Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

Yeah, yeah, yeah... Walker took over a budget boondoggle, made some structural changes and now the state is running a surplus and it is all a fluke.

Got it.


Wisconsin's recovery is nothing more than part of the nation's recovery.

And as you and the rest of the inmates are quick to remind us...

...Obama owns the economy now.

Therefore he owns the Wisconsin economy. Your praise for Walker is being heaped on the guy who is not the owner.


wow...just wow.

now obama is not only president, but he governs individual states.


is there nothing you will not heap praise on obama for and not give credit to a republican for? my good lord, walker gets no credit, but obama gets the credit for wisconsin's surplus.


So you cut more than a billion dollars from education and suddenly, you have a billion dollar surplus? Only a tard would want credit for something so stupid.
Wisconsin's recovery is nothing more than part of the nation's recovery.

And as you and the rest of the inmates are quick to remind us...

...Obama owns the economy now.

Therefore he owns the Wisconsin economy. Your praise for Walker is being heaped on the guy who is not the owner.


wow...just wow.

now obama is not only president, but he governs individual states.


is there nothing you will not heap praise on obama for and not give credit to a republican for? my good lord, walker gets no credit, but obama gets the credit for wisconsin's surplus.


So you cut more than a billion dollars from education and suddenly, you have a billion dollar surplus? Only a tard would want credit for something so stupid.

and it worked. brown also had to make cuts in CA. you can't keep spending when you don't have the money to spend. i know that frustrates liberals like you.
I blame Bush but he had help. And I blame Obama for letting the crooks get away.

Blame Bush for starting the fire, blame Obama for adding fuel to it.

Adding fuel? How?

In time economists will establish what really happened with this recession but IMO it is already pretty clear. I will provide a short history.

There was a trend that started in the 70's where US labor started slowly losing the great advantage it built in the post WW2 era. This was in part due to the rise of economies in Europe and Japan. The USD became very important for these growing economies and the oil rich nations.

The late 70's and early 80's are marked by a failure of the Federal Reserve and the implementation of aggressive Keynesian economic policies under Reagan which were also blended with tax breaks for the rich and wealthy.

The US economy left the 80's dependent on debt and this dependence was growing for both the government and household spending. This debt was fueled by foreign nations which benefited from the access to the US consumer market. Under Clinton the US made aggressive moves towards "free trade" which ended up being anything but. The US dependence on foreign debt and foreign products grew as debt levels and wage stagnation reached a tipping point.

The recession around 9/11 resulted in aggressive policies by both the Federal Reserve and the Federal Government. The economy seemed to have improved but the labor market wasn't really improving and it started to become clear that long term investments into US production were no longer being made like they were in the past. Instead capital flowed towards artificially boosting consumption.

This was also doomed to failures as once again our financial institutions proved to everyone that they need to be properly regulated.
Wow, that was like 90% wrong. It ignores the oil boom, the 1973 recession, the failure of the S&Ls, the Kennedy tax cuts of the 1960s, the big inflation of the late 1970s, and a host of other economic happenings.
But have it your way.
Libs don't want the suplus to go back to the people?
Isn't more money in the hands of the people a good thing.
It is when it's UE checks... Obama says it creates jobs.
But not not for the people of Wisconsin...
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Kind of depends.

How much more will Wisconsin's schools suck because they are underfunded.

Who said they were underfunded?

Libs will never feel we spend enough... for anything
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Wisconsin's recovery is nothing more than part of the nation's recovery.

And as you and the rest of the inmates are quick to remind us...

...Obama owns the economy now.

Therefore he owns the Wisconsin economy. Your praise for Walker is being heaped on the guy who is not the owner.


wow...just wow.

now obama is not only president, but he governs individual states.


is there nothing you will not heap praise on obama for and not give credit to a republican for? my good lord, walker gets no credit, but obama gets the credit for wisconsin's surplus.


So you cut more than a billion dollars from education and suddenly, you have a billion dollar surplus? Only a tard would want credit for something so stupid.

2013 268.941 5.743 18.73 g
2014 281.588 5.761 19.18


Spending on Education increased you stupid fuck.
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Wow, that was like 90% wrong. It ignores the oil boom, the 1973 recession, the failure of the S&Ls, the Kennedy tax cuts of the 1960s, the big inflation of the late 1970s, and a host of other economic happenings.
But have it your way.

It also ignores going of the gold standard, borrowing from SSI, the boom created with Bank of Americard, MasterCard, American Express and then Discovery.
The move of a car payment to 10 years. Lenders lending 125% of a home value. The dot com bust, the 9/11 debacle.

To over simplify how we got to the current mess will doom us to repeat this mess in the near future. Hard lessons need to be learned and the laws of economics obeyed.
For people not see beyond Obama, Bush, Clinton and Reagan is simply stupid.

Of course, the liberals on this site, are very simple minded.
Translation: Don't confuse me with the facts.
The plea of the classic low information voter.

Guy, you aren't presenting facts.

You are trying to lie with charts.

The thing is, the economy went south in 2008, when that idiot Bush, after 8 years of letting Wall Street run amok and bleeding money on wars we had no business fighting, finally had enough.

I mean, I don't know where you were in the OUghts, but no one I know of remembers it as "Good times".

LOL! So now charts are not facts but lies? I love it. Anything that contradicts your world view cannot by definition be a fact. The classic low information pose.

It's easy to lie with Chart. For instance, you can make 2005 look not quite as sucky if you leave out anything before 2001 when Bush came along and fucked everything up.

So what if 2005 was less sucky than 2002 or 2008, it was nowhere near as good as 1998 when the worst thing we had to worry about was whether the President was lying about a blow job.
Amazing stupid fuck liberals still talking after Walker made them look even more stupid, digging a hole comes to mind.
I only read the first 6 or 7 pages of this thread. I got that far because I wanted to see if the Left Wing Loons would be able to refute what looks really good for the policies Scott Walker implemented in Wisconsin.

They didn't lay a glove on him. Here is about the best they could do:

"But frankly, Walker is probably going to implode just like Christie did."

It was a rout for Jeffersonian values.

And the Left-Loons brought out their most prolific Government Union and Socialist Scolds.
Guy, you aren't presenting facts.

You are trying to lie with charts.

The thing is, the economy went south in 2008, when that idiot Bush, after 8 years of letting Wall Street run amok and bleeding money on wars we had no business fighting, finally had enough.

I mean, I don't know where you were in the OUghts, but no one I know of remembers it as "Good times".

LOL! So now charts are not facts but lies? I love it. Anything that contradicts your world view cannot by definition be a fact. The classic low information pose.

It's easy to lie with Chart. For instance, you can make 2005 look not quite as sucky if you leave out anything before 2001 when Bush came along and fucked everything up.

So what if 2005 was less sucky than 2002 or 2008, it was nowhere near as good as 1998 when the worst thing we had to worry about was whether the President was lying about a blow job.
If 2005 was sucky then 2013 has been sheer disaster.
I only read the first 6 or 7 pages of this thread. I got that far because I wanted to see if the Left Wing Loons would be able to refute what looks really good for the policies Scott Walker implemented in Wisconsin.

They didn't lay a glove on him. Here is about the best they could do:

"But frankly, Walker is probably going to implode just like Christie did."

It was a rout for Jeffersonian values.

And the Left-Loons brought out their most prolific Government Union and Socialist Scolds.

It was no big deal. Every state experienced surpluses. Walker's policies made no difference.
Yeah, I know. Sour grapes, right?
If a state DOESN"T have a surplus today, there's something wrong. Miss chose not to expand Medicaid because it'd cost the state 500 billion a year, and we have a 400 billion surplus. LOL

Walker certainly cut the pay of the public sector, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, and I read the Univ of Wisc hid money in it's budget, so there's no public support to increase higher ed funding. Still, one cannot argue that educ funding is the most important thing a state govt can do to attract more jobs, and the biggest welfare to work boost is "giving" working poor single moms support for child care. I dunno about Wisconsin, but bushii't tax cut was debt debacle.

As for BushII and the credit meltdown and resulting recession, "The econ got drunk and now it's got a hangover" - W.

Hey stupid. You don't have a surplus.

Mississippi debt:
2012: $38,278,314,000
2013: $37,822,052,000
Mississippi lawmakers approved a FY2013 General Fund budget of $5.54 billion.

Unless you have some magic fairy dust money machine in Mississippi you sure as fuck don't have a 400 billion dollar surplus.

Looks like Bryant is working on it though so someday maybe.
I only read the first 6 or 7 pages of this thread. I got that far because I wanted to see if the Left Wing Loons would be able to refute what looks really good for the policies Scott Walker implemented in Wisconsin.

They didn't lay a glove on him. Here is about the best they could do:

"But frankly, Walker is probably going to implode just like Christie did."

It was a rout for Jeffersonian values.

And the Left-Loons brought out their most prolific Government Union and Socialist Scolds.

It was no big deal. Every state experienced surpluses. Walker's policies made no difference.
Yeah, I know. Sour grapes, right?
Not in Tennessee.

2012: $35,239,489,000
2013: $34,243,421,000

Getting better but I wouldn't be looking for that refund in the mail.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

how many years before they have a debt crisis?

Here's the fucking amazing thing about living within your means. You never reach a debt crisis. Shocking I know.

Wisconsin will have a debt crisis next time they elect a democrat governor.

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