied to others behavior and in a way that benefits Trump and Rush. But, for some reason, it is completely ignored when the shoe is on the other foot.

I am sure you are right that that there tends to be a measurable tilt in the direction of stupidity as a group. But, in my best educated examination, this is secondary to the simpler fact of choice to be ignorant. The ignorance, the stupidity, though, seems to always fall on the side of the ideas that is in their favor.

It's almost as if there is a stupid pill and whenever the opportunity arises such that taking it will result in stupidity justifies what they want, they pop a couple of them.

And when it comes to ignorance, and I know you've seen it, somehow they manage to skirt away from stating their dozens of conflicting concepts in the same post. In fact, they often manage to avoid overtly stating the underlying bullshit assumptions that they make doing so would make it apparent exactly how dissingenuous they really are.

I just can't give them the benefit of what little doubt I may have had. The stupidity is to cleverly contrived.

Good point about the sociopathy endemic to the denier cultists and I can see how much that explains, but after your last exchange with the Huffer, wouldn't you agree that severe retardation just has to be part of the mix with many of them?

Of course, there is another aspect of this whole dance of AGW reality denial that we see them doing. There is good hard evidence that certain parts of the fossil fuel industry and certain billionaires in that industry, like the Koch brothers, have been funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into propaganda campaigns to confuse the public about the reality and dangers of global warming and its consequent climate changes, in order to try to protect their immense profit stream from the negative effects of the very necessary restrictions or taxes on carbon emissions. They support a wide variety of very partisan 'think tanks', 'institutions' and other front groups and propaganda outlets. They are also almost certainly paying internet trolls to push their propaganda on every possible Internet forum or message board and in the 'comments' section after online newspaper and magazine articles about AGW/CC. Some online publications have had to resort to banning the denier trolls because the constant spamming of the comments sections with already debunked denier cult myths and wacky pseudo-science was getting so out of hand. So, we have to consider the probability that some of the deniers who post so often, some of them on practically every live thread multiple times a day, are neither retarded nor taking "stupid pills" deliberately, but rather are, in fact, paid agents of disinformation here specifically to push the denier propaganda and waste the time of people like us who try to debunk their lies and pseudo-science. Possibly they are getting paid per post, which would explain the otherwise very strange behavior of the Huffer and the kookster and others, whose posts are so vacuous and yet so frequent. They would still, of course, be part of the sociopathic contingent of the denier cultists, even if they are getting paid (just accepting the job would be proof of that). That's just conjecture, given the anonymous nature of these forums, but something to consider when trying to figure out the very strange behavior of these deniers. So when you're trying to figure out whether they're retarded or just deliberately acting stupid out of sociopathic self interest, also consider the other possibility - paid troll.]Billy Madison - Best insult ever! I award you no points

The truth hurts, eh SwineExlax. Or, in your case, butt-hurts.
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You've already used this video. All that material to respond to and you can't come up with anything new?

BTW, have I missed any science from you or is it all still insults and excuses?

Have you noticed the number of people with whom I've been 'discussing' the Greenhouse Effect? I think you might need to modify your statement that you'd never met a "Greenhouse skeptic". Or perhaps the problem is that you haven't gotten around to meet the gang. You could start with PredFan/Elektra. He/She/They have a really interesting understanding of the relationship between "how much CO2 the atmosphere can hold" and temperature. They both said I must be ignorant of science to be unaware of it. You should talk to them about it.

You've gotten from me all you deserve and probability more. Seeing as you're not interested in having an actual discussion on anything here, and simply want to demand people agree with you. If you ever decide to have a real conversation I might engage you again. Until then, why should I bother feeding you anything more than Adam Sandler movie clips?
If the Global Warming Hobbyists would simply shut down their computers enough electricity would be saved that at least ten coal-fired power plants could be retired.

But....count on it....they won't.

That's the difference between TRUE GW believers and our bumper crop of mere hobbyists.

You've already used this video. All that material to respond to and you can't come up with anything new?

BTW, have I missed any science from you or is it all still insults and excuses?

Have you noticed the number of people with whom I've been 'discussing' the Greenhouse Effect? I think you might need to modify your statement that you'd never met a "Greenhouse skeptic". Or perhaps the problem is that you haven't gotten around to meet the gang. You could start with PredFan/Elektra. He/She/They have a really interesting understanding of the relationship between "how much CO2 the atmosphere can hold" and temperature. They both said I must be ignorant of science to be unaware of it. You should talk to them about it.

You've gotten from me all you deserve and probability more. Seeing as you're not interested in having an actual discussion on anything here, and simply want to demand people agree with you. If you ever decide to have a real conversation I might engage you again. Until then, why should I bother feeding you anything more than Adam Sandler movie clips? can't handle the evidence showing that you belong to a crackpot cult of reality denial so you run away, making feeble excuses....
Marvelous, seeing those of such abiding faith jump through the little hoops their masters set out for them. Quoting their bought-and-paid-for tables; waving their religious banners. What's next, parades toting Algore plastic statues through the dry streets of "flooded" cities?
If winters fail to disprove warming, summers must thus fail to prove warming.

True. But no one is trying to use summers to prove warming. They use long term temperature records. The usually average the values over a year to smooth out all the seasonal variation. Like this:


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See, Global Warming Hobbyists are out of the closet!

They openly demand censorship!

What's next, re-education camps for the infidels?

And the troll does his thing and makes another buck.

Well, I guess nobody's signing up for your censorship concept. Now let me propose a little something.

How about we ask that all posts concerning the Great Algore Fable be moved to The Religion and Ethics forum? After all, Global Warming is NOT a scientific concept; it's simply a matter of faith and idol (Algore) worship. Besides, some on the other side of the matter feel that it's all in the hands of God or Allah or Buddha....or maybe the Great Tortise on whose back the world is balanced.

Unfortunately, your lack of scientific knowledge makes you unqualified to say what is and what isn't a scientific concept.
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Well, I guess nobody's signing up for your censorship concept.
Actually the LA Times and Reddit are only the beginning. More and more reputable publications are considering banning the denier cult spamming and trolling.

How about we ask that all posts concerning the Great Algore Fable be moved to The Religion and Ethics forum? After all, Global Warming is NOT a scientific concept; it's simply a matter of faith and idol (Algore) worship. Besides, some on the other side of the matter feel that it's all in the hands of God or Allah or Buddha....or maybe the Great Tortise on whose back the world is balanced.

LOLOLOL.....relax, little retard, you've already proven that you're either insane or a paid troll getting paid by the post. You don't have to keep on proving it over and over again.

Oh, and BTW, perhaps you should contact these folks and explain your wackadoodle notions about how "Global Warming is NOT a scientific concept". I'm sure they could use a good laugh too.

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) statement, adopted by the society in 2003, revised in 2007, and revised and expanded in 2013, affirms that rising levels of greenhouse gases have caused and will continue to cause the global surface temperature to be warmer:
“Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia. While important scientific uncertainties remain as to which particular impacts will be experienced where, no uncertainties are known that could make the impacts of climate change inconsequential. Furthermore, surprise outcomes, such as the unexpectedly rapid loss of Arctic summer sea ice, may entail even more dramatic changes than anticipated."

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) statement adopted by their council in 2012 concluded:
There is unequivocal evidence that Earth’s lower atmosphere, ocean, and land surface are warming; sea level is rising; and snow cover, mountain glaciers, and Arctic sea ice are shrinking. The dominant cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities. This scientific finding is based on a large and persuasive body of research. The observed warming will be irreversible for many years into the future, and even larger temperature increases will occur as greenhouse gases continue to accumulate in the atmosphere. Avoiding this future warming will require a large and rapid reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. The ongoing warming will increase risks and stresses to human societies, economies, ecosystems, and wildlife through the 21st century and beyond, making it imperative that society respond to a changing climate. To inform decisions on adaptation and mitigation, it is critical that we improve our understanding of the global climate system and our ability to project future climate through continued and improved monitoring and research. This is especially true for smaller (seasonal and regional) scales and weather and climate extremes, and for important hydroclimatic variables such as precipitation and water availability.

Technological, economic, and policy choices in the near future will determine the extent of future impacts of climate change. Science-based decisions are seldom made in a context of absolute certainty. National and international policy discussions should include consideration of the best ways to both adapt to and mitigate climate change. Mitigation will reduce the amount of future climate change and the risk of impacts that are potentially large and dangerous. At the same time, some continued climate change is inevitable, and policy responses should include adaptation to climate change. Prudence dictates extreme care in accounting for our relationship with the only planet known to be capable of sustaining human life.
(Source: Scientific opinion on climate change)

but nobody cares........

69% Say It?s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports?

Drill, Baby, Drill: U.S. Energy Revolution Being Heard ?Round the World, Yergin Says | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Global surveys show environmental concerns rank low among public concerns

People Are Losing Hope For Green Energy - Business Insider

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

Internet science debates are gay. "Consensus" science is making zero impact in the real world ( see Obama EIA link above ). Im fine being the forum cultist delusional "retard".:2up:
But Im winning!!!:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

Unfortunately, 50% of adults have a below average reading comprehension, IQ, and scientific education.

And, you are a fine example.

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