Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors due to fraud

Nope, sure did not. But you already knew that and you choose to lie anyhow
Hey why does someone with a screen name Golfing Gator never play golf...we know you never play because you are always on the board....
You voted for Biden you liar...any vote not for Trump was a vote for Joe the wrecking ball from hell....you are stupid...really stupid....

And the folks on the other side tell me any vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump.

You sheep are all the same.
Hey why does someone with a screen name Golfing Gator never play golf...we know you never play because you are always on the board....

It is 9 degrees out with a windchill of -2, not really golfing weather you moron.
LOL.....Given the clown show that they now own they might feel some remorse. Likely not but hope springs eternal. ;)
Kinda brings an all new meaning to the Way Obama
was All Hopped-up over his Platform of Hope & Change.
Eventually modifying into - Lean Forward -.
I doubt these Democrat sick puppies even know what
- let sleeping dogs lie -. means. Because they've never met
a Lie they couldn't resist.Nor a dog they could pet like a
normal Human { Like a Boy Scout.Or Altar boy.A kid with
a paper route.}
No wonder Biden has this fixation over Ice Cream cones.
THE Only part time Job Obama EVER held was working a few
weekends at a Baskin-Robbins.
It is 9 degrees out with a windchill of -2, not really golfing weather you moron.
You never play in the summer either...what? too hot for ya snowflake?....Buuuuaaahahahahahahahaha
We played in the snow last week....
And the folks on the other side tell me any vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump.

You sheep are all the same.
Yer material really sucks.If you were getting paid by the word
they'd { those who pay for Columns } would have to go back
to use of the Half-pence.Or Half-penny as Henry David Thoreau
wrote about when paying for building supplies when he
constructed his small but strudy cabin at Waldon Pond.
Shut up Biden voting dumbshit....
Gee I don't knowed bout dat.I did see Joe and Dr,Jill
go and vote in 2020.I had no idea'r that Joe wrote in
his name as choice.I wonder if he putz down Joe
dumbshit or Mr.Dumbshit.
Maybe just Dumbshits.
yeah. I can walk 9 holes in less than 2 hours after work. My home course is a 9 hole American Legion course that is also the one I am a member of
I walk 18 four times a week...so if Trump runs in 24 will you vote for Joe?...again.....or have you had enough?....
up hill both ways in the snow right? :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I cannot vote for Joe again as I did not vote for Joe the first time. Not even when he was the VP.

Do try and keep up
You are a liar...if you are ashamed of your vote maybe you shouldn't be voting....
I walk 18 four times a week...so if Trump runs in 24 will you vote for Joe?...again.....or have you had enough?....
Not in the USA currently.This happens to be the middle
of Winter.Maybe in California if one is forced to buy a
Golf Course approved Mask with some Gavin Newsom
little logo.

Guns take lives. No way this idiot move by sycophantic brain dead followers of the Traitor in any effect Mr. Biden. He won Wisconsin, you people need to accept that and move on.

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