Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Highlights from Explosive “Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States”

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
More information is being released after the Obama judge ruled in favor of True The Vote today. Now the criminals can be targeted in these states after over 3 years.

So now what happens?

Republicans whine about voter fraud, and democrats say there was no voter fraud.

Same shit, different day.

As long as Trump keeps lying about an election he lost we’re going to keep denying the election was fraudulent.

That’s because the only people in the entire world who think that Trump won are members of his cult.
Same shit, different day.
As long as Trump keeps lying about an election he lost we’re going to keep denying the election was fraudulent.
That’s because the only people in the entire world who think that Trump won are members of his cult.
Read the OP link and then post something that makes sense. You just type lies over and over.
Read the OP link and then post something that makes sense. You just type lies over and over.

The left has no need to lie because the facts and reality conform to our beliefs. Everything you’ve been told by right wing media for the past 40 years has been a lie.

If Republicans told you that they are going to cut taxes and crash the economy and impoverish working Americans, no one would ever vote for them except billionaires wanting the tax cuts.

Right wing media is owned by billionaires who will tell you anything to get those tax cuts, even if it does crash the economy because they don’t suffer when the economy crashes, you do.

Just a mere fact that you call everything that I’m posting ally shows. What a gullible idiot you are.

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