Wipe out iran !!!!!

Yall make me sick.bunch of wilsonians and chamberlains. We let our guard down,appeased,hitler blazed through europe,we let our guard down,appeasement got peatl harbpr,09/11

Suggestion: let's not let our guard down, rather than invading and destroying.
Id sign up again.....like with policy,im not an armchair.I MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

You don't have to sign up for anything, no one is stopping you from going over there and practicing your own Jihad in Iran.

The only thing that is stopping you, is your lack of balls. You can either cowardly sit behind a computer monitor from the comfort of your own home babbling about fighting, or you can go fight.

We see the choice you've made.
Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.

No more excuses...

Wipe out iran !!!!!

You git right on that Sparky! Just toddle your dumb ass back over to Israel and join up.

Tell em all about your big plans. America has no authority to stop Israel from doing anything and it is THIER problem...not ours. Why don't we just ship all you whiny jews over to Israel while we are at it...that way you can blubber to someone who cares.
Obama should have reacted when Iranian people were protesting. Instead he drug his feat but goes in after Qaddafi when he was not a threat to us at all. I think we missed this opportunity
Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.

No more excuses...

Shalom Dickhead:

Wouldn't it be easier for you fuckers to get out of Palestine?

Thousands of Americans will die, our Country is already bankrupt, oil will go up to $10 a gallon, millions of innocent people will die.

So quit acting like a retard and Fuggedaboutit


Take you support the terrorists,btw,that the jews land.
Obama should have reacted when Iranian people were protesting. Instead he drug his feat but goes in after Qaddafi when he was not a threat to us at all. I think we missed this opportunity

Obama reacted in favor of the Lybians when they stopped whining and started shooting back at Guddafis thugs. So far the Iranian population hasn't done shit...and neither has Israel.
Id sign up again.....like with policy,im not an armchair.I MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

You don't have to sign up for anything, no one is stopping you from going over there and practicing your own Jihad in Iran.

The only thing that is stopping you, is your lack of balls. You can either cowardly sit behind a computer monitor from the comfort of your own home babbling about fighting, or you can go fight.

We see the choice you've made.
I make policies,plus ive served,will do again. More balls than you scumbag.
Obama should have reacted when Iranian people were protesting. Instead he drug his feat but goes in after Qaddafi when he was not a threat to us at all. I think we missed this opportunity

If the admin doesnt keep stripping the defense capacity,we can still handle it.
Asshole,ive been to israel,several times....all these people want to do is exist,and they get rocket fired on daily,simply for their faith. THEY ARE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN GOD.

That's a bold face lie. I have been in Israel several times (including on the West Bank) and once a few days prior to Desert Storm. People in Israel are calm and collective. No one is living in fear. Crime is very low in Israel. You would think you were in Western Industrialized nation. We were afraid the first time we went until we got there. Once you get there you see the hype on TV is SO far from reality it's sick. We even went onto the Arab side of Jerusalem. The Muslims Arabs on that side couldn't have been nicer and more respectful. Many asked about Chicago. It's much much different than what appears on TV.

When in Tel Aviv you would think you were in NY. It's an amazing city. The beaches in Israel are secon to none!

I even went to a West Bank settlement (my mother's friend lives there), she lived in plain view of Palestinians there. Yet it felt safe. What we told is they don't bother us and we don't bother them. Most of the homes where built by Palestinian construction companies and workers. They regularly sell stuff to each other. The Arabs attacking Jews and Jews attacking Arabs in the West Bank were so untrue it was amazing.

Israel is not a scary place and the people don't live in fear. It's propaganda on both sides.
Not a lie. Those people are very calm.was there after the assassination of the pm,and two more times,the last twovtrips there were airraid sirens.rocket attackd.
Id sign up again.....like with policy,im not an armchair.I MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

You don't have to sign up for anything, no one is stopping you from going over there and practicing your own Jihad in Iran.

The only thing that is stopping you, is your lack of balls. You can either cowardly sit behind a computer monitor from the comfort of your own home babbling about fighting, or you can go fight.

We see the choice you've made.
I make policies,plus ive served,will do again. More balls than you scumbag.

More balls than me? I served 20 full years ya fucking dirtbag. What did you do, 1 term, get out and then think that makes you "qualified" to speak out about going to war?

You've shown what kind of person you are, a pussy with no brain.
Wipe out iran !!!!!
Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.

No more excuses...
Wipe your ass and go get a job

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Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.

No more excuses...

Boy have you been brainwashed.Israel is the enemy,they are the ones america needs to bomb.their government.:cuckoo:
You don't have to sign up for anything, no one is stopping you from going over there and practicing your own Jihad in Iran.

The only thing that is stopping you, is your lack of balls. You can either cowardly sit behind a computer monitor from the comfort of your own home babbling about fighting, or you can go fight.

We see the choice you've made.
I make policies,plus ive served,will do again. More balls than you scumbag.

More balls than me? I served 20 full years ya fucking dirtbag. What did you do, 1 term, get out and then think that makes you "qualified" to speak out about going to war?

You've shown what kind of person you are, a pussy with no brain.

Youre the gutless.pussy,as a fellow soldier,you should have more balls,soldier,and stand up to the enemy,not suck its dick.
Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.
No more excuses...

Boy have you been brainwashed.Israel is the enemy,they are the ones america needs to bomb.their government.:cuckoo:

Youre a piece of human shit.you are part of the genocide problem with the jews.fuck the lot of you that srandby,and want this holocaust to happen. Probably alqueda supporter.
And pvsi.net,youre just as bad. I dont see a one lib,commie,socalled conservative,except for lovebear,a one,support the jews. Yall are just as bad as those that let hitler conquer europe.
Probably alqueda supporter.
Hey, you, nitwit scum: USA and the ZIONISTS CREATED AND SUPPORTED Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. to fight the "bad russians". do some fucking research you sack of shit. in other words Hussein Obama you. you dick cheney in a bush imbecile. do you even fucking know what the name of Iraqi president is now?
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