Wisconsin Lawmaker Moves To Decertify 2020 Election

And THAT is why nothing will happen and why, even though NOBODY (including you) actually believes the 2020 presidential election was legit, any efforts to do anything about it will be ignored, except maybe a war.
The election was legit. There have been MANY efforts to change the election. They have failed because they lack legitimate basis.
The nuttier they are the more the Trump base loves them even though they anti-constitution and anti-democracy. The reign of Trump is over, the people fired him and the sore losers are trying to shred our entire electoral in order to reinstal the monster.
Can't really reinstall, probably, though who knows ----

We'll have to re-elect him. That'll work. He'll have to spend a lot of time fixing all the awful things Biden messed up; it's such a pity.
What do you think has been going on in AZ, PA, GA, and WI for the past year?

Just because those who have something to hide keep throwing sand in the gears, doesn't mean that nothing is being done.
The most important fact, IMO, is that the people are rapidly losing faith in the system. We don't believe the elections are honest anymore, many of us; and it is becoming apparent to many that the whole failed Covid thing was lies, lies, and more lies.

I've been reading about Rome and people losing faith that their system of government WORKS -------------

Tends to lead to a radically different system of government. And it sure did then.
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Can't really reinstall, probably, though who knows ----

We'll have to re-elect him. That'll work. He'll have to spend a lot of time fixing all the awful things Biden messed up; it's such a pity.
I like the idea of Trump getting elected to congress and then being voted house speaker after repubs take the house.
Then elect Desantis as potus.
That would be something, eh?
I like the idea of Trump getting elected to congress and then being voted house speaker after repubs take the house.
Then elect Desantis as potus.
That would be something, eh?
Yeah, that would be so FUN! Weirdo history types like me would be reading about it for a thousand years. Two thousand.
Can't really reinstall, probably, though who knows ----

We'll have to re-elect him. That'll work. He'll have to spend a lot of time fixing all the awful things Biden messed up; it's such a pity.

Honestly, he is the one to do it though. He has no problem digging right in, firing anyone he needs to. If anyone can turn shit around without taking forever and just do what needs to be done it's him. He could set things right for the next president which hopefully would be desantis.
Waste of time.

Nobody seriously believes the 2020 presidential election was legitimate, not even the biggest koolaid-drinking Biden homer, but most people do not seriously believe anything will ever be done about it, so...waste of time.
part of me feels that way but par t of me believes there are still Americans in Congress... though few

who care about.. i dunno... America being America..
Will they have success this time? I sure hope so, and I really admire their persistance.

Gross. You delusional freaks are trying to end our democracy.
And as it just so happens she is both.
You are obsessed with me, following me around with your snarky little posts. Grow up, you act like an overgrown Jr High drop out.
And this forum's solution would be to have the ability to ignore all trolls. Staff member or not. It's not going to happen though, but the only reason Coyote came to this thread is to troll it because she's pissed off at me. It's obvious that there isn't a huge chance of the election isn't going to be decertified and she has to be a bitch and point that out when it's something most of us already know to try and destroy our hopes. NOT HAPPENING THOUGH!!!
Grow up.
You are obsessed with me, following me around with your snarky little posts.

You're the one who keeps posting and reacting in my topics. You're the one who's following me around.
You're the one who keeps posting and reacting in my topics. You're the one who's following me around.
When you post a topic that is interesting, anyone can post in it, you do realize that? So grow up. I was having a good convo with Toob (not you) and it was on topic.

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