Winter Does Not Disprove Global Warming

Both I and the climate scientists have ample basis to call what is happening to Earth's temperatures an abrupt global warming trend.

You have no basis for anything. All you are doing is regurgitating something that you heard somewhere, and simply decided to believe.

Now, I've already told you multiple times, we only have recorded data for the past 125ish years. That is a mere 2.5x10^-8 of the Earth's history. It is an eye blink in a human life time. For all you know, it is nothing more than a naturally occurring, momentary outlier. One that will disappear just as quickly as it appeared.

Actually we DO have some data that shows a pattern. It ice core data and it looks bad for the AGW True Believers:


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Both I and the climate scientists have ample basis to call what is happening to Earth's temperatures an abrupt global warming trend. I've cited research supporting this conclusion. You apparently imagine that your unsupported statements contradicting the conclusions of the climate scientists mean more than a fart in a hurricane. They don't. Your every post just further reveals you to be another clueless ignorant denier cult retard, spewing the myths and delusions of your cult.


Climate scientist Dr. Murry Salby explains why man-made CO2 does not drive climate change
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Climate scientist Dr. Murry Salby explains why man-made CO2 does not drive climate change

He is a climate scientist and he certainly does agree with you.

Typical AGW cultist.

We just went thru this, Klod, over here on another thread. Your source is a joke. Which is fitting 'cause so are you.

Climate scientist Dr. Murry Salby, Professor and Climate Chair at Macquarie University, Australia explains in a recent, highly-recommended lecture presented at Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany, why man-made CO2 is not the driver of atmospheric CO2 or climate change. Dr. Salby demonstrates: are one incredibly gullible retard, Klod. Do you think you can rustle up any sources denying AGW who aren't corrupt criminals?

Climate Sceptic Professor Sacked From Australian University Was Banned By National Science Foundation For "Deceptive Conduct"
A CLIMATE sceptic professor fired from his Australian university for alleged policy breaches had previously been banned for three years from accessing US taxpayer-funded science research money. Dr Murry Salby, sacked in May by Macquarie University in Sydney, was the subject of a long investigation by the US National Science Foundation. The investigation (pdf), which was finished in February 2009, concluded that over a period when Dr Salby was working at the University of Colorado, he had likely fabricated time sheets in relation to research paid for through NSF money.
We conclude that the Subject (Dr Salby) has engaged in a long-running course of deceptive conduct involving both his University and NSF. His conduct reflects a consistent willingness to violate rules and regulations, whether federal or local, for his personal benefit. This supports a finding that the Subject is not presently responsible, and we recommend that he be debarred for five years.
The NSF reported in a bulletin on the investigation into Dr Salby:
Our investigation revealed that the subject (Dr Salby), consistently and over a period of many years, violated or disregarded various federal and NSF award administration requirements, violated university policies related to conflicts and outside compensation, and repeatedly misled both NSF and the university as to material facts about his outside companies and other matters relating to NSF awards.
In relation to these companies, the investigation found:
After many years of operation of the first company, the subject created a second, for-profit company that acted as a subcontractor to the first company. The subject was the sole owner and employee of the second company, which existed solely to receive grant funds from the first company and pay them to the subject as salary.
In relation to the time sheets, a report of the investigation said:
When we asked him (Dr Salby) to supply supporting documentation for the salary payments, the subject provided timesheets reflecting highly implausible work hours—for example, the subject claimed effort averaging nearly 14 hours a day for 98 continuous days between May and August 2002 (including weekends and holidays), and in other instances claimed to have devoted as much as 21 hours per day to the project.

Lol! Thanks for proving my point that its career suicide when a scientist does not tie the line.

Follow the money people. There is NO money in research that disproves global warming. That direction is career suicide.
Who is Denying that "Climate Change" exists?...

You Fucking Dishonest Douchers went from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because you were WRONG about "Global Warming" and didn't expect people to notice your Abject Dishonesty.

NOBODY is Denying "Climate Change", you Stain. :thup:

But it is a FACT that your Lord and Savior, aglore Junior, Claimed that the Arctic Ice would be gone in the Summer of 2013 and in Fact it grew from Summer of 2012 to 2013 by 29%...

You have all been Consistently WRONG about this since you stopped Claiming a "New Ice Age" in the 70's.

Get a helmet, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, you Short Bus Dingleberry Notherfuckers. :rofl:

The Grown-ups are about to take control again.

Like the Climate, everything has Cycles. :thup:



The 70s it was global cooling warnings and ozone depletion. Now it's climate change.

Let's cripple the economy because of changes in the ambient temperature of the planet, shall we?
Thats the point....Cripple the economy. It is why communists are so keen on the man made global warming myth. They sure as hell couldn't do it with their ideas because most college kids grow up.

That's one of the many clues that AGW is a scam: the only solution offered is anti-capitalism/socialism.
And there's another clueless retard who is too stupid to understand the difference between cold winter weather in one small part of the planet and the global climate over the whole year and the preceding decades. Globally, 2013 was the 4th warmest year on record. Globally, this last November was the warmest November on record. Anti-science retards like the Huffer think that understanding scientific facts equals "faith" but that is just another symptom of their severe retardation.
Worry not; your faith will keep you warm. Unless we are very, very lucky.........
Your posts are still just pointless retarded drivel, Huffer. Too bad you're such a cretin.

There is no point in arguing with an ignorant and belligerent AGW fanatic such as you. The only thing left to do is point and laugh.
Climate change deniers cite snowstorm: Debunking Donald Trump et al.

An intense blizzard, appropriately named Hercules, has blanketed the Northeast. Antarctic ice locked in a Russian ship containing a team of scientists—en route, no less, to do climate research. Record low temperatures have been seen in parts of the United States, and in Winnipeg, Manitoba, temperatures on Dec. 31, 2013 were as cold as temperatures on ... Mars.....


1. Statements about climate trends must be based on, er, trends. Not individual events or occurrences. Weather is not climate, and anecdotes are not statistics.

2. Global warming is actually expected to increase “heavy precipitation in winter storms,” and for the Northern Hemisphere, there is evidence that these storms are already more frequent and intense, according to the draft U.S. National Climate Assessment.

3. Antarctica is a very cold place. But global warming is affecting it as predicted: Antarctica is losing ice overall, according to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. However, sea ice is a different matter than land-based or glacial ice. Antarctic sea ice is increasing, and moreover, the reason for this may be climate change! (For more, read here.)

Finally, just one last thing: When it’s winter on Earth, it’s also summer on Earth ... somewhere else. Thus, allow us to counter anecdotal evidence about cold weather with more anecdotal evidence: It’s blazing hot in Australia, with temperatures in some regions set to possibly soar above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the coming days.

its a shame we've let this become yet another partisan football because, in the end, if allow the continued dumbing down of America, we all lose.
As the US freezes over, Sweden has experienced mild winter temperatures. Temperatures in Alaska have been warmer than the deep south. Global climate change is a long term trend that effects the whole planet.

This is hilarious to watch.

The AGW people state, and it has merit, that the weather in one part if the globe doesn't disprove climate change. Ok, I'll accept that but my problem is that you people use the weather in one area if the planet ALL THE TIME if it proves climate change. You just did it in the post above.

Another clue that AGW is a scam is the hypocrisy if its faithful.
Nothing can or will 'disprove global warming' for the true believers. Faith is impervious to reason or evidence.

The dedicated warmists are like the Communists who Stalin ordered to be murdered. As they were about to die they shouted 'Long live the Revolution! Long live Stalin!'
So many 'tard cultists here, all egging each other on to ever-greater heights of 'tarddom. Predfan, peter, skook, kosh, all running from the data and screaming out hysterical political rants. At least it keeps them off the streets.

Unlike denialist cult pseudoscience, AGW science is real science, meaning it can be disproven in many ways. We've listed some before. A cooling earth would be the obvious one. But instead, the things AGW science has predicted over the decades keep coming true. That would be why AGW science has such credibility, because it's been so correct for so many years.

In contrast, the denialists don't even have the guts to make any predictions. It's how cults work. They scream a lot about other people, but won't do any work or put their own reputations on the line.

If any denialists disagree that they're cult members, they should simply list some things that would disprove denialism. I've asked before. And never gotten any responses. Because denialism is pseudoscience, and one of the hallmarks of pseudoscience is that nothing can disprove it in the minds of those who cling to it.
So many 'tard cultists here, all egging each other on to ever-greater heights of 'tarddom. Predfan, peter, skook, kosh, all running from the data and screaming out hysterical political rants. At least it keeps them off the streets.

Unlike denialist cult pseudoscience, AGW science is real science, meaning it can be disproven in many ways. We've listed some before. A cooling earth would be the obvious one. But instead, the things AGW science has predicted over the decades keep coming true. That would be why AGW science has such credibility, because it's been so correct for so many years.

In contrast, the denialists don't even have the guts to make any predictions. It's how cults work. They scream a lot about other people, but won't do any work or put their own reputations on the line.

If any denialists disagree that they're cult members, they should simply list some things that would disprove denialism. I've asked before. And never gotten any responses. Because denialism is pseudoscience, and one of the hallmarks of pseudoscience is that nothing can disprove it in the minds of those who cling to it.

As with most every AGW fanatic, you are wrong in every important respect.

1. Almost nothing they have said has come true. The polar bears are not disappearing, the ice is not going away, sea levels are not rising, and the snow is not gone.
2. We all have made predictions but when there is nothing going on how are we supposed to predict anything more than this: the climate will keep changing". That's all there is to say.
3. I have answered your question as have others I'm sure. What would disprove my skepticism? Two things; 1, if something you predicted actually happened and 2, if you could logically tie it to your religious dogma.

The real question is not if the planet is warming or not, the real question is if humans are the cause or are having any effect. No one has brought forth any evidence that man has anything to do with climate change. That's the reason most of you fanatics only argue the warming question.
1. Almost nothing they have said has come true. The polar bears are not disappearing,

A complicated issue, as no one said the polar bears would all die right now. But they are having problems, as predicted. So, you're making crap up, and the scientists were shown to be correct. Strike one for you.

the ice is not going away, sea levels are not rising,

Completely wrong on your part, to the point of delusion. You don't seem to be remotely familiar with the actual data. That's expected from a cultist. If your cult feeds you nonsense, you instantly believe with all your heart, and you literally don't care about actual data. Strike two.

and the snow is not gone.

And since that wasn't predicted, strike three. Got any other crazy stories about what was supposedly predicted? Just remember that you making crap up about us doesn't make us wrong.

Two things; 1, if something you predicted actually happened and 2, if you could logically tie it to your religious dogma.

So, like I said, you're too cowardly to list any actual hard data that would disprove denialism in your mind, and instead choose to just shriek at the other side. Thanks for proving my point so perfectly. I couldn't have asked for a better example.
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1. Almost nothing they have said has come true. The polar bears are not disappearing,

A complicated issue, as no one said the polar bears would all die right now. But they are having problems, as predicted. So, you're making crap up, and the scientists were shown to be correct. Strike one for you.

the ice is not going away, sea levels are not rising,

Completely wrong on your part, to the point of delusion. You don't seem to be remotely familiar with the actual data. That's expected from a cultist. If your cult feeds you nonsense, you instantly believe with all your heart, and you literally don't care about actual data. Strike two.

and the snow is not gone.

And since that wasn't predicted, strike three. Got any other crazy stories about what was supposedly predicted? Just remember that you making crap up about us doesn't make us wrong.

Two things; 1, if something you predicted actually happened and 2, if you could logically tie it to your religious dogma.

So, like I said, you're too cowardly to list any actual example would disprove denialism in your mind, and instead choose to just shriek at the other side. Thanks for proving my point so perfectly. I couldn't have asked for a better example.

I don't much care what you think, you will never tolerate contradiction of your fanatical beliefs, but in case someone who really wants to know the truth reads this I will respond:

The Polar Bears may be having trouble but it had more to do with human encroachment than global warming.
The ice isn't going away, polar ice advances and retreats all the time and may be advancing in one area and retreating in another, AGW believers cherry pick the data to find retreating ice while ignoring advancing ice elsewhere.
And yes, it was predicted that by 2010 we would have snowless winters.
And thanks for ignoring the fact that I answered the question AGAIN that you claim you cannot get an answer to.

You have exactly zero credibility.
And yes, it was predicted that by 2010 we would have snowless winters.

One guy in England said that. Thus, you claim all scientists said it. In other words, you lie, and feel no shame in doing so. Meaning there's little point in speaking with you, given that you'll just keep making crap up. That's how most denialists work.

And thanks for ignoring the fact that I answered the question AGAIN that you claim you cannot get an answer to.

When you manage to locate your balls, let us know what hard data could disprove denialism in your mind.
Al Gore lied damn it! He promised Manhattan would be under water by now.! But nooooo we still have to put up with the arrogant assholes down here in Florida fucking up traffic!

tapatalk post
And yes, it was predicted that by 2010 we would have snowless winters.

One guy in England said that. Thus, you claim all scientists said it. In other words, you lie, and feel no shame in doing so. Meaning there's little point in speaking with you, given that you'll just keep making crap up. That's how most denialists work.

And thanks for ignoring the fact that I answered the question AGAIN that you claim you cannot get an answer to.

When you manage to locate your balls, let us know what hard data could disprove denialism in your mind.

You've been measured and found wanting. Time for you to take your lies and stupidity elsewhere, but thanks for playing.
Luddly - I agree, winter doesn't disprove global warming. But your buddy's stuck in the ice down in antarctica....correction: Your buddy's stuck in the ice down in antarctica FOR THE SECOND TIME...are in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, which is in the middle of their SUMMER! I believe I saw the headline "Least ice-melt ever recorded in southern hemisphere".

Abraham: Nice chart, but doesn't mean it's accurate. If I showed you a similar chart made by Merck that proved their new $10,000 per day drug kept AIDS at bay, would you believe it?

So , you've said what that has any significance?

Here, I'll help..."Nice chart, but doesn't mean it's accurate. "

You are right. That it is accurate is what makes it accurate. That it is a nice chart just makes it more apparent that your lack of scientific comprehensive can't be helped by making things simple for you.
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1. Almost nothing they have said has come true. The polar bears are not disappearing,

A complicated issue, as no one said the polar bears would all die right now. But they are having problems, as predicted. So, you're making crap up, and the scientists were shown to be correct. Strike one for you.

Completely wrong on your part, to the point of delusion. You don't seem to be remotely familiar with the actual data. That's expected from a cultist. If your cult feeds you nonsense, you instantly believe with all your heart, and you literally don't care about actual data. Strike two.

And since that wasn't predicted, strike three. Got any other crazy stories about what was supposedly predicted? Just remember that you making crap up about us doesn't make us wrong.

Two things; 1, if something you predicted actually happened and 2, if you could logically tie it to your religious dogma.

So, like I said, you're too cowardly to list any actual example would disprove denialism in your mind, and instead choose to just shriek at the other side. Thanks for proving my point so perfectly. I couldn't have asked for a better example.

I don't much care what you think, you will never tolerate contradiction of your fanatical beliefs, but in case someone who really wants to know the truth reads this I will respond:

The Polar Bears may be having trouble but it had more to do with human encroachment than global warming.
The ice isn't going away, polar ice advances and retreats all the time and may be advancing in one area and retreating in another, AGW believers cherry pick the data to find retreating ice while ignoring advancing ice elsewhere.
And yes, it was predicted that by 2010 we would have snowless winters.
And thanks for ignoring the fact that I answered the question AGAIN that you claim you cannot get an answer to.

You have exactly zero credibility.

Oh, wow.. you learned a new phrase, "cherry pick" from reading AWG posts. And you still don't know what it means except, "it's bad".

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