Wisconsin Judge Rules Ballot Drop Boxes Used in 2020 Election Were Illegal

no that's not what i said and no i won't play your games.

anyone who setup those boxes - IF ILLEGAL - prosecute and move on.

The judge ruled them illegal as of now. Does that mean that those that set them up prior to the ruling broke the law?

I do not think that is what it means.
The judge ruled them illegal as of now. Does that mean that those that set them up prior to the ruling broke the law?

I do not think that is what it means.
if they were legal at the time, then not much anyone can do. i *do* strongly feel that a lot of liberties were taken in how the laws were changed FOR THE CRISIS, but that is another matter that may never get undone. however, if anyone did do something illegal in regard to ballot harvesting, drop boxes, and the like, prosecute. this isn't complex. we just all seem to want to make it that way.

in the end all i am saying is *if* anyone did anything *illegal* at the time you must prosecute those who did something illegal in setting this up. those who simply followed rules they were given can't be "guilty" if they were doing whatever "todays" rules were.
i shouldn't have to object to a ballot drop box that by definition was already illegal. while we can't separate the votes at this point, we can prosecute those who went around or broke the law.

do that and it will discourage people from breaking the law again.
“By definition” nonsense. There’s no definition that declares them illegal.

But hey, criminal prosecutions for the political opposition based on policy disagreements. Nothing authoritarian about that.
I’m not justifying any law breaking. I’m just trying to prevent some assholes from taking away the votes of citizens who did nothing wrong.

The objection to ballot drop boxes is merely technical. It’s like passing a law that you have to sign ballots with a blue pen and throwing out everything with black ink. It’s meaningless other than to give an opportunity to the jerks who want to disregard the votes from people who they think voted wrong.

Funny, when I did my refi, they required we sign with blue pens so the original could easily be distinguished from photo copies. It would make sense to require ballots be signed with a blue pen.

And the people that used the drop boxes did so in good faith based on what they were told. Thus it would be wrong to disenfranchise them even if there were some way to tell which ballots came from the drop boxes, which there is not

Perhaps some used them in good faith, I can't say the boxes were established in good faith. And what did you fail to understand about the law being enforced going forward?

What law? Please point to the law banning drop boxes.

Thank you.

Read the fucking OP again, there were only two legal ways to return mail in ballots, drop boxes wasn't one of them.

What law? Please point to the law banning drop boxes.

Thank you.
WI. has a law about who can return a ballot and how many to an election official. Was there an election official at every drop box? You lose, moron. Every day more proof the election was stolen and no one is stopping until it is proven. There is PROOF the laws were broken. That means the election in those states never should have been certified.
WI. has a law about who can return a ballot and how many to an election official. Was there an election official at every drop box? You lose, moron. Every day more proof the election was stolen and no one is stopping until it is proven. There is PROOF the laws were broken. That means the election in those states never should have been certified.
You need to check your household water for lead.
“By definition” nonsense. There’s no definition that declares them illegal.

But hey, criminal prosecutions for the political opposition based on policy disagreements. Nothing authoritarian about that.
no. the democrats do it all the time.
Can't I collect votes from everyone in my neighborhood and turn in only the ones I like?

“The guidance from the Wisconsin Elections Commission on absentee ballot drop boxes was unlawful. There are just two legal methods to cast an absentee ballot in Wisconsin: through the mail or in-person at a clerk’s office. And voters must return their own ballots,” commented WILL Deputy Counsel Luke Berg. “We are pleased the court made this clear, providing Wisconsin voters with certainty for forthcoming elections.”

You mean the practice that Republicans endorsed? Murphy’s Law: How Absentee Ballot Boxes Became Illegal What's it going to be losers? You were for them when you won, but now that you aren't winning, it becomes illegal. LOL! Just more voter suppression.
You need to admit the laws broken enabled fraud.
How exactly were they broken, when this action was endorsed by Republicans? Answer, because you aren't winning. Had Trump won, we would have never heard of drop off boxes.
The state law says they are illegal. Illegality is not partisan. Next.
So, do we need a recount then? Now that they magically become illegal, because you lost, but wouldn't hear a peep from anyone had they won?

We should do a recount of 2016 with all the illegal voter purges that were handed out to voters.

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