Wisconsin GOP really screwing the Wisconsin electorate. B@lls deep.



Have you seen the lines in Wisconsin? People waiting for hours and hours to vote. Republicans, being anti American and hating democracy in this country have created onerous laws.

If you have an out of state picture ID and a university picture ID, you can't vote. It's not enough. The out of state picture ID proves you are an American citizen. The University picture ID proves you are paying good money to go to school in Wisconsin and are a current resident. Is that good enough? No way. Because, according Republicans, students have no integrity. They are criminals in disguise and will vote illegally. That's what Republicans think of university students.

I had an aunt whose birth certificate was in a county courthouse that burned down and she had no birth certificate. Republicans would keep everyone whose birth certificates were in that court house from voting.

Watched one young father with two kids who finally gave up and went home. The baby and the daughter just couldn't take it any more.

Republicans are really fucking over that state. Good and deep. So anti American. Worse, Republicans couldn't find a single case of voter fraud in Wisconsin. But we knew that. They voted for Scott Walker twice. They must like the sex.

And how is Scott Walking doing as governor?

Wisconsin job creation rank falls to 38th in U.S.
Among its peer states in the Midwest, Wisconsin tied with Iowa for last place. Both states created private-sector jobs at a 1.16% rate.

Wisconsin 'dead last' in the Midwest in creating jobs?

Enjoy Wisconsin. You seem to like it!
Republicans, being anti American and hating democracy in this country .

according Republicans, students have no integrity. They are criminals That's what Republicans think of university students.
Always fun to see the liberal losers squalling like scalded cats as their candidates circle the drain, making up lies as fast as they can about Republicans, to keep the conversation off their own failures.

This always happens when they are staring losing in the face and can't find a way to avoid it.

This year, it's been happening to Democrats a LOT.
There are no long lines to vote in Wisconsin either...

Wisconsin is projected to have its highest turnout in a presidential primary since 1980, but that hasn't translated into problems at the polls.

The state elections board projects turnout at 40 percent of eligible voters.

Board spokesman Mike Haas says clerks around the state had reported a busy pace but manageable lines throughout the day. The state is holding just its second election since voters were required to show photo identification, and Haas says his office hadn't heard of any major issues.

Neil Albrecht, executive director of Milwaukee's election commission, said wait times in the state's largest city didn't exceed 30 minutes even during peak voting. Albrecht estimated the city would have four to five times the same-day voter registration it had for the primary four years ago.

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