Wipe out iran !!!!!

Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.

No more excuses...

Hold it right there. The Persians didn't ask for the Arabs to take over their country with their Shia religion. They are trying to throw them off as we speak. I would Definitely kill off the Ayatollahs and the Shia. As for the PERSIANS, I would give them a chance to convert.
Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.

No more excuses...

Boy have you been brainwashed.Israel is the enemy,they are the ones america needs to bomb.their government.:cuckoo:

You are an idiot. Your forum handle proves that. I don't even think I want to bother with talking to people like you.
Inside Job? Fuck you!
Ihave served,will do again,too. Cant believe how many antisemities exist..do you care iranian warships are in the gulf of mexico,or that the regime leader can freely go to cuba,etc through a piece of our airspace?it is our problem,because theyve already been planning to set off targets here in the US.

Quick question you donut smiling cock smoker, where exactly is the piece of our airspace where the leader of Iran can go freely to Cuba? Do you even understand what airspace is?

As far as the rest of your bullshit, if you DID serve, I doubt that you'd be allowed back in to serve a second term, as I would have no problem believing that you'd been kicked out.

Tell ya what you colon jousting cock monkey, just shut the fuck up, you don't impress, scare, or even interest anyone.
Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.

No more excuses...

Boy have you been brainwashed.Israel is the enemy,they are the ones america needs to bomb.their government.:cuckoo:

You are an idiot. Your forum handle proves that. I don't even think I want to bother with talking to people like you.
Inside Job? Fuck you!

now thats what i call intelligent debate. cursing and ad hominem attacks. bravo good sir
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Its time we stop fucking around with this problem.
israel has been stopped,repeatedly,from defending its people and nation.
hitler tried to wipe out the jews in WWII.
islamics are trying holocaust 2.

No more excuses...

Hold it right there. The Persians didn't ask for the Arabs to take over their country with their Shia religion. They are trying to throw them off as we speak. I would Definitely kill off the Ayatollahs and the Shia. As for the PERSIANS, I would give them a chance to convert.
I agree.snuff the regime and religious leaders,thats what ive been saying.
Ihave served,will do again,too. Cant believe how many antisemities exist..do you care iranian warships are in the gulf of mexico,or that the regime leader can freely go to cuba,etc through a piece of our airspace?it is our problem,because theyve already been planning to set off targets here in the US.

Quick question you donut smiling cock smoker, where exactly is the piece of our airspace where the leader of Iran can go freely to Cuba? Do you even understand what airspace is?
As far as the rest of your bullshit, if you DID serve, I doubt that you'd be allowed back in to serve a second term, as I would have no problem believing that you'd been kicked out.

Tell ya what you colon jousting cock monkey, just shut the fuck up, you don't impress, scare, or even interest anyone.

You should be ashamed,you support the enemy.
Ihave served,will do again,too. Cant believe how many antisemities exist..do you care iranian warships are in the gulf of mexico,or that the regime leader can freely go to cuba,etc through a piece of our airspace?it is our problem,because theyve already been planning to set off targets here in the US.

Quick question you donut smiling cock smoker, where exactly is the piece of our airspace where the leader of Iran can go freely to Cuba? Do you even understand what airspace is?
As far as the rest of your bullshit, if you DID serve, I doubt that you'd be allowed back in to serve a second term, as I would have no problem believing that you'd been kicked out.

Tell ya what you colon jousting cock monkey, just shut the fuck up, you don't impress, scare, or even interest anyone.

You should be ashamed,you support the enemy.

Again.........wanna tell me where the American airspace is that Iran can fly through freely on their way to Cuba?

You're the one that made the bullshit assertion, so answer up.
Ihave served,will do again,too. Cant believe how many antisemities exist..do you care iranian warships are in the gulf of mexico,or that the regime leader can freely go to cuba,etc through a piece of our airspace?it is our problem,because theyve already been planning to set off targets here in the US.

Quick question you donut smiling cock smoker, where exactly is the piece of our airspace where the leader of Iran can go freely to Cuba? Do you even understand what airspace is?
As far as the rest of your bullshit, if you DID serve, I doubt that you'd be allowed back in to serve a second term, as I would have no problem believing that you'd been kicked out.

Tell ya what you colon jousting cock monkey, just shut the fuck up, you don't impress, scare, or even interest anyone.

You should be ashamed,you support the enemy.

Why don't you zionist scumbags get Obama to create a Talmudist Reservation in Arizona and get the fuck out of Palestine?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Ihave served,will do again,too. Cant believe how many antisemities exist..do you care iranian warships are in the gulf of mexico,or that the regime leader can freely go to cuba,etc through a piece of our airspace?it is our problem,because theyve already been planning to set off targets here in the US.

Quick question you donut smiling cock smoker, where exactly is the piece of our airspace where the leader of Iran can go freely to Cuba? Do you even understand what airspace is?
As far as the rest of your bullshit, if you DID serve, I doubt that you'd be allowed back in to serve a second term, as I would have no problem believing that you'd been kicked out.

Tell ya what you colon jousting cock monkey, just shut the fuck up, you don't impress, scare, or even interest anyone.

You should be ashamed,you support the enemy.

I don't see anyone on here supporting you.
Yall are proterrorists except a few,and that land is israels belongs to the jews.

Then get over there and save the land and save the jews, insteading of sitting on your fat ass in a computer chair trying to convince everyone you aren't a pussy.
Ihave served,will do again,too. Cant believe how many antisemities exist..do you care iranian warships are in the gulf of mexico,or that the regime leader can freely go to cuba,etc through a piece of our airspace?it is our problem,because theyve already been planning to set off targets here in the US.

The problem with you and the reaction your getting is you said wipe out Iran! Not too many people are going to support that. Not even a person like myself who consider himself an Israel support!

First, there are many very good Iranian people not just aboard but in Iran herself. Did you see the Greens take to the street? Much different than the Arab Spring. These were people identifying against radical Islam (but I am not delussional to think they aren't antiIsrael).

Second, wiping out Iran would require either a long drawn-out, costly and bloody ground invasion. Not happening and any President that authorized that after the Iraq War would be foolish. Or a US preemptive nuclear strike. That isn't happening either nor should it. Both would make me take to the streets protesting against my government!

Third, if you meant take out their nuclear capacities, you will find support for that. Hell from above like in Kosovo or Libya has a proven record of WINNING! Whether you like that Kosovo was formed or not (I don't like it) Clintons death from above worked. Whether you like the decision to take out Gaddiff or who is taking over in Libya you have to admit Obama's strategy of death from above worked GREAT!

Fourth, consider the implications of an attack on Iran's nuclear capabilities. Militarily they aren't a threat to America or even Israel. The reasons:
(1) No Airforce: Their airforce would get shredded by Israel's within days. It's small and outdated.
(2) No Allies: Syria isn't going to dick at this point. ASSSad has issues of his own and the Sunnis seeking to take over hate the Shias in charge in Tehran. Hezbollah isn't either without Assad's assistance. Hamas doesn't want to risk another Cast Lead. So no one on Israel's border will attack. Any attack will have to come from Iran.
(3) Iran's Missile Paper Dragon: Iran's missiles capabilities that they keep screaming about that will make Israel a fireball is a paper dragon. First, those missiles will have to travel some distance and will be detected. There will be no sneak attack all eyes will be in the sky. Israel will be ready for them. Israel has some of the best missile defenses in the world. Some will get through and cause damage and Israelis will die, but not many. It will be like a bitch slap. Might anger you, but not causing much damage, not knocking you out or even down and you are fine seconds later.
(4) Iran's Navy: Iran's navy is shit. Even if it wanted to take to the waters to fight Israel it would have to pass through the US and UK navy. Not a good move.
(5) Iranian Troops stuck at home: Iran's main advantage is it's sizable population. Ground troops are useless if they can't get to the battle-ground. They will be stuck in Iran!

Nope militarily Iran's response would be a paper dragon. HOWEVER, it's economic one would be disasterous. For the record it scares the hell out of me! Believe it or not but they could close the Straits of Hormus. At the very least they could disrupt ships leaving the area. They could try to move their navy in and call Obama's bluff, but more likely is they would unleash under water mines!

AT THE VERY LEAST OIL PRICES WOULD SKY ROCKET!!! Not sure what gas costs for you at the moment, but it's close to $4 in Chicago! That is already too high. Imagine if shipments from the Straits are disrupted. Gas could shoot up to $6-$7 overnight. Depending how long shipments are stopped it could go to $10. An increase like that could put America into a Depression (REGARDLESS OF WHO IS PRESIDENT)!

Blow the war horn all you want, but think the consequences!

Not to mention who knows what Russia and China would do.
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Iran has never started a military conflict in its entire history as a country.
Hitler was put into power by Jewish banking families.
In 1967, Israel purposely attacked an American ship and blamed it on the Arabs.
A Jewish newspaper recently reported that murdering Barack Obama would be a smart move.
Israel was made a state through the fear-mongering and violence towards peaceful Palestinians.
The state of Israel was not a Jewish idea, but rather was a Freemasonry conquest carried out with British funds.
Judaism ended because Jesus Christ is the Jewish messiah.
On December 19th, 1348, Jewish doctors designed a super-virus and put it into european water wells causing the black plague which killed 25 million people.
Just because you're Jewish, does not make you "chosen".
Israel recently murdered an innocent Iranian scientist.
The MOSSAD is the worst terrorist organization in this galaxy.


Why does America support this country who does nothing for us?
Why is Israel allowed to have 200 nukes and Iran gets to have none?
Why do Jewish people reject Jesus and the New testament?
Why are American police forces being trained by the Israeli military?
Why doesn't America consider the MOSSAD a terrorist organization?
Why did America completely ignore the fact that Israel attacked us in 1967?
Why are we about to let Israel drag us into a war with Iran?
Ghook93,i never,ever said the populous. Wiping out the regime,and religious leaders,yes. Whats strange,is the regime is trying to threaten saudi arabia,,having a warship parked there. Also,if anything happens,saudis pledge to make up deficits in oil,and until we overturn the law,and start drilling ourselves,that works.
Ghook93,i never,ever said the populous. Wiping out the regime,and religious leaders,yes. Whats strange,is the regime is trying to threaten saudi arabia,,having a warship parked there. Also,if anything happens,saudis pledge to make up deficits in oil,and until we overturn the law,and start drilling ourselves,that works.

Are you sure you served in the military, because your tactics SUCK.

What were you, a 4 year E-3 who never made it out of the Deck division?
at least i didnt,nor ever kissed the enemies cock like you probably did. Have some balls,man.a real soldier doesnt appease the enemy. You kill it,and the regime is threatening the jewish population,our nation,and has their own people in bondage.

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