Wisconsin Lawmaker Moves To Decertify 2020 Election

Downvoting sockpuppet troll starts new account to follow Coyote around... accuse Coyote of following her around... sounds about right...

I'm not a sock.

When you post a topic that is interesting, anyone can post in it, you do realize that? So grow up. I was having a good convo with Toob (not you) and it was on topic.

I never said that, I was just saying that you keep following me to my topics, so I'm going to react to the bullshit you say because it's my right to just like I react to everybody else in this topic on whether I agree with them or not.
Oh yeah and for the record I'm trying to mind my own business and ignore her, but Coyote is the one who is obsessed with me. I didn't tag her to this thread. :rolleyes:
Apparently we aren’t allowed to post in your threads if you don’t tag us. Grow up. :rolleyes:
Apparently we aren’t allowed to post in your threads if you don’t tag us. Grow up. :rolleyes:

And that's you again putting words into my mouth. Ahhh,.. looks like I do have the ability to report you even though I can't ignore you hallelujah!! You're in trouble now you troll, not like I haven't already discussed this with another mod already, but now they'll really see how much of a troll you actually are.
And that's you again putting words into my mouth. Ahhh,.. looks like I do have the ability to report you even though I can't ignore you hallelujah!! You're in trouble now you troll, not like I haven't already discussed this with another mod already, but now they'll really see how much of a troll you actually are.
You can report anyone, and we mods can not ignore you.
You can report anyone, and we mods can not ignore you.

Well you were just reported so I apologize everybody else let's get back to the subject at hand and let the other staff members deal with her. I apologize that you have to put up with this crap as she has had a habit of derailing and trolling my topics lately.
So far as I know, no federal judge anywhere has ruled that the 2020 presidential election in any state was fraudulent to the point where the results should be decertified. Evidence appears to exist but has yet to be validated in a court of law, and until that happens there will be no decertification, nor should there be. I'm not even sure any federal or state judge even has the grounds or authority to do that, there has to be a legal basis upon which a judge can base his/her ruling for a decertification, and I do not know if such a legal basis exists in any state Constitution. It is certainly not there in the US Constitution, nor as far as I know in any federal or state statue.

A judge may at some point rule that a person(s) broke state law (maybe even federal law) during that election and face criminal charges and punishment, but does that rise to the conclusion that the election results were fraudulent to the extent that requires decertification? Upon what metric does a judge do that, any judge? Judges are not supposed to make up the laws, that's called judicial activism and that contradicts the separation of powers upon which our gov't exists. I do not see that as happening; a state legislature may declare that election to be fraudulent in their state, they can do that. But if they were to decertify that election, then that's another story. It would surely wind up in court as it should, so where in that state's Constitution can they base their decertification on? Constitutions at the federal and state levels are written to enumerate what the gov't can do, and if it ain't in there then they can't do it unless a court says they can (see Row v Wade).

I think that the states may indeed pass legislation regarding future elections and possible decertification. For now though, no basis exists for that action (decert) and frankly no evidence exists (IMHO) that will stand up in a court of law as sufficient proof that the election was fraudulent of the point of decertifying it. I think it's reasonable to believe that fraud did indeed take place and that it was not insignificant. BUT - as yet there has been no lawsuit in court where a judge rules a decertification is warranted. I say that as a person who voted for Trump, but according to the laws of the land he lost.

So, fix the state laws to try to eliminate or reduce fraud. If people broke the law then charge and give them a trial and see where it goes. Maybe even lay the groundwork in a state(s) to decertify an election if certain stringent parameters are met, cuz we don't need to go through this shit again. But do it legally, with the force of law. Prove it.
Some states are doing that, including a move allowing partisan state legislatures to overturn an election if they “feel” it was fraudulant, and replace it with their own slate of electors. That means such claims could have no merit and would not have tested in the courts. That is very disturbing.
Nobody seriously believes the 2020 presidential election was legitimate, not even the biggest koolaid-drinking Biden homer, but most people do not seriously believe anything will ever be done about it, so...waste of time.

You could not have stated the larger issues and truth more succinctly.
We won’t. States can “decertify” until the cows come home. Biden stays president. “Decertify” is meaningless. It doesn’t exist. It’s not a thing.
Of course it does, decertify means the electoral votes allocated to Biden should be taken away, and if there is enough to bring Biden below 270, then we are in unchartered waters and the beginnings of a civil war. They may burn down more Democrat run states and cities, but I don’t think it will happen in a red state.
I do and I do not even like Biden.

I, unlike most people, have looked at almost all the "evidence" against the election, it is lacking to put it mildly.
I think the issue is symbolic. Like the birth certificate. People didn't REALLY think Obama was a Kenyan, they thought he was inappropriate for the presidency.

Same deal here. The problem is that the elections have been problematic for a long time ---- no voter ID so dead people and illegals can vote, boxes of "spare" ballots can be pulled out from under tables in Dem cities. Now in come several more ways to cheat, such as the mail-in votes, the ballots mailed to everyone including my daughter who hasn't lived here for 20 years, and finally the possibly hackable Dominion voting machines.

We can't trust these elections and we are saying so in a simple way: that Trump actually won but Biden stole the election. It's a way to stay loud and try to make a change. It does need cleaning up.
The nuttier they are the more the Trump base loves them even though they anti-constitution and anti-democracy. The reign of Trump is over, the people fired him and the sore losers are trying to shred our entire electoral in order to reinstal the monster.
The trump Nazis have been fooled, and have been fools for decades.

With the invention of FOX Noise, these fools were given a new style of televangelism. One that fed their political bigotry, just as old-style televangelists fed their religious bigotry.

Rupert Murdoch, that foreign fat-cat that gave today's trump Nazis FOX Noise's many political televangelists, recently told their orange-tinted cult leader to, "move on and get over his 2020 loss."

The trump Nazis would also do well to look ahead to the 2022 Mid-term Elections. Given the many loony candidates determined to end our democracy the trumpublicans will offer up next year, the trump Nazis' dream of a fascist state, and the reinstatement of their cheeto-in-chief is little more than a year away.

Their cheeto-in-chief's reinstatement will not be as president, but as führer, which will have the trump Nazis goose-stepping in parades across the nation long before 2024, making that election cycle obsolete.

(More good news for the trump Nazis, "moderate" Democrats across these not-United States will be voting for those same loony trumpublican candidates.)


The nuttier they are the more the Trump base loves them even though they anti-constitution and anti-democracy. The reign of Trump is over, the people fired him and the sore losers are trying to shred our entire electoral in order to reinstal the monster.
What a fucking hypocrite troll,only one that is anti constituion and anti democracy is you commie loving Biden lovers.yeah trump is anti constitution fir being the first president sense carter not to start wars and bring more jobs to the country than any president in 60 years,yeah real anti constituion alright,grow the fuck up.
Pay no attention to her. She's been trolling my threads ever since I found out who she truly is. Typical liberal behavior.
Yep she is a stalker of you,she hates people telling the truth thst trump is the most constitutional patriot of a president sense our last great president we had kennedy which is why the elite took him out for thst reason,sucks you can’t put mods on ignore.
And that's you again putting words into my mouth. Ahhh,.. looks like I do have the ability to report you even though I can't ignore you hallelujah!! You're in trouble now you troll, not like I haven't already discussed this with another mod already, but now they'll really see how much of a troll you actually are.
Best thing to do,is ignore trollgirl,don’t take her bait.
Yep she is a stalker of you,she hates people telling the truth thst trump is the most constitutional patriot of a president sense our last great president we had kenhedy which is why the elite took him out fir thatvreason,sucks you can’t put mods on ignore.

Ikr? And then she starts lying and saying I'm obsessed with her and following her around when I call her out on it. I still reported her for trolling though.
What a fucking hypocrite troll,only one that is anti constituion and anti democracy is you commie loving Biden lovers.yeah trump is anti constitution fir being the first president sense carter not to start wars and bring more jobs to the country than any president in 60 years,yeah real anti constituion alright,grow the fuck up.
Ikr? And then she starts lying and saying I'm obsessed with her and following her around when I call her out on it. I still reported her for trolling though.
Case in point. How many posts have you made about me now? I’ve lost count. :rolleyes:
Ikr? And then she starts lying and saying I'm obsessed with her and following her around when I call her out on it. I still reported her for trolling though.
I know,trollgirl coyote has exposed it she is the one obsessed with you with her stalking of you.I don’t know if the report will do any good though for mods,I think they just put it there to make it look like you can do something about troll mods like her,a friend of mine was once stalked by a firmer mod here,nothing was done about him when he was reported so don’t expect much.

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