Winter Does Not Disprove Global Warming

Show me a polar bear that is starving and I'll show you an opportunity to prove your dedication to your cause.

So you're asking me to feed you to a polar bear? I don't see why my presence is necessary. You can walk into the bear's mouth yourself.

Logic says that if anyone has to be removed, waste-of-protoplasm denialists should go first, for the common good of humanity and the planet. Hence, you should be the first to feed the bears. So don't be a hypocrite now and try to weasel out of what you just proposed. Pack your bags for Churchill, where you'll be able to find some bears to feed yourself to.

(Provided, of course, they don't reject your flesh as overly bitter and rancid.)
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Show me a polar bear that is starving and I'll show you an opportunity to prove your dedication to your cause.

So you're asking me to feed you to a polar bear? I don't see why my presence is necessary. You can walk into the bears' mouth yourself.

Common sense says that if anyone has to be removed, waste-of-protoplasm denialists should go first, for the common good of humanity and the planet. Hence, you should be the first to feed the bears. So don't be a hypocrite now and try to weasel out of what you just proposed. Pack your bags for Churchill, where you'll be able to find some bears to feed yourself to.

(Provided, of course, they don't reject your flesh as overly bitter and rancid.)

First, I wasn't there - but you obviously were or you're posting somebody else's photos....if so, I do hope you had permission or they weren't copyrighted.

Second, You're the great saviour of all things furry but so patently unwilling to offer even a toe to feed one.

Hypocrite much?
Show me a polar bear that is starving and I'll show you an opportunity to prove your dedication to your cause.

So you're asking me to feed you to a polar bear? I don't see why my presence is necessary. You can walk into the bears' mouth yourself.

Common sense says that if anyone has to be removed, waste-of-protoplasm denialists should go first, for the common good of humanity and the planet. Hence, you should be the first to feed the bears. So don't be a hypocrite now and try to weasel out of what you just proposed. Pack your bags for Churchill, where you'll be able to find some bears to feed yourself to.

(Provided, of course, they don't reject your flesh as overly bitter and rancid.)

First, I wasn't there - but you obviously were or you're posting somebody else's photos....if so, I do hope you had permission or they weren't copyrighted.

Second, You're the great saviour of all things furry but so patently unwilling to offer even a toe to feed one.

Hypocrite much?

Now you are just making yourself sound really stupid.
So you're asking me to feed you to a polar bear? I don't see why my presence is necessary. You can walk into the bears' mouth yourself.

Common sense says that if anyone has to be removed, waste-of-protoplasm denialists should go first, for the common good of humanity and the planet. Hence, you should be the first to feed the bears. So don't be a hypocrite now and try to weasel out of what you just proposed. Pack your bags for Churchill, where you'll be able to find some bears to feed yourself to.

(Provided, of course, they don't reject your flesh as overly bitter and rancid.)

First, I wasn't there - but you obviously were or you're posting somebody else's photos....if so, I do hope you had permission or they weren't copyrighted.

Second, You're the great saviour of all things furry but so patently unwilling to offer even a toe to feed one.

Hypocrite much?

Now you are just making yourself sound really stupid.

Jeez....didn't ya even offer the poor bugger at least a pinkie? No, not one other others in the pink coats....just one of your little fingers!

The question that has remained unanswered, since 2009 for me, is

"Why are they stupid on purpose?"

Why do you assume that retards like these deniers are "stupid on purpose"? They start off retarded and very ignorant so they are naturally very gullible and easy to fool. This makes them easy meat for any propagandists who come along and tell them crackpot stories that fit in with their ignorant retarded picture of the world. The propagandists working for the fossil fuel industry did just that. So did the Republican Party, whose voter base is now mostly the bottom third of the intelligence spectrum.
Obviously no thunder in Colorado this afternoon either that or, if there, no cash to buy a little soothing influence.

Talk to me about your "reality" in 12,000 years or so when we'll have the data.
Obviously no thunder in Colorado this afternoon either that or, if there, no cash to buy a little soothing influence.

Talk to me about your "reality" in 12,000 years or so when we'll have the data.

Meet the Huffer: bringing you retarded pointless posts since 2011.
First, I wasn't there -

Why not? After all, it was your idea to feed the dregs of humanity to polar bears. Don't back out on us now.

but you obviously were or you're posting somebody else's photos....if so, I do hope you had permission or they weren't copyrighted.

First, I didn't post any photo. Second, your selective copyright hypocrisy is noted.

Second, You're the great saviour of all things furry but so patently unwilling to offer even a toe to feed one. Hypocrite much?

You told me to be true to my philosophy, and my philosophy is opposing cult retards. Since you were the one saying people need to be fed to the bears, then by my philosophy, it means you go first. Or are you now backing down on your suggestion?

It's a variation on the "why don't you liberals off yourselves" retard blubbering of the denialist cult. It makes no sense. If it was acceptable to improve the world by killing people, then we'd obviously want to kill the parasitical and psychopathic conservatives, not the productive and intelligent liberals.
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There's a certain poetry in that "why don't you liberals off yourselves". I mean, offing the unborn is such a popular progressive pastime....well, is there NO spirit of carrying the adventure further?
Meet the Huffer: bringing you retarded pointless posts since 2011.
And he does it again, folks. Even more retarded than ever. Give him a hand.
There's a certain poetry in that "why don't you liberals off yourselves". I mean, offing the unborn is such a popular progressive pastime....well, is there NO spirit of carrying the adventure further?
And there he goes again, just when you thought he couldn't get any more retarded, he manages it anyway.
The question that has remained unanswered, since 2009 for me, is

"Why are they stupid on purpose?"

Why do you assume that retards like these deniers are "stupid on purpose"? They start off retarded and very ignorant so they are naturally very gullible and easy to fool. This makes them easy meat for any propagandists who come along and tell them crackpot stories that fit in with their ignorant retarded picture of the world. The propagandists working for the fossil fuel industry did just that. So did the Republican Party, whose voter base is now mostly the bottom third of the intelligence spectrum.

Because I have had an opportunity to observe "stupid on purpose" up close and personal. I have experienced people literally create false memories because it was more convenient to remember it the way they liked it. I have observed people refuse to learn simply because they refused to have someone else tell them what to do. Being told to not start a fire in the kitchen was telling them what to do so they chose to start a fire again.

Because I've learned better. They choose to be "gullible" because they like the answer.
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