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Wipe Arabic names off the Palestine map

Yo was Mohammed really a pedophile? I seen someone say that in this post several times and another poster said he fucked goats, I studied Islam and thats never been mentioned before.
The origins of "Safed" are unclear, however, Safed is first referenced in the Hebrew Bible.
No, Safed is not mentioned in the Torah.

And, No. there is NO such thing as "the Hebrew Bible".

You Zionists pukes sure love to lie and make up stuff. :eusa_liar: :cuckoo:

"At an altitude of 2,790 feet (850 meters), Safed is Israel's highest town and probably its coldest. Safed did not become an important center of Jewish life until the late 15th and early 16th centuries. It is not mentioned in the Torah and was apparently not settled until Roman times."

Yo was Mohammed really a pedophile? I seen someone say that in this post several times and another poster said he fucked goats, I studied Islam and thats never been mentioned before.

You have books in nursery school?
The origins of "Safed" are unclear, however, Safed is first referenced in the Hebrew Bible.
No, Safed is not mentioned in the Torah.

And, No. there is NO such thing as "the Hebrew Bible".

You Zionists pukes sure love to lie and make up stuff.

Allah is a Zionist, sucker.:lol: No 72 virgins for you, loser:clap2:

Quran 5:20-21...
Remember Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Recall in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.
The origins of "Safed" are unclear, however, Safed is first referenced in the Hebrew Bible.
No, Safed is not mentioned in the Torah.

And, No. there is NO such thing as "the Hebrew Bible".

You Zionists pukes sure love to lie and make up stuff.

Martin Luther King, Jr...
I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

Alexis de Toqueville...
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/River-War-Sir-Winston-Churchill/dp/1598184253/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288411221&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books[/ame]
Yo was Mohammed really a pedophile? I seen someone say that in this post several times and another poster said he fucked goats, I studied Islam and thats never been mentioned before.

You have books in nursery school?


Study a little harder. He married Aisha at age 5 and banged her at age 8. Even during those days banging a 8 year old, when you middle aged is pedophilia,making you a sick fucker!

He was a warlord and mass murdered. He sacked many towns, ordering the killing of every or majority of the residents, including woman and children. He order assassinations of political opponenets and he started the Muslim Caphilates (which waged on well after his death, taking over Persia, Byzantine Empire, Pakistan, Afghanistan, into Europe, across Nothern and Western Africa and even in Spain), which were in fact crusades to conquer the world by the sword (WILL MORE EXTENSIVE AND DEADLY THEN THE CHRISTIAN CRUSADES). Under his lead, his Armies wage a war of conquer and took the entire Middle East. Luckily God took the false prophet before he could push his cult on (too bad his cult members still pushed the Crusades on after Moe's death). But before then he forced conversions, assasinated political opponents, mass-murdered men, women and children, banged a 8 yr old and raped women and forced them to marry him.

Yep he was also a rapist! He took the spoils of war directly! He forced many beautiful women of his sacked towns to marry him and then he raped them.

In the end the false prophet of Mohammad was:
(1) A Warlord
(2) Mass Murder
(3) Child Killer
(4) Rapist
(5) Jingoist
(6) Pedophile
(7) Forced Conversion
(8) A Plain Old Mad Man
He definitely wasn't Jesus!

How Judea and Samaria Became the 'West Bank'

Currently, many journalists refuse to use these terms to describe the hill country south and north of Jerusalem, under the assumption that they are "territorially expansionist terms, resurrected from the time of the Bible by right-wing Jewish settlers and their supporters," while the rightful name of the area is the "West Bank."

In fact, "West Bank" is the politically loaded term, he claims, while Judea and Samaria have been the accepted, neutral designations of these areas until very recently:

"The West Bank" is barely 60 years old. A translation of the Arabic ad-difa’a al-gharbiya, “the West Bank” was a coinage introduced in the early 1950s to denote the area of Palestine west of the Jordan River that was annexed by Transjordan — its name now changed to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan — following its conquest by King Abdullah’s Arab Legion in the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli war. You won’t find it in a single book, atlas or newspaper article before that.

In fact, writes Philologos, those who refuse to refer to Judea and Samaria by their longstanding names are themselves making a political statement, wittingly or unwittingly, by denying that Jews and Christians have a historical connection to these areas

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You have books in nursery school?


Study a little harder. He married Aisha at age 5 and banged her at age 8. Even during those days banging a 8 year old, when you middle aged is pedophilia,making you a sick fucker!

He was a warlord and mass murdered. He sacked many towns, ordering the killing of every or majority of the residents, including woman and children. He order assassinations of political opponenets and he started the Muslim Caphilates (which waged on well after his death, taking over Persia, Byzantine Empire, Pakistan, Afghanistan, into Europe, across Nothern and Western Africa and even in Spain), which were in fact crusades to conquer the world by the sword (WILL MORE EXTENSIVE AND DEADLY THEN THE CHRISTIAN CRUSADES). Under his lead, his Armies wage a war of conquer and took the entire Middle East. Luckily God took the false prophet before he could push his cult on (too bad his cult members still pushed the Crusades on after Moe's death). But before then he forced conversions, assasinated political opponents, mass-murdered men, women and children, banged a 8 yr old and raped women and forced them to marry him.

Yep he was also a rapist! He took the spoils of war directly! He forced many beautiful women of his sacked towns to marry him and then he raped them.

In the end the false prophet of Mohammad was:
(1) A Warlord
(2) Mass Murder
(3) Child Killer
(4) Rapist
(5) Jingoist
(6) Pedophile
(7) Forced Conversion
(8) A Plain Old Mad Man
He definitely wasn't Jesus!

Were Muhammad alive today, he'd be in prison for life
You have books in nursery school?


Study a little harder. He married Aisha at age 5 and banged her at age 8. Even during those days banging a 8 year old, when you middle aged is pedophilia,making you a sick fucker!

He was a warlord and mass murdered. He sacked many towns, ordering the killing of every or majority of the residents, including woman and children. He order assassinations of political opponenets and he started the Muslim Caphilates (which waged on well after his death, taking over Persia, Byzantine Empire, Pakistan, Afghanistan, into Europe, across Nothern and Western Africa and even in Spain), which were in fact crusades to conquer the world by the sword (WILL MORE EXTENSIVE AND DEADLY THEN THE CHRISTIAN CRUSADES). Under his lead, his Armies wage a war of conquer and took the entire Middle East. Luckily God took the false prophet before he could push his cult on (too bad his cult members still pushed the Crusades on after Moe's death). But before then he forced conversions, assasinated political opponents, mass-murdered men, women and children, banged a 8 yr old and raped women and forced them to marry him.

Yep he was also a rapist! He took the spoils of war directly! He forced many beautiful women of his sacked towns to marry him and then he raped them.

In the end the false prophet of Mohammad was:
(1) A Warlord
(2) Mass Murder
(3) Child Killer
(4) Rapist
(5) Jingoist
(6) Pedophile
(7) Forced Conversion
(8) A Plain Old Mad Man
He definitely wasn't Jesus!

You overlooked Muhammad marrying his former daughter in law, Zaynab, which was forbidden in Arabic culture, but, Muhammad conveniently received a revelation from his Allah granting him special dispensation to marry her. Well, first, his son had to divorce his wife so Muhammad could marry her.

Then, there was Safiyah, whom Muhammad slept with the night after murdering her husband and father. Then, he married her.

Muhammad was infamous for assassinating his critics, even female poets. Perhaps, the most horrific such incident was the murder of Asma bint Marwan, a mother of five whom Muhammad had stabbed to death, while breast-feeding her baby. The knife went into her so deeply that it came out the other side and went into the headboard of the bed.

When the assassin returned to inform Muhammad that she was murdered, Muhammad snickered that two rams wouldn't butt their heads over her death.

This is the deranged mad man Muslims call "The Perfect Man" No wonder Muslims are so fucked up.
And, No. there is NO such thing as "the Hebrew Bible".

Really...Most none Jews refer to the Torah as the "Hebrew Bible" what’s the problem? What the hell do you know about it anyway? You’re a useless muslim wacko, islam has not contributed anything of value to the world, its a useless barbarian religion

The history of the city of Safed dates back more than 2,000 years. This was a city occupied during the time when the 2nd Temple of Jerusalem stood, and it is a city that has been continuously occupied by various people and communities throughout the centuries. Check out our articles on the history of Safed and find out more about this interesting and historic city.

Safed is a Jewish city it sure the hell isn't a muslim arab city.

History of Safed
And, No. there is NO such thing as "the Hebrew Bible".

Really...Most none Jews refer to the Torah as the "Hebrew Bible" what’s the problem? What the hell do you know about it anyway? You’re a useless muslim wacko, islam has not contributed anything of value to the world, its a useless barbarian religion

The history of the city of Safed dates back more than 2,000 years. This was a city occupied during the time when the 2nd Temple of Jerusalem stood, and it is a city that has been continuously occupied by various people and communities throughout the centuries. Check out our articles on the history of Safed and find out more about this interesting and historic city.

Safed is a Jewish city it sure the hell isn't a muslim arab city.

History of Safed

Stupid Muslims. Their entire religion was stolen from Judaism. Dumbasses even believe that Jesus and Moses were Muslims. Just one problem: Christ and Moses lived centuries before Muhammad was even born.

FKing losers.
Jewish aliens who came from europe are beginning to modify villages names to hebrew in order to create something new history :eusa_eh:

Hey, shit for brains, didn't the jihadists rename Spain "al Andalus" after invading that country in order to create new history?

Yah, they did.

Haven't Muslims built mosques on the ruins of churches and synagogues and temples, like the Cordoba mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Hagia Sophia, to create new history?

Yah, they did.

See, dumbass, you learn something new each day. :clap2:
The Torah is not the "Hebrew Bible." If there is such a thing, the proper name for it is "Tanakh."

The story of the conquest of Cannan by the Israelites is not in the Torah, but is instead in the book of Joshua.

The Torah is
Genisis ( בראש'ת)
Exodus (שמןת)
Leviticus ('קראן)
Numbers( במדבר )
Deuteronomy (I can't get the darn yid to cooperate when I try to type dbarim)
The Torah is not the "Hebrew Bible." If there is such a thing, the proper name for it is "Tanakh."

The story of the conquest of Cannan by the Israelites is not in the Torah, but is instead in the book of Joshua.

The Torah is
Genisis ( בראש'ת)
Exodus (שמןת)
Leviticus ('קראן)
Numbers( במדבר )
Deuteronomy (I can't get the darn yid to cooperate when I try to type dbarim)

A lot of none Jews refer to the Old Testament the five books of Moses as the "Hebrew bible”. Of course there is no actual Hebrew bible

Hebrew Bible

As compared with the Latin Vulgate, the Hebrew Bible includes the entire Old Testament with the exception of the seven deuterocanonical books, Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, I and II Machabees, and the deuterocanonical portions of Esther (x, 4 to end) and Daniel (iii, 24-90; xiii; xiv). So far as Jewish tradition testifies, these books end passages never belonged to the official Hebrew Bible, though Hebrew was the original language of Ecclesiasticus, most probably also of Baruch and I Machabees, and either Hebrew or the closely allied Aramaic, of Tobias, Judith, and the additions to Esther; also, according to some, the additions to Daniel. Even if several of these books were written in Aramaic, that fact alone would not account for their exclusion from the Hebrew Bible, since lengthy passages of Daniel (ii, 4, to vii, 28) and of Esdras (iv, 7, to vi, 18; vii, 12 to 26) are in that language. The Protestant versions adopt the contents of the Hebrew Bible only.

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Haven't Muslims built mosques on the ruins of churches and synagogues and temples, like the Cordoba mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Hagia Sophia, to create new history?

Yah, they did.

See, dumbass, you learn something new each day. :clap2:

Jewish aliens who came from europe are beginning to modify villages names to hebrew in order to create something new history :eusa_eh:

Hey, shit for brains, didn't the jihadists rename Spain "al Andalus" after invading that country in order to create new history?

Yah, they did.

Haven't Muslims built mosques on the ruins of churches and synagogues and temples, like the Cordoba mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Hagia Sophia, to create new history?

Yah, they did.

See, dumbass, you learn something new each day. :clap2:

they threw mosques on top of every religious structure they took over. but so did christians build churches over every religious structure *they* took over.

The only people who aren't allowed to exercise domain over land under their control are israelis who, for some inexplicable reason, aren't allowed to restore the temple mount.
I understand there is some sort of religious objection by Israelis to building a temple there.

The Muslims have been very bad about this.

But I a pretty sure that when Joshua first got to Mt Moria, he would probably have found a temple to Baal there he would have knocked down.

I was reading a history of the Madeline church in Paris. There was a Jewish church there till one of the kings chased all the jews out in the 1300s. Over the next 500 years they kept trying to build a church there, but never got very far with it. Such a great location too. The church was finally built in 1842
Ask Shlomo Sand, the Professor of French history. :lol:

Haifa is arabic word, so you lie when saying it's hebrew!

Ramallah رام الله which was christian city means God wish in arabic.

Taiba الطيبة means good in arabic.
kafr Kassim كفر قاسم means village of kassim.
Nakab, النقب is the desert in the south means the dry land in arabic.
Beer saba بئر السبع means the well of lion.


LOL. Jews lived in Judea for 2000 years before Arabs.

yep, then then converted to christianism and islam :clap2:
Haifa is arabic word, so you lie when saying it's hebrew!

Ramallah رام الله which was christian city means God wish in arabic.

Taiba الطيبة means good in arabic.
kafr Kassim كفر قاسم means village of kassim.
Nakab, النقب is the desert in the south means the dry land in arabic.
Beer saba بئر السبع means the well of lion.


LOL. Jews lived in Judea for 2000 years before Arabs.

yep, then then converted to christianism and islam :clap2:

Yep, IslamoNazis are invaders , warmongers mass murderers and thieves...
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Allah is a genocider...

Quran 17:16...
When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly.

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