Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors due to fraud

You morons are awfully entertaining. What’s even more hilarious is that you don’t mind bringing down democracy over your fantasies. Keep up the joke.
I gave you the link to the Wisc State site. It has the official numbers. They are no where close to what Ramthun claims

The Wisconsin State Representative is either a liar or an idiot, or maybe both.

The WEC is corrupt as 10 day old spilled fuck. Please don't give me any more links to liars and thieves.
The WEC is corrupt as 10 day old spilled fuck. Please don't give me any more links to liars and thieves.

Typical, facts and data trigger you. All you care about are your feelings.
Typical, facts and data trigger you. All you care about are your feelings.

"Trigger" is a word we conservatives use to describe the knee-jerk rections of you wacky liberals.

Please refrain from appropriating our words and get some of you own.
"Trigger" is a word we conservatives use to describe the knee-jerk rections of you wacky liberals.

Please refrain from appropriating our words and get some of you own.

The word fits you sheep from both sides. It fit perfectly in this case.

You never question what your party masters tell you, that is why you are triggered so. Some guy you never even heard of before says something and you blindly believe it despite it is only his words and he offers no proof at all. You are given the actual numbers from the very site the guy quoted and you still deny the truth.

What fun!
The word fits you sheep from both sides. It fit perfectly in this case.

You never question what your party masters tell you, that is why you are triggered so. Some guy you never even heard of before says something and you blindly believe it despite it is only his words and he offers no proof at all. You are given the actual numbers from the very site the guy quoted and you still deny the truth.

What fun!

Of course, there you go again with that "both sides" claptrap. Why don't you just come out of the closet and say you're a Manchin Democrat?
Of course, there you go again with that "both sides" claptrap. Why don't you just come out of the closet and say you're a Manchin Democrat?

Why would I lie? Then I would be like you and that would not do.
At least I know who I support and honestly admit it.. You're all over the place, bub.

You are correct, I am all over the place as I support nobody, and instead just to with the facts and the data. It is a good feeling not to have to ignore the truth because the people I support said it was so. I cannot imagine what it is like to be you and have to go "well, I can see the facts, but my party masters told me something different so I have to go with them and ignore the facts.".

What a shitty way to live, but as I have said in the past it seems to make you happy, so more power to you
Why do some keep saying this nonsense. I expect it from the CNN/MSLSD crowd, but not our own.
Well, GP used to be about like the national inquirer but over the last year or so they have been about like the "Alex Jones was right jar" but they could relapse at any moment....Hence the disclaimer. ;)
Nothing will come of it. The democrats have no fear of laws.
Likely so given the hurtles it must overcome but it gives the dems heartburn because the voters in WI will be reminded yet again of the shady dealing that went on in 2020.
I recall that Wisconsin { Basically a Democrat state }
was some what of an outlier when it came to explaining
a lot of votes that surely did not appear Kosher.
meaning something was Fishy with the way Wisconsin
handled vote counting and rules.Like Philly,Detroit
and Atlanta.Where there's little question some Fix was
in.It takes time to uncover how Election Tampering was
acheived.Like in the 1960 J.F.K./Nixon battle.
Where Dirty-run Chicago gave it their best try.
To Steal an Election " Fair & Square " - Murray Chotiner.
The Fantastic Book - The Jungle - { 1906 } by
Upton Sinclair is a must read as far as understanding how
Corrupt Chicago was.Aldermans's were basically at the mercy of outright Payola.Votes were openly bought/traded.
Bums were used to go from Precinct to Precinct and
vote.Making like 2 bits for each fraudulent vote.
Bars had Plenty of Free Eats { nice food } on hand.
Likely so given the hurtles it must overcome but it gives the dems heartburn because the voters in WI will be reminded yet again of the shady dealing that went on in 2020.
Don't short change Wisconson,just yet.Look what
mountains Scott Walker had to traverse in order to
make headway in a State facing malfeasance.
Walker almost single handedly saved Wisconsin.
I mean,those Drat Democrats were such Punks they
even fled the State in order miss voting ... On Purpose.
Likely so given the hurtles it must overcome but it gives the dems heartburn because the voters in WI will be reminded yet again of the shady dealing that went on in 2020.

Or perhaps the voters will be reminded of the GOP trying to steal their votes and change the legal outcome of an election.
All those 124 year old voters that registered in 1918 are going to be pissed.....Oh wait, I was assured by a leftist here that it was just a glitch in the matrix. ;)
Jesus, you folks really will believe anything. Even insane Trump knows this.

Democracy under assault by neo fascism.
Or perhaps the voters will be reminded of the GOP trying to steal their votes and change the legal outcome of an election.

That's what the Democrats have said after every election of a Republican since GW.

That will also be what they'll say after 2024, just watch.
Or perhaps the voters will be reminded of the GOP trying to steal their votes and change the legal outcome of an election.
No, I figure it will give rise to even more questions about election integrity in WI as this is something that their representatives are pushing forward, not the dubious/self-serving "Kraken Crowd" that rolled-up in their state before.

That and as it will be a slow burn type of thing that will give the dems plenty of time to act all crazy and even further alienate swing voters but at the same time bump-up the gop percentages in the red counties. It's the perfect storm really. ;)

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