Winter Is Here.What Will OWS Do When They Catch The Flu&Bugs?Demand Free Health-Care?

Oct 10, 2011

Can you just imagine a Typical OWS Protester walking into a very "Clean&Immaculate" medical office in ragged,cold and wet clothing,blowing his nose,feeling like he's 4 feet under,approaching the girl at the window and saying something like, uhm, err, listen dude, uhm,I've been like, living outdoors for 3 weeks now & all of a sudden I totally feel like chit, I think I got some kind of nasty bug or flu or maybe even that Luke Gerigk Blowhiener's disease, or something like that. Anyway, I have no money but Obama promised me free health-care for life, So like, can the doctor see me before I pewk on the rug here?

But of course. The Protesters want everything handed to them. And as cold as it is tonight,let's see how many of them pack it up. Sooner or later they will all get sick, either a cold,cough and then it will only develop into the flu or bronchitis. Then the doctor's offices around them will be a little overwhelmed. And you know they don't have the money to pay for treatment. :cow::cow::eusa_boohoo:
Don't you ever get tired of posting the same ole repetitive nonsense? Yes, we know you hate OWS and wish them the worst. Maybe they'll all freeze to death and then you'll have some new material.
Better yet I'm sure the ACLU will happily provide legal counsel on behalf of those in the park against the Mayor of NY,and the Fire Dept.for removing the heaters and generators thus causing the illnesses.
I'm sure that the liberal court system will find in their favor and award large cash settlements to these folks.

Hey anybody know if John Edwards is available to provide legal counsel...Oh wait he might be a little busy right now.
and yet, here I am still a little too warm in Florida. I was complaining about the 95 degree heat all summer,but now, I wont be complaining until July. By then the OWS will be as forgotten as MC Hammers Career.
i dont think Ed Schultz will talk about how many hundreds of protesters have gone home. i brought this topic up on a similar thread about three weeks ago. and here we are 3 weeks later, it's in the 30's in New York. what are they doing to keep warm? burning logs in their tarps? There has to be a point where it will be too cold to survive, and what are they gonna do when the first blizzard hits and snow removal trucks need to dump the snow into and/or around the park to keep the traffic flowing? maybe they will carve out igloos?
i dont think Ed Schultz will talk about how many hundreds of protesters have gone home. i brought this topic up on a similar thread about three weeks ago. and here we are 3 weeks later, it's in the 30's in New York. what are they doing to keep warm? burning logs in their tarps? There has to be a point where it will be too cold to survive, and what are they gonna do when the first blizzard hits and snow removal trucks need to dump the snow into and/or around the park to keep the traffic flowing? maybe they will carve out igloos?

You've never been to NY, have you?
We seem to be getting about 6 anti OWS threads per day here now. worse than the palin worshippers and their threads were.
well over the last two weeks, two of the leading media stories have been related to OWS and the rise of Herman Cain. Other than that, we have an early winter storm. Next week should be Very Interesting ! Hopefully the winter cold coming into Oakland will calm down tensions. God, if that's how the OWS protesters behave in Oakland, I can't imagine them reacting to a Burger King Order gone wrong. {call 911?}
well over the last two weeks, two of the leading media stories have been related to OWS and the rise of Herman Cain. Other than that, we have an early winter storm. Next week should be Very Interesting ! Hopefully the winter cold coming into Oakland will calm down tensions. God, if that's how the OWS protesters behave in Oakland, I can't imagine them reacting to a Burger King Order gone wrong. {call 911?}

Oakland never gets much colder than 60 degrees, year round.

Can you just imagine a Typical OWS Protester walking into a very "Clean&Immaculate" medical office in ragged,cold and wet clothing,blowing his nose,feeling like he's 4 feet under,approaching the girl at the window and saying something like, uhm, err, listen dude, uhm,I've been like, living outdoors for 3 weeks now & all of a sudden I totally feel like chit, I think I got some kind of nasty bug or flu or maybe even that Luke Gerigk Blowhiener's disease, or something like that. Anyway, I have no money but Obama promised me free health-care for life, So like, can the doctor see me before I pewk on the rug here?

But of course. The Protesters want everything handed to them. And as cold as it is tonight,let's see how many of them pack it up. Sooner or later they will all get sick, either a cold,cough and then it will only develop into the flu or bronchitis. Then the doctor's offices around them will be a little overwhelmed. And you know they don't have the money to pay for treatment. :cow::cow::eusa_boohoo:

What if they only want some soup ?:eusa_eh:
Lanina (if thats how it's spelled) could affect Northern Cally this winter. But what will the OWS locals do when they run out of things to destroy? Can you imagine what would happen to Oakland if Obama loses next year?
Lanina (if thats how it's spelled) could affect Northern Cally this winter. But what will the OWS locals do when they run out of things to destroy? Can you imagine what would happen to Oakland if Obama loses next year?

I would worry about the ones out east more. Most of them are from out of town and were most likely to stupid to think to bring gloves, coats and extra socks. I expect frost bite and exposure injuries that those city's tax payers will have to pick up.
And who will be blamed if/or/when some of the protesters die of the flu? Bush? All of the Tea-Party Congress who are trying to repeal Obama-Care? Why would anyone risk their life/well being,,living outdoors in this freezing weather? and for what? are they all waiting for a $50,000 check?
well over the last two weeks, two of the leading media stories have been related to OWS and the rise of Herman Cain. Other than that, we have an early winter storm. Next week should be Very Interesting ! Hopefully the winter cold coming into Oakland will calm down tensions. God, if that's how the OWS protesters behave in Oakland, I can't imagine them reacting to a Burger King Order gone wrong. {call 911?}

Oakland never gets much colder than 60 degrees, year round.

Not true. The entire Bay area gets down to the 30-40's throughout the winter months. Add in the wind chill factor and it is damn cold there....especially at night.
Well just look at the winter forecast for the rust belt/northeast. If the protesters don't have access to electricity, how will they stay warm? Come January, the Northern United States will feel like the North Pole.
Don't you ever get tired of posting the same ole repetitive nonsense? Yes, we know you hate OWS and wish them the worst. Maybe they'll all freeze to death and then you'll have some new material.

Well, isnt that calling the kettle black:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Unless the protesters are 1/2 Man* 1/2 Eskimo * and 1/2 Polar Bear (or related to Sasquatch), I will give them another 4 weeks till they all say,,,,F****K this SNOW !! Im going home !!!

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